-ActionScript 3.0 :: Error - Implicit Coercion Of A Value Of Type Stage
Jan 22, 2010I have this class (.as file)
But I got this error
implicit coercion of a value of type stage
I have this class (.as file)
But I got this error
implicit coercion of a value of type stage
im making a game and i have occured a problem.i have a hits text on the screen and every time a enemys bullet hits me it decrases by 1.and i wanna make that when it gets to 0 my ship explodes.
package com.asgamer.basics1
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]............
i get this error 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type int to an unrelated type String.
I have a dynamic text field on the stage, instance name contentLength. I get this error: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.text.TextField;
var mcHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
mcHolder.width = 200;
contentLength.text = mcHolder.width;
Basically plots a dot wherever you click. Getting the error 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type Function.
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class particle extends MovieClip { //private var _xmouse:Number; //private var _ymouse:Number; private var mc1:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); private var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); private var mc3:MovieClip = new[code].....
1067 Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String. Why does this erroror come up in this code:
const PHI:Number = 1.61803;const PHISON:Number = .61803
var n1:Number=Number(a_txt.text)var n2:Number=Number(b_txt.text)
calculat_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cbac);
function cbac (evt:MouseEvent):void{b_txt.text = n1 * PHI;}
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
I very new to AS. I'm getting an error with the below code: gotoAndPlay("scene2", 1); Error: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type int to an unrelated type String. Go I want to do at this point is jump to 'scene2' when the time line hits a certain frame on scene1. Is this the correct way of doing it,
View 4 Repliesi have a algorithm from javascript i would like to use in AS3 but get an error:Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 81067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.
var a = [34, 203, 3, 746, 200, 984, 198, 764, 9];
function mergeSort(arr)
This is my Document Class
package BowerPower.Startup{
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
I have a movieclip in the library exported for actionscript. With a Class: Preloader. The Bace Class: flash.display.MovieClip.
My problem is I get the error: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
error 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.
my code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
I get this error when compiling an AS3/Flex project: Error 1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type HRPeople I've clearly declared dataHR_A to be of class HRPeople, and I've initialized all of the arrays inside the HRPeople.as file. Not sure why I'm getting this error.
I have this code, and in the end, where I am trying to removeChild(ball) I get an error:
I get the error message. Doing like tuts said. package { import flash.events.*; // rememeber to import all flash libraries or the ERROR will come up with "TYPE" does not exist etc.
I'm basically having the following error: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type void to an unrelated type Array. In relation to the event listener that calls 'Backdrop'. Backdrop is a public function in another class, but it does still recognise Backdrop as a function.
new to Flash and working on a school assignment and don't understand the error in yellow below. Below is the code snippets of two function involved
Implicit coercion of a value of type fl.controls:ComboBox to an unrelated type XMLList.
for (var i:int = 0; i < menuArray.length; i++) {
var currentIndex:MovieClip = this["menuButton" + i]
currentIndex.menuButtonTxt.text = menuArray[i];
So when I did this the problem that I am having is that it throws an error at compile time. 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type void to an unrelated type Function.
var result:int;
if(observerButton.selected == true)
result = assignMemberAsObserverToEvent(dataGrid.selectedItem.id_event,dataGrid2.selectedItem.id_person,assignmentDescription.text);
else if(adminButton == true)
There is error on two assign function calls.
The error is: Description Resource Path Location Type
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type void to an unrelated type int. AssignUser.mxml /pui2/src line 149 Flex Problem
Here their declarations:
protected function assignMemberAsAdministratorToEvent(id_person:String, id_event:String, description:String):void
assignMemberAsAdministratorToEventResult.token = actions.assignMemberAsAdministratorToEvent(id_person, id_event, description);
I've created a textfield which I want to hold the time that is left of a flv being played. I also created a timer which will see to it that it gets updated.[code]However, when i try to compile i get this error message:"1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.
View 2 RepliesI constantly get:Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type lash.display.BitmapData.var ba:ByteArray = jpg.encode(BitmapData);This is my code from where it tells me it's wrong"
ActionScript Code:
var jpg:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
var ba:ByteArray = jpg.encode(BitmapData);
Solved 1067 - Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type flash - text
View 3 Replies1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.geom:Rectangle.I got this error coming from the bold words when I tried to use this AS2 code in my AS3 stage. I'm currently trying to convent an AS2 printing of DataGrid to AS3. [code].....
View 3 RepliesThese are my errors: in Adobe Flash CS5.5
I don't understand why this script doesn't work. I am new to Action Script 3.0 and I watched this incomplete video on youtube. -- [URL] and I got the fails below.
I'm in the beginning stages of trying to understand AS3.Flash is outputting these two errors:1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type Function.1120: Access of undefined property event_obj.
my_cb.addItem({data:1, label:"First Item"});
my_cb.addItem({data:2, label:"Second Item"});
my_cb.addItem({data:3, label:"Third Item"});
var time1:Number;
time1 = (rs1 * steppermin) / 1440;
ps1.text = time1.toString();
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type mx.controls:TextArea to an unrelated type Number.
I am building little games never anything too big. I'm having fun. I'm getting the following error message 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
It's got to do with the varObject variable I pass into the hitTestObject (at the end of the code) a. I exported the moveclip for actionscript and gave it an instance name so what's the problem???
So for instance, I've got three .as files called 'Helicopter.as, Game.as, Blue.as'
and I also have a .fla file called Helicopter.fla (These files are all suppose to link together, to make the helicopter game) . In the Game.as file, I have the following;
Flash doesn't recognise the original Helicopter symbol (in the Helicopter.fla file, because I deleted it). But I want the system to detect the 'circle' drawn using API (In the Helicopter.as file). And I have no idea how to how to name the API drawn circle 'Helicopter', thus I'm getting an error. So how do I name the API circle to 'Helicopter', so the Game.as file recognises it.
Im confused, I passed a matrix datatype into the this.graphics.beginBitmapFill(); and i get Implicit coercion of a value of type. below is my code.
I keep getting the following error msg below I would be very happy if some knows the solution to this: Error Msg: 1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.events:Event Object A dispatches Event as:
Error 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type flash.text:TextField.
stop( );
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(e:Event): void {
var total: Number = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
var loaded: Number = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
bar_mc.scaleX = loaded/total;
loader_txt = Math.floor( (loaded/total)*100)+ "%";
if (total == loaded) {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
Within my movieclip WinLose I'm getting an error for a movieclip on stage called mcRestart. When it's pressed it's suppose to trigger function Restart. But for some reason, it's giving me the: "TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@4f4ff99 to flash.display.MovieClip. at WinLose/frame1()"