ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swf's With Transitions
Sep 17, 2004
[URL] for smooth transitions between externally loaded swf's. I've search for such an in depth tutorial all over the net and was unable to find any until I came across yours. I need to modify the code however to suit the need of the current site I am working on. My site contains background images ans a button loads an external swf in an empty movie clip ontop of these images. The cliemt would like the end user to have the option of collapsing the box that is laoded to allow the full backgroung image to be seen. I am having troubles modifying the script. Any suggestions? Here is the link to the website asit currently exists. [URL] The "x" that appears in the top right hand corner needs to collapse the box, preferribly with the same animation sequence.
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Oct 26, 2009
getting my loaded swf files to play the "out" transition before the next movie loads. I have a main swf with 5 buttons (movie clips) that load external swf onto the stage.
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code].....
The loaded swf has a stop() an intro animation and on the last frame have. dispatchEvent(new Event("removeMe", true));
View 14 Replies
Sep 17, 2004
I need to modify the code however to suit the need of the current site I am working on. My site contains background images ans a button loads an external swf in an empty movie clip ontop of these images. The cliemt would like the end user to have the option of collapsing the box that is laoded to allow the full backgroung image to be seen. I am having troubles modifying the script. Any suggestions? Here is the link to the website asit currently exists. [URL] The "x" that appears in the top right hand corner needs to collapse the box, preferribly with the same animation sequence.
View 4 Replies
Apr 1, 2004
I've been using Claudio's tutorial titled "Preloader & Transitions for Dynamic Files" and everything is working okay except for one minor detail. First off, what i am doing is loading external SWF headers on my site. Each of these headers are animated. Once the Transition Shutter Mask closes and loads the next header, it starts playing the external header animation immediately rather than waiting for the Transition Shutter Mask to fully open and then start playing the animation.
So as a result, users are missing the beginning parts of each animation. Also, I noticed that after I uploaded it to test the preloading, I missed more of the Header Animations due to the loading time difference. This means that I can not just insert the exact amount of blank frames, in which the shutter takes to close, to the beginning of each header animation.
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Dec 31, 2004
how to do this and it works to a certain degree. i have the main choices which then lead to a submenu which is an external swf, then the buttons located in these submenus load other swf's as content. for one section i want to experiment with transitions. i cant get the outro portion to work. the swf loads the way it supposed to but when i load the next swf the other one simply disappears. theres 2 empty movieclips in which the submenu's and content that get load into. for the buttons its _root.whole.buttons and _root.whole.main for the content.
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Apr 26, 2004
[URL]..the opening squence i suppose it's all just movie tweens between files, but how is this thing done, when you click a button, the middle screen/part of the site, has a transition effect, loads, and there is a new page! i know how to do the transitions, and the loading bar, but how do i exactly tell my button, where to load an external movie file!...
basically, i want it when somone goes to the site, the while site opens, there are transition effects, and three different movies open at three different spots on the site...just like it happens at when you enter their site, they got the main window, and the botton right and left windows!
View 8 Replies
Dec 31, 2004
I found the tutorial about how to do this and it works to a certain degree. i have the main choices which then lead to a submenu which is an external swf, then the buttons located in these submenus load other swf's as content. for one section i want to experiment with transitions. i cant get the outro portion to work. the swf loads the way it supposed to but when i load the next swf the other one simply disappears. theres 2 empty movieclips in which the submenu's and content that get load into .. for the buttons its _root.whole.buttons and _root.whole.main for the content.
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Apr 26, 2004
[URL]the opening squence i suppose it's all just movie tweens between files, but how is this thing done, when you click a button, the middle screen/part of the site, has a transition effect, loads, and there is a new page! i know how to do the transitions, and the loading bar, but how do i exactly tell my button, where to load an external movie file!...
basically, i want it when somone goes to the site, the while site opens, there are transition effects, and three different movies open at three different spots on the site...just like it happens at when you enter their site, they got the main window, and the botton right and left windows!
View 8 Replies
Aug 15, 2006
[URL]theres the link for the turorial. my questions is, how can i use movieclips instead of using buttons. i thought it would be simple enough to create a movieclip, add the on release as to it and done, but it doesn't work. i also converted the file to flash 8 btw.
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May 19, 2008
Is there an updated version to this tutorial? I'm specifically trying to apply the technique, but using a tween engine (tweenlite) as well as MovieClipLoader.Or perhaps there's a newer, more efficient way to load swf's with transitions?
View 2 Replies
Jan 30, 2009
I read the tutorial about transitions between external swfs and started implementing it! So as a good and ordonate guy that I am, I put the index.html in the root, created a style folder for the style and a folder for the swfs. I was struggling about one hour to find out why it wouldn't work, to find out that if I move the html inside with the swfs, being in the same directory, it worked fine!
View 3 Replies
Feb 10, 2009
I am using Flash CS3 AS2 I have a main movie into which several external swfs are loaded. Two of these swfs are left_menu and middle_menu. I would like these to be able to talk to each other. When the 'home' button is pressed on 'left menu' I would like 'middle_menu' to go to a certain frame and play out. I have had a look at the tutorial which differs a bit and I'm a little confused (very new to actionscript!). I have put on by 'home' button if 'left menu':
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Oct 14, 2010
trying to have slideshowish thing, loading images with transitions. I have this code for first image, what I need to load next images..
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Jul 7, 2009
I've worked on this for a week with no success. I have a main index.swf with a nav menu loading external swfs into a movieclip for each section. I would like to simply fade out the loaded swfs into the new one, in the same moviclip. I don't know if this is possible because upon loading the new swf's they wipe away the loaded swf completely. I've tried
contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete); event listeners to make the loaded swf fade after the new one is completed but same deal, the loaded swf is wiped clean and I can't get a fade transition between the two. My code:
View 6 Replies
Aug 14, 2005
I followed your tutorial on transitions. And its working really great. But...what if I want to link the content in the transition? I want to link it to an other swf. I tried to change the path but It's not working because im a beginner.
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Nov 18, 2005
[URL]is there a way to instead of having an outro animation for your movieclip, make it reverse the whole timeline to the start and THEN load the next external swf? [URL]
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Oct 3, 2006
Great tutorial, works excellent. My only issue is how to do this on multiple levels? I'm trying to get an external swf open within an external swf. I know this probably isn't necessary but it does keep the site easily managed and very dynamic. It works on the main swf, and if i test it on the the linked page it works as well, just not together. I orginally thought that maybe it was the conflicting container names/variables so I made sure to change those. Maybe the solution would be to use a common container?
Please download my sample fla here: [URL] (note, not all linked swf's are included, just enough to get the point across. The issue is with the sub-menu within "Information").
To see an online version: [URL]
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Apr 21, 2007
I am using this scripting for my website. [URL] I have used it on other websites successfully, but the website I'm working on now is a little more complicated and the scripting is not working correctly.
Before I had simple buttons on the root level, but now I have complex rollover buttons in side movieclips playing on the root level. When I go to test the site in Flash 8, it works fine, but then when i publish the files and open it in a browser, it is not loading the external swfs into the main swf. All the files are in the same folder as the main swf and I am not using any other folders. attaching and transitioning of external swfs?
View 5 Replies
Nov 1, 2007
implemented the swfaddress script [URL].. or something similar that they would be willing to share???
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Feb 2, 2009
I am trying to convert the source in this tutorial from AS1 to AS3 [URL] i think i am doing good but i am missing something.the AS3 code is:
//Load Sec1
var requestDefSec1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("section1.swf");
var loadDefSec:Loader = new Loader();
View 2 Replies
Oct 9, 2004
I'm constructing a site for a friend and had already completed a basic button menu and used you transitions tutorial to get it to work. its works great and thank you!!
I, however, am always ambitious and decided to try doing the same thing with an XML menu.
here's what they look like:
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Dec 30, 2004
What if at the midframe of section1.swf it loads scene 2 of section1.swf.....Now if the section2 button is pressed, how can it go back to scene1 of section1.swf to finish the outro transition?
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May 20, 2008
i need insert the main movie, into a mc, but the code is no functional, why? how fixed the code?
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Apr 1, 2004
I've been using Claudio's tutorial titled "Preloader & Transitions for Dynamic Files" and everything is working okay except for one minor detail.
First off, what i am doing is loading external SWF headers on my site. Each of these headers are animated.
Once the Transition Shutter Mask closes and loads the next header, it starts playing the external header animation immediately rather than waiting for the Transition Shutter Mask to fully open and then start playing the animation.
So as a result, users are missing the beginning parts of each animation.
Also, I noticed that after I uploaded it to test the preloading, I missed more of the Header Animations due to the loading time difference. This means that I can not just insert the exact amount of blank frames, in which the shutter takes to close, to the beginning of each header animation.
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Mar 16, 2005
okay, this is driving me crazy. i used this tutorial: [URL] for creating transisitons between diffrent swfs. i have it set up exactly how the tutoral shows me, and i changed the necessary AS to the buttons that i have, as well as the contianer MC. but for som odd reason, when i press a diffrent button from one thing to another, the swf that comes through is still the first one.
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Sep 2, 2006
[URL]regarding this tutorial I started my site [URL] to get some trasition effects but im getting somewhat different since the external SWFs take time to load. isn't it better to create "intro and outro" on the same time line instead of loading external SWFs bcos once the movie loaded as a whole will lead to smooth and contineous transitions.
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Sep 2, 2010
I would like to play out a movie that has been loaded (if it has been loaded) when another button is clicked.
It is my understanding, I can do this by adding AS to the SWF file at the point I want to play it out (labeled "init_out") and variables to my base file.
btn_CN plays a transitional animation ("init_in") which changes the base of the scene.
Once btn_GD or btn_IL has been clicked btn_CN needs to play ("init_out") in an external swf to return the scene so they can play their movies, which are also external.
My second problem is (on a different button), I have a loaded Movie Clip which unloads itself, but once it is unloaded I would like it to show another (internal) and/or a static page.
This is a transitional animation which plays and it does not go to another scene, but shows a different "flat" of the file which contains buttons returning one back to the main scene.
Though it's exeternal I'm not opposed to having that movieclip remain up as long as I'd be able to have it click and return back to the main menu section.
Summary: btn_CT needs to both load an external SWF, unload said SWF, and arrive at mc_CT.
View 7 Replies
Aug 27, 2009
I was just working on this tutorial: [URL]
It seems to work fine when I uploaded it to my testing site. It loads the correct swf and I can click on my menu link (the only other functional button with the action scripting) to go to another swf and it transitions correctly. Here is the problem:
After clicking on the menu link and trying to click back on the home link (containing the same swf as what initially loads) to redisplay the first swf, nothing happens. Then the menu button is unfunctional after that as well.
I've been pulling my hair out trying to get transitions sequences between externally loading swf's in my flash site.
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Aug 7, 2009
Previously I've done all the monkeywork by hand on the timeline, but now I need to make an automated slideshow for an image portfolio that collects pictures from an external folder (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc...) so I can just upload variants of the image without having to change the flash file each time.
I'm also hoping to include fading transitions and an easy way to change the amount of time each image is on screen.
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Oct 26, 2009
I need help getting my loaded swf files to play the "out" transition before the next movie loads. I have a main swf with 5 buttons (movie clips) that load external swf onto the stage.[code]The loaded swf has a stop() an intro animation and on the last frame have.dispatchEvent(new Event("removeMe", true));
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