ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Dynamically Parse Xml
May 31, 2008
I'm trying to get my head around parsing this xml structure dynamically so that I don't have to know which elements have children in advance of parsing the xml.Here's the structure:
<item name="portfolio">
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Code: Select all//Create new Loader Instance
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//Create the Notifier Event
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<content>blah blah blah</content>
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May 1, 2009
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05/01/2009 02:14:59 Ad Package Bonus in amount of 4.
05/01/2009 02:14:59 Ad Package acquired in amount of 16.
04/30/2009 11:05:37 Ad Package Bonus in amount of 2.
04/30/2009 11:05:37 Ad Package acquired in amount of 11.
That I can have a button that will ad up the numbers on the right side
So the solution would be: 33
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Mar 11, 2010
Here is my XML layout:
Actionscript Code:
<xml> <seriesA> <chart_form> <total_return>75.41%</total_return> </chart_form> </seriesA></xml>
I usually do this:
Actionscript Code:
function ParseSeriesData(seriesInput:XML):void { stats.htmlText = seriesInput.seriesA.chart_form.total_return;}
But I want to do something like this:
Actionscript Code:
var mynode:String = "seriesA";function ParseSeriesData(seriesInput:XML):void { stats.htmlText = seriesInput.mynode.chart_form.total_return;}
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Jul 17, 2010
I've been putting together a script to parse twitter feeds via xml, add the html code to link any hyperlinks in the post and throw each resulting post into one of two textareas (box0 & box1). Unfortunatly it is printing all 3 (the amount so far posted) posts into each text box. How to fix this code to
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function checkWord(word:String):String {
if(word.indexOf("http:") == 0) {
// This word starts with "http:" at index 0 (the beginning of the word)
// Wrap it in html href (anchor) tags:
return "<a href='" + word + "'>" + word + "</a>";
[Code] .....
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Jan 19, 2009
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Aug 27, 2009
I've modified a flash movie that displays images in a slider control. When the user mouses over the image I display a tooltip. The problem is I cannot figure out how to parse the Description(desc) out of the image tag in XML to display as the tooltip text. Heres what I want the image tag to look like:[code]In the actionScript how could I simply parse out the description to pass in as the tooltip text?
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