ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie Jpeg Loads Locally But Not Online?

Sep 2, 2004

i have an empty movie clip on the stage that loads an external jpeg. on my computer, i have the jpegs in the same folder as the swf/fla file. i had it load:


i uploaded it with the swf in the same directory as the rest of the jpegs, but they didn't load. then i changed the "attention_MED.jpg" to [URL] and it still wouldn't load.and yes, i made sure the jpegs aren't progressive. the weird thing is, they load fine when i'm testing the swf on my computer. they just don't work after i've uploaded them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie Jpeg Loads Locally, But Not Online?

Sep 2, 2004

so i have an empty movie clip on the stage that loads an external jpeg. on my computer, i have the jpegs in the same folder as the swf/fla file. i had it load:


i uploaded it with the swf in the same directory as the rest of the jpegs, but they didn't load. then i changed the "attention_MED.jpg" to and it still wouldn't load.

and yes, i made sure the jpegs aren't progressive. the weird thing is, they load fine when i'm testing the swf on my computer. they just don't work after i've uploaded them? i don't know what to do!

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IDE :: Xml Loads Locally But Not Online?

Dec 5, 2009

Im trying to load xml files on another domain on mine. This code works locally but not when i post it to my server. The url im trying to load http:[url]....


function parse() {
xmlData2 = new XML();
xmlData2.ignoreWhite = true;[code].....

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IDE :: Flash - Loads XML URL Images Locally, Not Online?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a flash project that uses an XML doc for data. The URL's in the XML load fine locally, but when published and placed online, they do not load. Is a policy file needed? If so, how do you do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Load Locally But Not Online

Dec 5, 2009

Im trying to load xml files on another domain on mine. This code works locally but not when i post it to my server. Can you explain what im doing wrong?[code]

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Html :: Swf Plays Locally But Not Online?

Dec 22, 2011

i have a swf: Adjusting__Age.swf. and what happens is that if i run it locale it works:


but if i sun it online or even in my localhost it doesnt appear:


here is my code:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="512" height="384" id="training-video"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Plays Locally But Not Online

Sep 20, 2010

I have a main swf that loads several child swfs on different frames. The swfs load into an empty moviclip on the stage. When the timelines on a frame, I have code on that frame that says [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Works Locally But Not Online?

Jan 25, 2010

Swf generated by class (shown below) brings in the noponies as3 accordion which all works ok locally. But when I put it online nothing is shown. I think it's something to do with the xml files but not too sure

package courseClasses{
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Works Locally But Not Online?

Jan 25, 2010

Swf generated by class (shown below) brings in the noponies as3 accordion which all works ok locally. But when I put it online nothing is shown. I think it's something to do with the xml files but not too sure.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 WebService Returns Value Locally But Not Online

Jun 2, 2010

I am targeting Flash Player 7.I have created a call to a webService that retrieves the result Hello World, however, the value is only retrieved and displayed when viewed locally, when viewed online I get nothing.The embed and object script both have 'allowscriptaccess always' and the webservice is in the same domain.So I created a cross domain policy document just in case the web service resides on a different domain.URL...[code]Still works locally but a value is still not retrieved when viewed online.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Flash Works Locally But Not Online?

Aug 11, 2010

I made (or copied) this XML 3d Carousel: [URL]

I changed some settings, just what I needed like stage size, thumbnail size and so it doesn't spin too fast when mouse rolls over.

I replaced the images with my own, so I have like four now spinning around. It works fine when I hit Ctrl + Enter to test my movie and aswell the carousel.html works in the browser.

I uploaded all files (four images named c_img(number).png, carousel.xml, carousel.swf and the AC_RunActiveContent.js) all in the same folder to my website through FileZilla but the god damn movie doesn't work on the web. It just shows the background so it must be the images are not loading in correctly, but I can't find what's wrong. I've checked the file paths and they are correct, I don't use any cross-domains. Honestly I can't find the problem, it works on the tutorial site so why not on mine? I basically just copied all, nothing more.

I did notice a strange thing though. If I write the direct address in the browser address field [URL] so it loads in full screen, the image carousel shows but very far outside to the right of the screen. I used Firebug and changed the size of the flash movie so I could see far beyond, it's very f'ed up..

Direct link to it: [URL]

If you have Firebug, use it and change the size of the flash and you'll see the carousel to the right of the screen, outside the main flash content area. :/

View 5 Replies

Swf File Won't Show Up Online But Works Locally?

Oct 16, 2009

i have a flash (swf) file
i embedded it in an html page
the location is right
it works locally when i preview it in a browser

as soon as i upload it - it doesn't show up

here's the page: [URL]
here's the location of the swf file: [URL]

i've even tried relative vs. absolute links and nothing. i've tried firefox and safari. nothing.
i'm guessing this is some dumb simple thing, and hopefully it took you longer to read this than it will to type the answer.

i am embarrassed that i am not getting this but hey, it needs to be fixed and i'm sick of looking at it and trying to figure it out.

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Professional :: SWF Connecting To F4V Plays Locally But Not Online?

May 2, 2011

We moved our F4V files to a different server and I reconnected all the SWF files to them  using CS4 without any issue. I just upgraded to CS5 and when I save files the same way I did with CS4, the files preview fine locally but when I post online, the video does not work. Was there some new step added to CS5 that I'm missing? Even if I go to the CS4 SWFfile directly on the server, it plays but the new one does not. I thought maybe Premiere CS5 was the culprit but if I connect an old F4V file and save as a CS5 SWF, it's just a white screen. I even tried importing the video from scratch and still nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf With External Xml Works Locally But Not Online?

Nov 16, 2009

swf used to show currently playing song from an xml file. fla checks any change in xml and updates immediately. this works fine locally but not online.

// imports flash events for the ENTER_FRAME event //


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Xml Works Locally But Not Online?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm trying to load xml files on another domain on mine. This code works locally but not when i post it to my server. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Form / Php Works Locally Not Online

Aug 22, 2007

form/php works locally not online posted this before but no luck. it just doesnt make any sense.. same swf and php. php is sitting on my server. when swf is tested locally it sends an email. when swf is uploaded next to php it doesnt. it is driving me CRAZY.

should also say, i have field validation within flash.. so once all fields are accurately filled the submit button loads the variables from the mc that contains the text fields and sends them to the php.. once that is done, it clears all text fields and the submit and reset buttons and loads an acknowledgement text. this happens locally. when online the submit button does nothing of the sort.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Refresh Working Locally But Not Online?

Jun 18, 2009

So I have an incredibly simple tool that shows some updates from an XML file...In the swf, there is a button that triggers a refresh for the XML file... it works fine locally, but not online...

btnRefresh.label = "Refresh";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RSS Feed Working Locally But Not Online

Dec 25, 2009

I've got an RSS feed coming into my flash site. When I test this locally its all good, everything works fine, I can see the RSS feed and everything. But now when I test online, I can't see any RSS, nothing. Its just blank. Any idea why this might happen?

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Professional :: Function To Search Xml Works Locally But Not Online

Apr 11, 2010

I have a function triggered by a button click that searches through an XML file for an e-mail address (entered in a text field) and returns a match or no match. When I run the swf locally it works fine, but once the site is posted it no longer works. Locally it is connecting to the same xml & php files that it uses online.

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Professional :: SWF File Plays Fine Locally, But Not Online?

May 3, 2010

I have a very rudimentary Flash movie that I have created. Link here to a copy of the SWF file on my company's website:The movie appears to work all right in IE, but not in Firefox or Google Chrome.Here are the details:It's a leaderboard ad, and like I said, it's pretty basic. I have a simple motion tween, and then an incredibly looooooong series of nested movie clips that create the effect of a counter (like a rapidly rising jackpot).I'm not really hip with the intricacies of ActionScript, so I couldn't code something more elegant. The "counter" is supposed to represent an increasing amount of money that not using our services might cost a company.

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands use a simple repeating movie clip. hundred thousands use one that is 10x as long, and so on. I had to stop at 1 millions, as the # of frames in between numbers was prohibitively long.i.e. there are 10 frames in between numbers for the hundred thousands place in the movie, 100 frames for millions, and 1,000 frames for millions.but, like I said, I'm a beginner at ActionScript.Thinking the problem might be due to the incredibly long movie clips, I removed the animations from some of the higher numbers from my movie, and this did not appear to affect whether it plays in Firefox or Chrome.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Works Perfect Locally But Not Online?

Jun 29, 2010

Im loading external swf into my main flash, the first two movies loads good but the last movie doesnt? here is my code:

Code: Select all
var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Presentation Loading Locally But Not Online

Mar 21, 2011

I got this sweet minisite built in Flash that I'm going to load onto facebook for the fan page. Problem? I can't get the XML to load. I don't know the first thing about ActionScript, so I'm upp'ing a copy of the Source Files.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash FLV Player (XML Driven) Works Locally Not Online?

Jan 18, 2010

I have an actions layer and a layer with a video object, called "theVideo". Below is the actionscript:
// global objects....
buffer._visible = false;
// playlist object for the playlist from raw xml data

This script works locally. I have checked and double-checked the file locations when uploaded. It will parse the XML file when uploaded, but will not play the videos.

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Professional :: Published F4v Video And Html Plays Locally But Not Online?

Jun 16, 2010

I am running Windows 7/64 and Master Collection. I've created a clip of DV NTSC footage to test F4V publishing. Done this many times with CS3 and flv files but this has me stumped. I can successfully view the video and web page locally in IE and Netscape but on upload to my server I have the menu and placement right but no video appears. I created the clip in Premiere Pro CS5 and exported to F4V/FLV best quality. Opened an Actionscript Media DV NTSC template in Flash Pro CS5 and imported the video which I had pre-placed in my root web folder locally. I then exported the swf and saved the fla. All files were then in my root folder and the scrpts in the scripts folder. In Live View in Dreamweaver CS5 all looked fine. In each browser locally the video played as expected. Once all files were uploaded the video was not visible.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash/AIR - Download Online Images And Save Locally?

Jan 24, 2011

The app itself will require some data from an online database to be downloaded and stored locally, so that the kiosk can be safely disconnected from the internet while running, and reconnected later to update its data.I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to do this. I figured that the data's easily enough loaded from a server-side PHP script and saved to a local SQLite database for offline usage, but I haven't been able to find any solid method of downloading and saving images. At least, not without using a save dialog.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP Email Form Class Working Locally / Not Online

Mar 2, 2009

I'm working on an email form contained in a separate .as file coded in AS3 with a php file. Everything is working just fine when I test it through Flash, having my swf + my .as file locally and my php file online. As soon as I move all my files online, I submit the form, press my send button, see in the bottom screen of my browser than it seems to be a transfer, but nothing happen, no error message as written in my code...i'm just stuck. Here is parts of my codes.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Acces Loader.content On Online Swf, Works Fine Locally?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an image gallery with a thumbnail class which needs information about the content being loaded to be able to resize it appropiatly. Using.content.height and .content.width I can acces this information, however the swf (online) stops working when this code is encountered. No errors are thrown.piece of code from where it stops working

if (targetThumb.content.width > targetThumb.content.height) {
//scale the width


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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoadMovie In Nested SWF (JPEG Images)

Sep 4, 2009

I am using this code
To load an external swf into my movie. That external swf is a 'loader' for some JPEG images.

The external swf (filename1.swf) contains four empty movie clips, and this code

The idea here is that (filename1.swf) can be placed in any directory with images bearing those names, then be called upon to display the images in that directory into my flash page. The problem is that it doesn't load the images. I am sure it is because it doesn't know what container to load them into, because of the nesting. But I don't know what location to use.

I have tried
but none of those work.

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CS3 FLASH Loads Fine But Not Online?

Jul 12, 2009

I am using CS3. I am having trouble viewing my FLASH content online. It loads fine in DW locally, but once on the server I have the following errors: Webpage error details


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IDE :: Component's Video Loads Offline, Not Online?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm a new Flash user, trying to build a fairly intricate website by newbie standards. I have a basic understanding of Actionscript and OOP, enough to build a fairly nice looking full-featured website. Most of my goals for the website have been met, including dynamic XML content, a dynamic navigation menu, dynamic screenshot galleries.My current nemesis is a flash video gallery. I'm using xml lists of video locations (different types of video, including flv, wmv, and avi), and I've tried both the stock CS4 video player component (FLVPlayback) and the ubiquitous ToobPlayer 1.0.

Here's the problem. When I compile the video and view it offline, with either player component, it works beautifully! Loads each video from the XML gallery and performs as requested. When I upload it to an FTP and run the website (in an html file) as an http:// link, the video player component is no longer visible and nothing playsIt's driving me ape! Do I need to include some .as files when I upload or something?

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