ActionScript 2.0 :: Putting Form Data Into One Variable?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to create a simple form using Actionscript 3 that will collect data from a form, then pass that data to an asp file. I have attached the following code to the submit button, but this is not working. I'm not sure if I have to add anything else and I don't understand why this is not working.

submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;


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Simple Flash Form Variable - Collect Data From A Form, Then Pass That Data To An Asp File?

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submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......

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public function DrawMain(){
graphics.lineStyle(theLine,0x000000); //default to black lines


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* FlashVars

* Flash Remoting

* Web services

* JavaScript - call JS function

* fscommand

* ExternalInterface

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prmZip instance: text input box
prmMilage instance: combo box
prmUnita instance: data= Mi, label= Mi


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Ok - so how about randomizing the data once inside the Array, after it has been pulled in from XML!? That way I can load in the 'last' image, and then pop it out! Keeping a randomized selection of images each time 'it' is loaded

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Or is there another way I can pass the tablename variable to the php file before I call any functions?

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<mx:DataGrid id="streamMonitorGrid" dataProvider="{}" height="100%" width="100%">


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Data Integration :: How To Parse Data And Assign Variable To Text

Jan 30, 2007

I have three dynamic text boxes. variables respectively
My xml file is structured as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<caption>Roll over this</caption>
<caption>This is the first Caption.</caption>
<caption>This is the second Caption.</caption>

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Professional :: Spacebar Variable For Form Validation?

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I am putting together a Flash Form. I had it all finished and posted it on a testing site, then I realized there was a problem.I have form validation that works like this. If a user hits the submit button but has not entered information in all of the required fields, the user will get an error message telling them to input all required information. However, there is a workaround. It seems that Flash sees the value of the "spacebar" as a positive value and lets users get past my validation.I need to assign the "spacebar" a value, make it a variable, or something along those lines. Then tell it to be equal to "0", which is not an acceptable number to pass my form validation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Form Doesn't Pass Variable

Sep 5, 2011

I created a simple form where someone enters their email address to be listed on a mailing list at For some reason, the content of the input text field where a user enters their email address isn't being passed on. I know the instance name of the field is correct because I created a duplicate of the form but instead of an input field I just created a variable with my email address and it worked. Below is the code for the form that doesn't work:

var myVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
myVariables.llr = "xxxxxx;
myVariables.m = "xxxxxx";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending The Form Data?

Mar 25, 2009

I need to make an Odometer and the user can adjust the numbers and once they select their klm reading it needs to be sent to a PHP to sent it to a database. I am having trouble finding a way to send the data. Is it possible to make a "field box" and what ever number is in the box when you push submit sends to the php?

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Apr 20, 2009

The problem is that I have an input form (with an instance name of 'form'). Its for a newsletter sign up to [URL] All I need is for when you click on the sign up button, it sends the data in the form to a webpage (which is [URL] <- that is actually an example, but the link is pretty much like that.

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I have a simple form in my flash cs4...I am unable to get it to post to the php script here is the code I have:

var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest("mailer.php");
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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Professional :: Php Form Not Sending Any Data?

Feb 10, 2012

My contact form is not giving out any data to my e-mail.I'm using two input feilds with instance names as theEmail and theMessage on my action script from which data for the sender's email & the message will be retrieved.Here is the action action script code i'm using -

snd_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);
function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

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Php :: Cannot Send All Of Flash Form Data

Apr 6, 2011

I have a flash form that sends a monthly report that users fill out to a php file, which sends it to a MS SQL database. This issue I am having is that anything larger then 1300 characters entered into the flash form will not work at all. If I reduce the amount of text to 1300 characters or less, it will send it to the php and database just fine. My research shows that a flash variable should be able to handle 65,000 characters, and when I trace my output from flash to php, all of the data is being traced. however, it is not being send to php. I am using LoadVars to send the data with _GET. So is this a php issue, or a flash issue? I ran a php info page and my max_post is set to 10M that should be enough to handle this load. I am not sure why it is not working with anything larger then 1300 characters. Below is my code for my php and flash files.

The variables that are affected by this are the testEvlauation, projects, support, and programManagement variables. I need them to send at least 8000 characters a peice to the php file.

Flash Code:

on (release) {
sendData = new LoadVars();
sendData.contractor = contractor.text; = name.text;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Data Out To A Web Form?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm trying to pass a string of text out to a html web form. Something I've never done before.

Tadster suggested I use something like this:

ActionScript Code:
var outDataToJavaScript:XML =


The movie runs fine and shows no errors, but when my browser opens forms.html the data is not there. I assume this is because I'm using navigateToURL(new URLRequest("form.html) and therefore opening a new instance of form.html rather than the one I've already loaded into flash. Am I right? and if so how do I open the pre-loaded version? I way off and have failed to understand something quite basic?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Form Data From A Check Box?

Jan 24, 2011

I have form in Flash that is processed by PHP.

I get the text from the form I use:

LV_out.firstname = t1.text;
and to get the info from a combo box, I use:
LV_out.reasonsforevent =;

But I don't know how to get the info from a check box. how to get the info (i.e. whether the box is selected or not) from a check box?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Data (not In Form) To PHP

May 1, 2006

I have a page on my website that allows users to download some files using filereference. When the user clicks on the button to start the download, I want to pass the name of the button (the name of the file they are downloading) to a php script to put in my database, so I have a record of who download what.

I have no problems passing normal form data to php using the loadvariables, but since I want to send info that is not an input text box, I have no idea how to go about doing this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Form Only Sending Data Sometimes

May 22, 2009

I have a form that allows users to submit an event.(So the form has text fields for name, event and date of event). The form works by sending its data to a php file, and then e-mailing that data to me. It works perfectly for me and many others, although it does not work when certain users submit their event - I just get a blank email. (So the form never works for 3 out of the 15 people using it). This is the script I am using to send the form's data to the php file:
eventForm.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");
Why this would not work for certain users only???

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Number In Hidden Variable To Send Form

Aug 10, 2010

I have created a form in Flash and I need to send some hidden data. The problem is that some of the hidden data variables are numbers. This worked fine in the HTML form. It does not work in Flash. Can you take a quick look at the following code and let me know if there is a way I can do this? The variables that are numbers are commented out at this point because it throws up errors. I would like to be able to uncomment them but if I do nothing works.


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Flex :: Combining Variables To Form A Variable Or Class Name?

Mar 2, 2012

I have an embedded image and the class name to be userd in source tag is a combination of 2 variables, how to do this, below is an iadea of what i am trying to do:

[Embed (source="assets/image11_a.jpg")] public static const 11_a:Class;
var first_part:String="11";
var second_part:String="a";

and in mxml

<s:Image width="100" height="100" source="{first_part+second_part}"/>

above is just a small simplified example of what i am trying to do, actually the variables are getting populated from list.Basically i want to combine variable names to form the embedded image class name to be used in source of spark image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variable From Flash To HTML Form?

Oct 16, 2009

An AIR application that load an html page which contain some forms. I want to pass values from flash to html and then submit data. Don't suggest other possible variants, i have experience using URLLoader, amfphp, blazeds e.t.c. Idea it's to pass that from flash to html form, and then submit that information to server using html page. How can be do that? Or maybe in an web application (not desktop)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Login Form - Passing Variable To PHP For Validation

Nov 16, 2009

I made a login form using flash and made it pass it's variable to php for validation. I have two (2) variables from my php file that I want to pass to flash so it can control my movie. When I pass those two (2) variables, the first one has no problem. My dynamic textfield displays the value that the php sends but when I pass the second variable from my php to flash and displays it in my other dynamic text field, it displays the value but it appears to have html tags i.e.,
1<br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: userLoggedIn in
<b>C:wampwwwestfernwoodestDisplayClients.php </b> on line <b>83</b><br />.
The value of my variable from php is 1 and as you can see, it contains html tags. How can I remove these tags?

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