ActionScript 2.0 :: Text From XML With HTML Tags Not Displayed?

May 12, 2009

there is a menu, and when i press a btn, it attaches a movieclip with some textfield in there. the text reads the xml tags, but doens show the css styles.i got this so far:

//attach text holder
var Textos:MovieClip = RaizMC.attachMovie("holder Textos", "conteudos_mc", RaizMC.getNextHighestDepth())
//init TextArea
Textos.texto_txt.html = true;


the css file is good, xml loaded correctely, everything seams ok, exept for my textfield. it simply doesnt read the <spam class"someStyle"></spam> i also did the <![CDATA[ ]] on the xml.

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left.useHandCursor = 0;
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I've been struggling with this problem for a while:I have a string containing HTML and I'm using a regular expression to get the characters between the tags. I'm then attempting to apply a TextFormat to those characters.The problem is that I'm using the TextField's "htmlText" property instead of it's "text" property (because I don't want the HTML tags to be visible). So, the character index that's returned from the regular expression is incorrect, when I apply the TextFormat.Here is some sample code which illustrates the problem:

var txt:String = "<b>Sample</b> string with bold text";
var tf:TextField = new TextField();


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Aug 11, 2010

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I can always perform a "Replace()" to remove those break and bold HTML tags, but that seems really un-necessary and anti-development.I am using this to set the dataTip's label text:

var hd:HitData = value as HitData;
var item:LineSeriesItem = hd.chartItem as LineSeriesItem;
_xAxisText = String(hd.displayText + ' ' + item.xValue);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alter The Text Color Inside A String That Has Some HTML Tags Using Regular Expressions?

Sep 19, 2010

I want to alter the text color inside a string that has some HTML tags using regular expressions.My question is how can I alter the letters only of the text between html tags and not inside the html tagsI am using something like this:

ActionScript Code:
var exp:RegExp = new RegExp(textfield.text,"i")
str = str.replace(exp, "<font color='#FF0000'>$&</font>");


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Php :: SimpleXML, CDATA And HTML Entities - Tags Are Interpreted With Their HTML Entity Equivalents?

Nov 18, 2010

trying to work with "simple" XML for the first time. I'm building a small CMS for a Flash based site and the content is held in an XML file. My problem is that many of the copy fields are XML CDATA fields. on the one hand, with:

$xml = simplexml_load_file($file, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);

I can pull the data out of that node and the CDATA tags are stripped. My issues come with trying to save the data with:

file_put_contents($file, $xml->asXML());

Problems are: a) tags are interpreted with their HTML entity equivalents. I don't want this to happen.I gather this is coming from the asXML method because even if I do anhtml_entity _decode on the $_POST data it's still being converted.

b) because of the above, there's no way to add the CDATA tags because they also have their charachters converted.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: WYSIWYG Html Editor Using Only Html Tags Supported By Textfield?

Feb 4, 2009

I am looking for a very basic html editor (similar to the one being used in this forum to make entries - only more basic)...which ONLY uses html tags supported by the AS2 textfield....

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public class HtmlTooltip extends ToolTip

Everything works fine BUT 2 things: First, font colors tags don't work. If ever I use sth like <font color='0xadadad'>...</font> it won't work. However, if I use <u>...</u>, it works fine

Second, the <a href='...'>...</a> does not work either. I checked in several websites, and the solution would be to set the selectable property of the text to true.

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Jan 16, 2010

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