ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between SWF Movies On Different Browsers?

Feb 17, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible for two instances of the same SWF movie (for simplicity) running on different browser windows (or tabs, for that matter) to communicate with each other?

I guess the key question is that are there facilites built into AS 3.0 that allows an SWF to "listen" for different events or notifications coming from other browser windows/tabs? I know this might be an application or sandbox security violation, but I would like a new instance of the same SWF to cause the older one to close itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX Communication Between Movies?

Jan 14, 2003

I've got an html page with 2 different movies: 'movie1.swf' and 'movie2.swf'. Is there a way that 'movie1.swf' can play to a certain frame and when it reaches that frame, can tell 'movie2.swf' to start playing? The thing is they are 2 separate swfs rather than 2 movie clips within the same swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication Between Movies - OnRollOut Function?

Sep 26, 2005

I am having trouble making 2 movies communicate with one another. One movie (series) is embedded into the other (content2). 'content2' is a horizontal scroll menu of images. 'series' is a movie that holds 'content2' and contains a mask which will reveal everything upon the rollover of the 'series' button. I can get the scroll to show and work when the button is rolled over but it fails to hide on roll out.

Here is the code I have used on the roll over button called 'series':
stop(); // stop the movie clip from playing (stop button from growing, we want that when the mouse rolls over only
sym2.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){ //if rewind switch is set to true play backwards
prevFrame(); // play backwards
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Movies Communication (Array / Functions And Variables)

Jun 23, 2009

I'm new on AS3, I'll try to explain what my project consists: Well, There is a main.fla and It loads external movies triggered by button items. The content animation sequence introduction starts with tweenLite and fills the stage with elements from Library (movieClips, buttons) and some sprites. I've built the intro animation through actionscript. Perhaps I'll need to explain how I did it the TweenLite structure, but the code lines are too long

The transitions / navigation:
Each button before load the external movie has a respective animation that removes the other buttons from the stage. It triggers an "outro" animation and then loads the External Swf.

Each external Swfs contains a removeChild action in a MovieClip that CLOSES and removes the movie.. Like a "pop up" with a close action. After closed It should replay the intro animation and replace the buttons in the stage but it's not happening because I don't know how to communicate between different timelines / external movies.

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Actionscript 3 :: Testing Flash Movies Performance Agaisnt Range Or Computers And Browsers

Jan 18, 2010

I am half way done with making my first flash web game. I put alot of work into it and dont really know how great the performance will be on browsers and range of different types of computers. This is my first time working with flash in general. I was wondering if there is any tools to test my game out against browsers and hardware. The game might work great on my computer, but how can i ever tell how great it works in a range of browsers and computers.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Audio File Works On Mac Browsers But Not Windows Browsers

Jan 13, 2011

I inherited a flash website about a year ago.. not sure what version it was originally done in. I've made changes on the model last year using CS3 Flash Action script 2, but don't remember the flash version when published. The audio in question is the music that plays in the background when you get on the website:


When I changed the image of the model this last week using CS4, I published it as Flash8 actionscript 2... now, the music plays on Mac Safari and Mac Firefox, but not on the Windows versions of IE or Firefox..

this is the code called sound control

_root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);


then there's the stop() that's used when the music is toggled off..

I've tried updating the flash player in Windows to the latest release, and I even tried republishing as flash 10, just not sure where to troubleshoot this..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Sound Linkage When Loading Movies Into Movies?

Jan 16, 2007

I have an intro.swf file that is basically a movie with sound that is exported for actionscript but not exported in the first frame. I just stuck it in a movie on my timeline and it works great and the preloader works because it doesn't load the sound before the preloader. I use :

musicSound = new Sound();
to play the sound in intro.swf.

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However I wish to make movies within this movie that have the same effect on them. But when I create another movie or button within this movie it is not registering on rollover. I guess because the script on the main movie overrides it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: References & Movies Within Movies?

May 24, 2003

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Professional :: Using Movies In Movies?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a small FLA file i created myself. its just a simple mp3 player, pause and stop and a volume slider, thats it.I want to import three instances of this into a bigger movie and have them all available to run at the same time.I need them to be all on the screen at one time (same frames) and I need them each to be able to play a different mp3 The user will not be able to decide which mp3, this is all 'hard coded' into the fla file.So how can I do this and get access to each individual movie's controls?
For example when I use the slider on the first player, I only want the volume to change on the first mp3.Would I even have to worry about this in the big file that has all three movies in it?I mean could I just code the volume slider to work right in the mp3 player file and then the bigger movie file will automatically know that when the volume slider is moved, only to affect the voume of the first mp3?if i do it that way, would I have to save out 3 different versions of the mp3 player file. one with '1.mp3', say, hard coded into it, another with '2.mp3' hard coded into it, etc?

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LocalConnection In Mac Browsers

Feb 21, 2008

I have a relatively simple localConnection between three swfs: one swf is an image gallery; another swf controls the playback of the image gallery; and the third displays xml-driven captions from the image gallery.Everything works flawlessly in a PC environment, on all browsers, using AS 2, flash player 9. But when I test in a mac environment, the captions will display on load, but it will no longer show if you refresh the page; only a cache clear and refresh will bring it back, but the same issue will happen again. The navigation doesn't work at all, ever (though the swf is loaded and visible).

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Displaying In Different Browsers?

Oct 3, 2009

My SWF works well in all three browsers when tested on my local system: Firefox, IE and Safari.However,when tested from the server FireFox and Safari both do not complete a portion of the SWF motion.I have a number of dots that move in from different directions then line up followed by moving text and objects.  in both Firefox and Safari the dots only begin to move then the SWF move on to display the other objects correctly.Am I looking at a timing issue or a loading issue?The site is [url].... view the top banner.

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Communication Between Swf?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a communication problem between to SWF. Here is my code, SwfA is the caller :Shared interface between the 2 Swf :public interface ItfA {  // some code} In the second Swf, SwfB, the document class :
public class MainB extends MovieClip {  private var a:Itfa;  public function start(_a:ItfA) {    a = _a;    // etc  }} 
In the first Swf, SwfA:
public A implements ItfA {  var mLoader:Loader;  [...]   public function startLoad()  {    mLoader = new Loader();    var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("B.swf");    mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,  onCompleteHandler);    mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onprogressHandler);    mLoader.load(mRequest);  }  public function


When I test in the fash environment (ctrl + enter), there is no problem, but in my browser it failes and says that A is not an ItfA (TypeError: Error #1034)

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Browsers Not Picking Up New Files

Nov 22, 2011

I have a flash container that calls other swf files and loads them and plays them one after the other.I upload/overwrite those files each month as new promos happen.the file names stay the same as they are defined in the container file.Im trying to find a way to add some kind of variable into the action script so it finds the file and adds the date in as well. This way when the browser looks at the files it will see new dates and then load the new file from the server as opposed to the local cache.Is there an elegant way to do this?Im using CS5, but it looks like the action scrip was written in an older version.[code]

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Audio Synching In Different Browsers

Dec 3, 2009

We have currently created an animation and have it deployed and running from the server. We have it set to preload a portion of the animation before beginning to play. Our issue is that it plays perfectly in Firefox, however in Internet Explorer (both 7 and 8) the audio comes out of synch with the animation. I am viewing in on the same computer and same network on each browser and continue to have this problem. How this can be fixed in Internet Explorer?

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Mar 3, 2010

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Uninstall Flash In All Browsers?

Jul 18, 2010

It seems I can uninstall Flash from Explorer, but Google Chrome still shows it included.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Act In Diffferent Way In Browsers?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm developing a rpg game project now, and I found a very strange thing  My swf act in different way in different browsers. My swf doesn't  working properly in mozilla firefox. In google chrome, and IE works just  fine. How is that so? what could be reason for that? I used external  xml file stored on my server so mayby browsers handle xml in differen  way? But I'm sure xml i loaded into swf in every browser. Here's link for my game:

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Professional :: SWF In FF And Chrome Browsers

Jan 26, 2012

I have one problem with my swf file, I have created an swf for calculating speed. In the time of 12Sec. one person can move some distance with some x speed, an another person can move same distance with 2x speed, but finnaly two persons will reach the distance in same time that is 12Sec. I have created one timer for this, will show the time.If I run the swf the timer is working fine, I embeded this swf into html and I checked that html file using IE it is working fine, but if I check it in FF or Chrome the timer is running bit slow and it is effecting my functionality.


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Flash Version Across Browsers

Apr 29, 2011

Is the flash version installed on, say IE, on a single computer the same version on other browsers installed on that same computer ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using UDP Networking In Browsers?

Nov 19, 2011

I searched a lot about using UDP in network games and find out that flash does not support UDP connection in browsers and I wonder, are there any solution to this? to make real time game in flash. I checked sirius framework and made a little project on it, but it is not fast enough

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IDE :: SWF Works In Player But Not Browsers?

Jan 8, 2009

I have been using CS3, and publishing v8 AS2 files using swfobject for years with no dramas. I am certainly no expert, but have created at least 10 sites this way.My personal site for some bizarre reason has stopped working in all browsers (and I am sure the file hasn't changed). My SWF works in Flash Player perfectly but comes up blank in any browser... yet other SWFs work fine.


I have tried republishing, reloading site, different hosts, recreating the file... I am absolutely stumped! :-) I just cannot get it to work.

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IDE :: Flash Compatibility In Web Browsers?

Jun 27, 2009

I was wondering, because of my recent liking of AS3 and active flash content:

Just how compatible are flash files in web browsers?

Will they run in every browser? (obviously not, but which ones don't they run in / which ones do they have trouble running in?)

Why, in Internet Explorer does it always give me a hard time about running active content with its security warnings? (is there a way to get around this / allow the content to play normally without hassle? e.g When I got to Internet Explorer does not complain about running that active content.)

Is there anything else you know about the compatibility that you would like to share?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf To Swf Communication?

Aug 21, 2008

I have two swf files. And i want to send data from one swf to another. So how can i do that?

I have 4 tabs in one swf file and when i click tabs then it should send data respectively to second swf file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between 2 Swf?

May 15, 2011

I am using localconnection to communicate between 2 standalone swf. It works. I want to communicate between standalone swf and from browser/ from exe. Currently i cannot achieve this. How can achieve this?

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Flash - Communication Between As2 And As3

Mar 16, 2010

I have this code under a button in 'as2.swf'


and this swf is being loaded into as3 container called 'main.swf', but when i press it nothing happens and the file does not unload itself.

View 1 Replies :: Asp Communication With Flex?

Oct 26, 2010

i was developed one .net application. It contains flash animation in one of the asp pages. And i need to write action script code for playing and pausing that swf file. I am using flex builder3. However how can i execute the asp application from flex builder? How can i load asp page into mxml file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication Between Pop Ups?

Jan 27, 2009

Im develp. a site with a remote control, and television pop ups, can i use the remote to communicate with the tv? I think i may have a proper (yet typically teedious) method but in these situations,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between An SWF And C#?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm using Visual C# 2010, and I want to add an SWF-file to a C#-form. Then, I want the C# code and AS3 code to communicate.

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