ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form - Displaying Names Inside Fields

May 12, 2011

I have here a nice contact form. The only problem I got is that I would like to have the field names (name, e-mail, telephone), displayed inside the right field, (so when the user clicks inside, the text would disappear automatically) in stead of displaying the names next to the fields. My first tough was to write inside each field, in flash the field names, and it was ok for the first look. But the user needs to delete first the field names like "name" from the input box, in order to enter his own. How could I make these field names automatically dissapear when the user clicks inside a text box?

The code:
stop();send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);
function submit(e:MouseEvent):void{var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.fromname = name_txt.text;
variables.fromtel = tel_txt.text;variables.fromemail = email_txt.text;
variables.frommessage = message_txt.text;
[Code] .....

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var y:XML = x[0];

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Contact Form Not Working?

Jun 15, 2009

I am really in trouble with flash forms and need help please. Ive been trying to get a contact form working for a few weeks but have had no luck.Below is the code I am putting in to the flash form and php file.(this is the code I have put for the send Button)
on (release) {
if (name eq "" or subject eq "" or message eq "" or email eq "") {               stop();         } else {         loadVariablesNum("form.php", 0, "POST");         gotoAndStop(2);     }}

(this is the code I have put for the clear Button)

on (release) {    name = "";    subject="";    message="";    email="";}

(And this is the php file i created in dreamweaver and saved it as form.php)
$to = "";   $msg = "$name
";   $msg .= "$message
mail($to, $subject, $msg, "Message From: Online client
Reply-To: $email
I have uploaded the swf file and php file on the server but my form is still not working by sending the information to my email.

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Flash And PHP Contact Form?

Dec 5, 2009

I created a simple web site in flash cs4 with a contact form, however, when I press submit, no email is sent even though my site says it was successfully sent.

Here is my actionscript and PHP:
function submit(e:MouseEvent):void{ var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); variables.fromname = nameText.text; variables.fromemail = emailText.text; variables.frommessage = messageText.text; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact.php"); = variables; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sent);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Contact Form Using Textfields?

Mar 25, 2011

I am trying to write a contact form.It consists of Textfields.I am new to Actionscript so I createdthem by placing each field on a form in Frame 1 of a layer called data_fields.Because it is long I am just going to place part of it in the forum.If anyone can help and needs more information let me know.The very first thing I do is execute a function to init the fields.

Example: FullName.text = ""; FullName.background=true; FullName.backgroundColor=0xffffff; . . Comments.backgroundColor=0xffffff;Then:
FullName.onSetFocus = function(oldFocus:Object){ FullName.background=true;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Contact Form Isn't Work

Dec 16, 2011

The contact form isn't work and message isn't send.
nametxt.text = eventtxt.text = reviewtxt.text = "";
sendbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bsend);
clean_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clean);
var timer2:Timer;
var var_load2:URLLoader = new URLLoader;

This code is used for "review" (without e-mail).

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Php :: Contact Form In A Flash Template Web?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm working on a flash template from templare monster. The thing is that when i open the .HTML file of the templare (which call for the .swf file) everything works fine. Even the contact form. But when i open the .fla file And wihtout make changes i export the .swf ( or publish it) everything works cine except the contact form. And with that i mean i cant write in it. Even i cant write numbers.The files of configuration And structure(.XML) aré loares properly And the contact (php & asp) files too. [URL]

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There is one flash file and it has a contact form. They are sitting in a subdirectory on my website [URL] The contact form has a button and the action script is as follows

on (release) {
//Localise the needed variables
sender_mail = this._parent.Semail.text;
sender_name = this._parent.Sname.text;


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Jan 27, 2010

Do you know any good and mainly working AS3 contact or email form?

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