ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Data To Array (Syntax Error)

Jan 24, 2009

I'm trying to load data from an external text file into an array. I created an array and am able to load the data into an array if I explicitly say something like:
ActionScript Code:
array[0] =;

I can then do a trace statement on array[0] and it will output the correct name from the file. My problem is I'm trying to iterate through the variable names in the text file in the file by using an index variable. This is the code I'm using after doing all the URLloader, URLRequest, and so forth stuff:
ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 0; i<20;i++){
fArray[i] =[i]_name;

This produces a syntax error. I've tried several other syntax variations but haven't been able to figure it out. Why syntax iterate the number after uid (uid1_name, uid2_name, uid3_name, etc)?

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ActionScript Code:
array[0] =;

I can then do a trace statement on array[0] and it will output the correct name from the file. My problem is I'm trying to iterate through the variable names in the text file in the file by using an index variable. This is the code I'm using after doing all the URLloader, URLRequest, and so forth stuff:

ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 0; i<20;i++){

This produces a syntax error. I've tried several other syntax variations but haven't been able to figure it out. I've also tried the following:

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All three of those also give me errors. For the first one the trace statement outputs "undefinded" instead of "Doug". For the second I get "syntax error. Expecting identifier before left bracket". And for the third I get "syntax error, expecting identifer before uid.":

syntax to iterate the number after uid(uid1_name, uid2_name, uid3_name, etc)?

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listener.onLoadInit = function(mcTemp[i]:MovieClip) { // ") or ," expected
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In my nav fla (what i want to load from XML):

var mm_array:Array = ["MAIN1", "MAIN2", "MAIN3", "MAIN4"];


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getURL ("", "_blank");
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Data Integration :: Error On Loading Crossdomain.xml Over In IE?

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INET_E_SECURITY_PROBLEM.Its clear from this result that IE is not able to load crossdomain.xml file from otherdomain.The same application works in Mozilla Firefox and failing in IE6.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Entering External Data Into Array?

Feb 1, 2009

I have written a simple program to randomly generate the name of a student from my class. Other teachers have asked if they could have a copy but as you can see from the code, I have to manually enter their students' names into the array.I wonder if there is a way to enter a list of names into the array from an external file so that teacher's can enter their own students' names and change them when needed.

(here is the code for a button that generates the students names)

on (release) {
_root.student1_txt.text = "";
myStudents=["Chloey","Paul","Rachel","Kudzayi","Josiah","S arah C","Daniel C","Micahel","Daniel Ha","Daniel He","Amanda","Tammy","Zach","Sam","Sarah M","Xanthe","Charlotte","Bethany","Luke","Jessica"


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Having done loads of it in the first few years of this century, I've not done much Flash in the past few years, been focused on PHP/MySQL Development. Anyway, I now need to use the data from a MySQL database offline in a Flash executable so I'm jumping back in with AS3. There are several tables involved and I can write a script to export the data to whatever format is best.

XML or CSV? Should I get it all into one file with all the data or is it possible to do the quivalent of joined queries once the data is in Flash? I don't need a full explanation at this stage,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Data?

Jan 13, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Data (MX)?

Jun 7, 2006

Ok, lets see if i can explain this right. I have been trying to make a movie that loads different information from an external file each day. I name the external files according the the date that i want it to be imported (example: 200667, for today)Ive been able to make the .getYear(), .getMonth(), .getDate() work to make the date in the above formatxmlData.load(" ");<-- now when i write in the url to load the external file is there a way that i can write it so that it will update itself to the correct date so that i dont have to update it manually myself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: <b>loading External Data With For Of XML</b>?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a pretty CMS that generates an XML and I want to make part of the site loading that data (menu items, thumbs, info, and big pics) is there an way to make all that using for?here is my XML code

<gallery id="1" name="design" path="gallery/1/">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error When Loading External Swf

Jun 15, 2009

I am having trouble loading a photo gallery as an external swf. I have included my files.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error When Loading (some) External SWF's

Nov 5, 2009

I've got a few container SWF's that I"m trying to load a navigation and a content area into. Very simple, nothing fancy about the code -

ActionScript Code:
var bodyLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var bodyRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("./sub/games.swf");


And when I run it, I get the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

But the confusing thing is that I saved this from the same file that works PERFECTLY with the './sub/intro.swf' file, throwing no errors ... all I did is change the file name.

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var clips:Array = ["001/001.swf"];
but how do I tell Flash to load whatever file is in the 001 folder without stipulating a specific filename?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External Array?

Jan 6, 2010

I am building a jukebox for a website, which has a genres, bands, and tracks list.These are all populated from a MySQL DB. The info is dumped into a listbox component.ll of the lists are working, but on the tracks list, i need to pull the track name,and its filepath. So that I can assign the track name to the lable property, and the filepath to the data property.My problem, is that I cannot get a multiple value array from php to flash, it keeps coming up as undefined.

PHP Code:
echo "&testArray=[["track1","filepath"] ["track2","filepath"]]";// i have not put the query in i dont think the problem is there


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AS3 :: Xml - Loading Images And Data Into Flash Via XML - Catching Type Error

Apr 25, 2011

I am loading images and data into flash via XML. Some bits of data are missing an image or just don't have one for various reasons. When the image URL is null flash returns the message TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null. I have been trying to catch this error using IO error event but I am unsure if this is the the correct method for doing this as I can't seem to get it working. This is causing a problem for me because when I add the items to the stage the data doesn't match the images and what I would like to do once I am able to capture this error is push a default image into the _trackArray which i will then use to add items to the stage.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Loop For Loading External Data?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a bit of a problem finding the correct syntax. I have a whole lot text variables here. The myLV value is in a external text file. So myLV.nr1 from my external textfield is loaded in ovrnr1.text. This way I can easily change the value in my text document.

ovnr1.text = myLV.nr1;
ovnr2.text = myLV.nr2;
ovnr3.text = myLV.nr3;
ovnr4.text = myLV.nr4;

If I put it like this it works fine but I thought, hey, in stead of writing
150 of these I can put it in a for loop. So I tried this.

for (i=1; i<150; i++) {
ovnr[i].text =[i];

However, this does not seem to work ? And could I do it to a button too ? So instead of writing 150 button onrollovers I could also make a loop for it ?

Something like
for (i=1; i<150; i++) {
this.btn[i].onRollOver = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Data Not Working?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a listBox and I want to take data from a php file and insert it in my list box. But I am doing something wrong, because it's not working.
The php file retrives data in the following format:
echo "nrsongs=" . $nr_songs;
foreach($song_ids as $song_id){


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