ActionScript 3.0 :: Render As HTML Not Seeing <b> Tags?

Dec 7, 2009

I have several paragraphs of text that is using the scrollBar component to give me some scrollability that part works fine.  I also have the "render text as html" box checked because I have some HTML formatting going on.  Anyway, all of a sudden the published SWF file started ignoring the bold tags <b>.  It used to work fine.  Now, anywhere that I have text surrounded by <b> HTML tags, it just omits that portion of my copy once the file is published.  When I change the tags to <strong>, the text comes back, but in a normal font both with the fonts embedded and without ... neither makes a difference with this issue.  I've also tried checking and unchecking the "render text as html" box and that doesn't seem to make a difference. Has this bold tag become deprecated?  I'm having difficulty get a font to display as bold. 


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Html :: Flex - HTML + CSS Dynamic Render In Flash?

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I have HTML + CSS text. I need some lib with simple function like "Render String Var conteining HTML" So no external files (like in flash lib called HTMLwraper you just have to play your SWF on top of HTML). dinamic! I give it string it renders It into some conteiner (not as a bitmab but as if it was real HTML dynamically rendered in flash). (And I need real HTML + CSS support not what normal rich text block gives us)I am going to use it in with Flex (Flash Builder) so I like MXML component model but even pure flash AS3 will workout.It should be Free and Opensource (any license like GPL, LGPL etc will be ok).So Is out there such flashflex library for HTML + CSS dynamic rendering (rfom given String or XML)?

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Php :: SimpleXML, CDATA And HTML Entities - Tags Are Interpreted With Their HTML Entity Equivalents?

Nov 18, 2010

trying to work with "simple" XML for the first time. I'm building a small CMS for a Flash based site and the content is held in an XML file. My problem is that many of the copy fields are XML CDATA fields. on the one hand, with:

$xml = simplexml_load_file($file, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);

I can pull the data out of that node and the CDATA tags are stripped. My issues come with trying to save the data with:

file_put_contents($file, $xml->asXML());

Problems are: a) tags are interpreted with their HTML entity equivalents. I don't want this to happen.I gather this is coming from the asXML method because even if I do anhtml_entity _decode on the $_POST data it's still being converted.

b) because of the above, there's no way to add the CDATA tags because they also have their charachters converted.

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public class HtmlTooltip extends ToolTip

Everything works fine BUT 2 things: First, font colors tags don't work. If ever I use sth like <font color='0xadadad'>...</font> it won't work. However, if I use <u>...</u>, it works fine

Second, the <a href='...'>...</a> does not work either. I checked in several websites, and the solution would be to set the selectable property of the text to true.

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Render Text As HTML?

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Mar 16, 2007

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text_area.htmlText += "<img src='...' />";

then 1. I press enter 2. I add the image again like above, I get the img tag inserted 10 times or so; which is weird (but not funny at all). All things being equal, html is a much normal approach, is there a basic renderer for flex 4 that works ok?

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May 30, 2009

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I have a bit of AS and a basic text field in a movie clip for now. I've pared it down as simply as I can to the following AS:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using HTML Tags With XML?

Mar 5, 2008

I have an XML document that contains CDATA nodes with <BR> tags. I'm importing the XML and displaying it in a text box, but unfortunately the text box is actually displaying the <BR> tags, rather than inserting line breaks. I've set the text box to "Render text as HTML", and I've applied the XML data through htmlText, but it's still not working. If I insert text into the text box manually it will render as HTML, as in:

textBox.htmlText = "Testing...<br>Testing...";

But if I apply the XML node, it just displays the <BR> tags, like this:

textBox.htmlText = my_xml.firstChild.childNodes;

I've included a .zip attachment that contains a sample .xml and .fla file that illustrates the issue I'm having.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTML Tags Being Ignored In XML?

Jul 6, 2009

This is a typewriter effect but i need the XML to also read and render HTML. right now it just types out normal text and if you insert HTML it types out the HTML instead of actually rendering it.I need to insert a small image after every item in the XML.

package com.dhmpire {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Html Tags In XML?

Dec 11, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AppendText() With Html Tags

Dec 3, 2007


instead of


but I can't get it working when I use html tags in my strings. For instance:

tField.htmlText +="<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN='14' LEADING='3'><FONT FACE='MetaPlusBold-Roman' SIZE='12.5' COLOR='#D9098C'>" +xml.*.@*[i].toString()+"<BR>"+ "</FONT></TEXTFORMAT>";

doesn't show the text.

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Embedded Font Between HTML Tags?

Jul 17, 2009

in the attachment, you'll see the text display is quite awful despite the fact I embed Arial font in my application.

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Regex :: Get HTML Content Between Several Tags?

Apr 15, 2011

For example there are some html tags
<div id="test"><div><div>testtest</div></div></div></div></div></div>
From that html, I need to get this
<div id="test"><div><div>testtest</div></div></div>
Current regex /<div id="test">.*(</div>){3}/gim

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Html :: Are OBJECT & EMBED Tags Always On Top

May 3, 2011

"I have a site I made that I am streaming video on, its starting to look pretty cool but
the menu I made in CSS is always under the video so some of the links dissappear behind the object, does anyone know if I can fix this, I think I tried z-index one time to no avail?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Read HTML Tags In XML?

Aug 1, 2011

Is there a way to read html tags from xml files as a text and then display them in a text box with htmlText?

I know one way of doing that is replacing anyother letter instead of "<" or ">", but the client will directly replace html text in the xml file

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Html Tags Won't Work

Aug 9, 2005

I'm creating a new website, and it has to be fairly dynamic. So, I load everything through one XML document. Now, depending on the content of a certain child in each menu, it loads a new page. There are going to be about 10 pages, to choose between.

So, I start coding, and all the content works fine, but my html tags won't work. I've activated the "render as html" button, in the textField parameter (the instance name is: "nyhedText"). I've also written, nyhedText.html = true; and nyhedText.htmlText = theContent - not the exact same names, but it is the same code.

My entire code for the page is:

[AS]// defines the variable model1_spacing
var model1_spacing = 0;
// defines the variable model1_count
var model1_count = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove My HTML Tags?

Aug 27, 2006

I am pulling data from an xml file which has HTML tags in it. I need the HTML tags for the on-screen display, but I am also using printJob to print what's on the screen. The problem I'm having is that when I run printjob it prints all the HTML too. Is there a way to remove the HTML tags? Maybe some sort of script? I'm thinking I could search for the beginning "<" and the end ">" and remove them and what's in between, but I'm not really sure how to go about this.

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IDE :: HTML Tags In XML Loading Into Flash

Mar 4, 2009

I'm importing an XML document into a flash movie. The XML is using HTML tags so that I can highlight certain words and use HTML links in the text field the data is being loaded into.

But the issue I'm having is that all of the < and > tags and all information within it being displayed within the text field.

The text field's html property is true. The text field's multiline property is true. In the XML document, the text that I'm having load into this text field is separated by the CDATA tag so that it doesn't get parsed out.

I just can't figure it out. Before I used the CDATA tag, I put all the necessary < and > tags in place, and I'm getting the same results.

I don't know why everything is being displayed even though I'm rendering this text as HTML.

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