ActionScript 3.0 :: Response From Server Into Arraycollection Trauma?

Oct 27, 2010

I am developing an application that takes a variety of bits of info and displays them in pods within a page.

One of the bits of info takes ONE row from a database table and tries (currently) to put it into a datagrid. Now, I know Flex wont allow that, so I have tried all kinds of things to fix it - using the xml directly, trying to get the info into labels casting as an array, using xmlistcollections... so much time on Google but now I am stuck. I'm not precious about getting the info into a datagrid - in fact I'd rather put it into labels or text boxes so I can presents it in a more flexible way.

Looking in the debugger, it seems like I don't even have the data in my variable - I do have it in the event so it is there, but I can't for the life of me get it out...This obviously works fine for multiple rows of data in the array - not the single row. i'm trying to get the info into a var called _SystemStatus.

Overview of Code:I have a mxml but with all the presentation stuff in. I also have two actionscript modules with code in (you may have guessed that I am new to this, so I have found most of this great code on the internet)

The AS bits are - this basically is a load of functions called by the mxml which contain the sql to send to the database - this does all the magic of getting the data from the db, and taking it from the event.

Code below:

CompletionTimes.mxml (note - its got errors in where i have tried things)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:mx="adobe web (removed so i can post!"


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send_variables = new URLVariables();


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but then the parseUserRank() method can't directly return the value to userRank, so there would have to be an event dispatched when its available, then update then finally update the variable value....

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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" >


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reply_lv = new LoadVars();
send_lv = new LoadVars();
// load these vars


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[DataEvent type="data" bubbles=false
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Java - Modifying AMF Response At Runtime?

Dec 2, 2009

I have built a simple flex application (using BlazeDS) which displays "Person" details by invoking a java service using flex remoting. So, my Person class looks something like this:

class Person {
public int age;
public String name;

As a java developer, here is my understanding: When I run the front flex app in my webapp, an RPC call is executed and BlazeDS does the hard work of invoking the right method, obtaining the result as an object, converting the object to AMF format (serialization). And, then the web/app server sends back this response to the requesting app over http. The flex app now does the task of deserializing the object received in AMF format and somehow make use of it.

Here is my question: I would like to modify the response before it reaches the Flex application by modifying the attributes of the person object. I have a Filter in place to do this. However, I am not sure as to how I would deserialize the AMF stream, modfiy the object, serialize the object back into the stream / reconstruct the stream somehow.

Is there a way to doing this? Where should I start? If the question was too confusing, here is a shorter version: How do I modify the response stream of content type AMF-X, before it reaches a flex app using a java filter?

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Flash :: Possible To Request Gsessionid Without A 302 Response?

Dec 22, 2009

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Flash/AS2, AFAIK, does not allow me to actually query an http error response body in any way, so there's no way for me to actually see this gsessionid after the 302 is returned. Is there a gdata api call which will return me a valid gsessionid inside an HTTP 200 response if I already have a valid GoogleLogin auth token, or is this not possible without a man-in-the-middle proxy?

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var query_fields = getQueryFieldsFor(sobject_name); Need query fields for the next statement, which actually does the query

public function getQueryFieldsFor(sObject:String):String{
//helper function to get queryfields for given sobject
var queryFields:String = '';


I know this doesn't work, and I think I understand why. However, I keep running into this type of issue and I believe I'm just thinking about it/designing it wrong. So what's a better pattern here?

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Jun 21, 2009

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The problem is that if the response has code 404, the IOError listener is called and I can't see the body of the response.

Is there a way to tell the URLLoader to ignore HTTP codes and always call the Completed listener?

Or maybe there is a way to get the response body in the IOError listener throw the IOErrorEvent? I couldn't find such a way.

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May 2, 2011

I have a multiple choice quiz that needs to have a sound played with each response. So if the user selects the correct response, they get the ding sound. If the user selects the incorrect answer they get a buzzer sound.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLRequest Caches Response?

Oct 23, 2007

I'm writing URLRequests to the server (to return XML). The code works fine. I'm able to retrieve and use the XML. The problem is that (at least in the development environment) the Flash player caches the response. The result is that subsequent requests of the same URL don't hit the server. This is a problem as I'm developing the server side scripts and they're not perfect the first time :-). Is there a way to: 1. clear the cache, or 2. tell Flash not to cache results?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slow Response In Game

May 13, 2011

I have created a Mahjong solitaire game in which 144 tiles are laid out on the stage, variably stacked up to four levels. You find two matching tiles that have free sides and have no tile sitting on top of them, click them both, and they are removed. Object is to remove all of them.

My problem is that I'm getting about a one second lag when I click the second of two matching tiles. I'm pretty certain that the bottleneck is in the functions that get called when any tile is clicked, that determine if it's free on one side and above. I have never "stepped through" or otherwise debugged before. Is there a way for me to step through my code and get some indication of what the specific problem is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP Response Not Received Back By Flash?

May 11, 2009

I have this really weird problem. I'm making several calls to different php files (located on another server with crossdomain.xml changed so that it is allowed) and need to receive some response back in flash and work with the data received.The first call is done by the following code:
ActionScript Code:var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var loader2:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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