ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Value Of A Cell In Datagrid Based On Selected Value Of Combox In Another Column?
Jan 9, 2012
when I select an item from my combobox, the selected value in shown in the textInput on the same row in the datagrid. Basically I need some some in the change handler of the combobox I suppose.
HTML Code:
<mx:DataGrid id="myDG" rowHeight="25" dataProvider="{my_arrayColl}" width="100%" height="205" chromeColor="#D0CCAF" headerHeight="0" showHeaders="false">
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package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;
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<item columnA="This1" columnB="1" />
<item columnA="This2" columnB="0" />
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var cr:CellRenderer = dgv.getCellRendererAt(0,0) as CellRenderer;
cr.setStyle("upSkin", new CustomCellBackground());
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my_dg.setSize(140, 100);my_dg.move(10, 40);replace_button.move(10, 10);// Set up sample data.var myDP_array:Array = new Array();myDP_array.push({name:"Clark", score:3135});myDP_array.push({name:"Bruce",
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