ActionScript 3.0 :: "_self" Not Opening URL In Same Window?
Jul 13, 2009
however, I have successfully changed the following script from AS1 to AS3. All is working with the exception of the "target". When I use "_self", nothing happens. However, when I remove _self and click on the button (image), it opens a new window.
All of the tut's I have followed have suggested the same thing, but it is not working for me.
Here is the URL in question: [URL]
And, the AS (below) I'm using. The first block of code is another attempt at correcting this, however, you'll see that it is commented out.
Strange Behavior in a flash I'm working on. And I must be doing something wrong because I can reproduce it in every flash I create. You can check out the behavior here at a test page on my under construction site:I have a menu bar at the top of the page, with the following code:
btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btn1Clic kHandler); function btn1ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_Self");
Strange Behavior in a flash I'm working on. And I must be doing something wrong because I can reproduce it in every flash I create. You can check out the behavior here at a test page on my under construction site: [URL]I have a menu bar at the top of the page, with the following code:
btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btn1ClickHandler); function btn1ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_Self");
If I open up a web browser and then click the menu buttons, the buttons open the link up in a new page. Once the NEW page opens, the menu buttons start acting as I would expect, then opening any further links in the same web page. Is this some internet explorer security setting? Every computer that I have utilized (total of 5) to view the web page exhibits this same behavior.
I'm working on a SWF that is a banner on a home page and the is opening links a new window despite my attaching the "_self" argument to the navigateToURL command.Like here is a snippet of code TO ME it looks right:
PHP Code: var link_001:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");button_001_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,
function getPage(Event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL( new URLRequest(""),"_self"); }
I'm just checking the swf in Flash CS5 using ActionScript 3, publishing with command+F12 (key command on Mac OSX), but that alone should work right without exporting? And to go a little off topic, could someone kindly tell me how to embed the swf as HTML code, as I'm trying to setup this swf as an intro to my website and need to embed it as HTML for my index.html page.
not very fluent with AS3, however, I have successfully changed the following script from AS1 to AS3. All is working with the exception of the "target". When I use "_self", nothing happens. However, when I remove _self and click on the button (image), it opens a new window.All of the tut's I have followed have suggested the same thing, but it is not working for me.And, the AS (below) I'm using. The first block of code is another attempt at correcting this, however, you'll see that it is commented out.
stop(); //actions to redirect user to new page in same window /*var link:URLRequest = new URLRequest("
I have navigateToURL(new URLRequest("page address"),"_self"); still opening a new window for all of the buttons in my menu. I think I have the syntax correct so are there any other factors?
Here is the code
ActionScript Code: Button1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,mouse1DownHandler); function mouse1DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
I understand that the code below should work but it doesn't, I have to take the underline before self out, for the hyperlink to work at all, and then it creates another window for the file. There may some sort of glitch that I am not aware of. But the code below does not work as is in my app.
var t:TextField = new TextField(); t.htmlText = "hello world"+ "<a href='weeTestPage.html' target='_self'><u>click here</u></a>"; t.autoSize=TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; addChild(t);
I was given the following code to have my button open a link.
testbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, gotest); function gotest(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest("")); }
This function works fine except that it opens all my links in new windows or tabs. I added the "_self" parameter to the function and created the following:
I've got a .fla file, with 3 scenes in it. In the 3rd scene, there's a button which upon clicking it, should open a new window showing a external .swf file. Both files are placed in the same folder.
Now.. I'm able to open the .swf file in a browser, but what im trying to do, is open it in flash player. How the *#@%*#@ am i supposed to that? :P
Oh yeah, i should probably mention that the external .swf file also has mulitple scenes and buttons. And both "movies" should still be interactable when i open the new window.
I can't seem to get the buttons I have created in flash to open in the same window.. I've tried 1. leaving it with no target 2. on (release) { getURL("[URL]"); targetPath("_self") } 3. on (release) { getURL("[URL]", "_self"); }
im having no luck with this at all. im building a site for my company, building and selling homes. ive made a website in flash, nothing too complex, ive also made a pdf in indesing, which when published left me put a page turing feature on it, and that pdf was then published as a swf file. its put all the code in for me automatically so the people can now interact and page turn it.i simply want a button/link i can put on my site to open this swf in its own browser window or in a flash player window. this code in previous versions of flash has been easy...on release etc but now with as 3.0 i see people using child, navigatetourl, its so confusing and every example ive found just doesnt seem to work
The code, To open a new .swf file in the same window, like on my website when u click a button I want it to load another .swf file in the same window. Its either this or to make it open a new scene.
I have l a flash file in my pages that links to other pages within my web site but when clicked they automatically open in another window. How can I link them without opening a new window as would happen with a normal web page link?
Here is my current Action Script code: index.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,indexbuttondown);
function indexbuttondown(event:MouseEvent):void { var bbcURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.html"); navigateToURL(bbcURL); }
I'm primarily an HTML/CSS girl. I'm pretty new to Flash, and until recently have only worked from the timeline without using any action script other than stop(); and simple goto commands like gotoAndPlay(49);
This week, I needed a nav button to take the user into the site from the Flash intro; it's live at [URL]
Flash CS4, Action Script 3. Since I don't write Action Script - yet - and needed the link in a hurry, I Googled for the code. As you can see, it works fine, but the site opens in a new window, and I don't want it to do that, I want it in the same window.
The code is as follows:
clickToEnter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest("")); }
I thought it might be the use of "new" in front of URLRequest, but of course when I took that out the link didn't work at all.
Blind experimentation produced two attempts that simply broke the link (don't laugh ):
What do I need to add (or remove) from this code? And is this the most efficient way to code an internal link?
In case this is browser-specific: I've only tested this in the latest versions of Firefox and Safari for Mac, OS X 10.6.2 (Snowleopard). It's the same in both browsers.
I'm working on a portfolio in Flash CS3 and AS3. I'm trying to avoid doing the whole thing in Flash, so the home page is a CSS/HTML header page that will house a looping flash piece underneath the header, and the inner portfolio will be flash pieces brought into the same CSS header framework.I'd like to know what kind of code I need to use in the portolio flash navigation so that the "home" link will open the CSS/HTML home page in its same window, rather than launching another window. Is this something that can be done using AS3, or do I need javascrpt as well?
I have a button called bt07 and I would like when you click down this button to open an url in a blank_window (for exemple [URL]) I wrote this code below but I don t know how writting the code to open the url?
Is it possible to open a custom IE window (i.e no status bar or address bar etc) from within flex? Or if I call a php file or html file can the page customize itself when loaded?
All I need to open a new IE Window from within Flex code on click of a link.P.S I dont want to open a new Browser. I want to open a browser window only that can open a new URL.Something like clicking on a link in Flex and then openin a Pop up window.
I have this thing that sends variables to a php-file. The code snippet looks like this:
Code: var myURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("kampanjerbjudande/process_variables.php"); = myVariables; navigateToURL(myURLRequest, '_blank');
Now, the thing is this opens the process_variables.php in a new window/tab. I want to send the variables to the file to be processed without "visibly" opening the file in a window. Do you know what I mean?
i have Movie A playing. When you click PlayStep button, I want to open another window that has Movie B in it. When Movie B is done, I want to go back to where I came from (Movie A). Nothing that I have tried has worked -- like _blank or importing ExternalInterface.
I am trying to open up my site in a pop up window, and to be self contained in the window itself. This involves javascript and the code must be entered in the index.html page of the site, after the head tag, but why wont it work?! Does anyone know what to do?
is there any way to use the getURL command without it actually opening a new page? What I'm really doing is sending variables to a php page and inserting data into a database, but when i use LoadVars and LoadVars.send it's not workin for some reason. So I tried a simple getURL and that also sends the variables to the page and that works for me, but I don't want the users to see a new window popup or for the one theyre in to go to a new URL...? Maybe I'll post my LoadVars code too just to make sure I did that correctly... but I copied and pasted it from another LoadVars object in the same flash program that is working correctly (both sending AND loading variables)...
How to open a website page ( inside a box/window of designated size and position inside a flash swf? I am an Actionscript newbie and can't deal with "snippets" of info as well.
I followed this tutorial [URL] put the proper actions on my button, the button calls the window in a blank page but it does not have the settings in the javascript no scroll, no resize and a preset window size.
The tut is from Flash 5 and that was before the "ACruncontent" file flash uses now in cs3. window opening the way I need it is critical for a client.
I want to open a new window with let's say height 500 and width 600 could i use this in flash so i can open such an window with an html -file in it, i have made a javascript to do this, but could i use this in my actionscript or do I have to work with getURL somehow.
I have made an mp3 player which works fine but I have one issue. Currently if you click on the speakers it will open the player in another window. way for the original player to stop playing and then new one which opens to continue playing.
The second player launches via a get url command, so I guess this might not work with what I am trying to achieve.
Here is the link to the file.
The idea is for the original mp3 player to sit on the first page of a website and the second one to float when opened over the other pages the user navigates through.