ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert An .swf File To A Quicktime .mov File
Aug 2, 2010
I need to convert an .swf file to a Quicktime .mov file. Unfortunately exporting from Flash isn't working. Are there any endorsements out there for a converter that accomplishes this task?
Can I convert a Flash file to Quicktime or Windows Media Player? If (Also, is swf the only file format on Flash?) I've been reading I need to download some converter to do this.
I created a swf file useing Flash and need to convert this to a mov file. I watched a training video and under Publish Settings > Format their should be a Quicktime mov option. I do not have this option on my CS5 Flash version. Also, if I try to export as a mov file, nothing happens. I have QuickTime Player version 7 on my computer. It just will not show up as an option in Flash. How do I convert a swf file to a mov file without going online and purchasing a converter?
I'm trying to post a Quicktime movie into Flash CS3, but my FLV file looks AWFUL when compared to the original Quicktime video. When importing the Quicktime video, I've tried all kinds of settings. (Soreson Sparks was the worst.) I've changed the quality, the data rate, and the frame rate; I've selected "deinterlaced" and deselected "deinterlaced." I've changed the key frame placement and interval and left them alone. I am all out of ideas. I am grinding my teeth.
By creating some kind of var or something, is there any way I can call up a Quicktime video into Flash without actually converting it into an FLV file? It was suggested that I make an SWFObject2, How to make my video look better. I just want my video to look like it does in Quicktime.
I have created a booklet in InDesign cs4 that includes page turn transitions. I have saved it as a SWF file and it works perfectly on my PC with the ability to sweep through the page turns. My issue is now, what type of file can I export the SWF file to so that I can view it on an iPad and am still able to have the page curls?
I have one designign query in need the code of Swf file so first i need to convert it to fla then i need a script code of it.but didnt fine it on internet.
How to convert a SWF file to FLV file? (using CS4-AS3) How to export to FLV file from the FLA file? (using CS4-AS3) While trying to export to MOV file from the FLA file (using File > Export option), the software blocks each time on "recording flash content" and basically I cannot export to the desired file formats (flv and mov).
I am trying to convert and vob file to and flv file on my mac. Adobe encoder doesn't recognize it. what I can use to convert it? Both the suggested in prev discussions of this type, the encoders suggested were for windows need it for a mac.
I downloaded a youtube video which was an MP4 and used Flash CS3 Video Encoder to encode it to an FLV file. Actually improved the quiktime file. Anyway, my question is: I want to encode the FLV file to an AVI file to put on a DVD for a friend to view in their DVD player. They don't have internet capabilities [] so I can't email the link. If I can make a DVD so they can view the AVI files that would be the cats meow!! I tried using the video import wizard to import the FLV file into Flash CS3 but can't seem to figure out what to do.
convert pdf file into byte array.and also i tried in Google also but no results yet.can u prefer how to convert pdf file into byte array and retrieve byte array into pdf file in flex application.
How to convert pdf file to swf file. I recently jointed to my new office they are using one exe files when we click the exe file its converting all pdf to swf inside the exe contain folder. Its possible to do in flash ??..
I am working on a new project and we are trying to figure out if there is a way to convert .swf file to Word that a client can use since do not have Flash available to them. Not sure if this conversion would be usuable in Word but I am willing to try anything.
My client will soon be wanting videos to be played on television screens in their stores.I'm pretty good at flash, and can knock up good looking videos no problem. However, how well does flash convert to a movie file (swf ---> mpeg etc)?