ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "Access Of Possibly Undefined Property Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.displayisplayObjectContainer"
Mar 10, 2011
hey there. A small problem here.
i write: = 1;
trace(; //everything works fine
trace(getChildAt(1).id); //error (btw the object is for sure in position 1)
if i try
trace(DisplayObjectContainer(getChildAt(1)).id); //still error "Access of possibly undefined property through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObjectContainer"
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so far so simple right? But now i get the 1119 error Access of undefined property BUTTON_CLICKED though a refernece with static type Class. Here's the odd part- I can use the class as normal, and access any of its public methods/properties. If i move the from my shared code folder into my project folder (alonside my swf and flashDevelop project files) it works fine. I have exactly the same (as fr as i can tell) structure running in another project and it works perfectly. I've tried cutting and pasting across and trying to find what i;ve done differently but no luck.
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Mar 5, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images", "*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif;*.png");
var fileRef:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
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