ActionScript 3.0 :: External HTML Adding Extra Line Breaks?
Nov 18, 2009
For some reason, when I import my external html to my page, I'm getting extra line breaks. Even if I don't use a <br> in the line, but do a hard return, I'm getting a line break. So that's weird too. As well, it doesn't do the bold (which may be an embedding issue, as I'm using a nonstandard font. I've got the normal font embedded. of coruse, the italics works, which is weird.). What am I doing wrong?I don't think it does anything, but I've set the textbox to "render as HTML," if that effects anything.
My AS code:
ActionScript Code:
dynamic_txt.visible = false;
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I put together an .html page using a photoshop jpg that I sliced into sections. I was asked to replace two graphics from the original .jpg file with animated content of the same size. Using my slices as a guide for size, I created the two animated graphics in flash and saved them out as .swf files. They are both the exact same size(px) as the static images. I opened my newly sliced html file in dreamweaver, deleted the static images and placed the .swf files.
For some reason the .swf files cause gaps in my html page. Tere are no borders on the .swf files and I can't figure what I've done wrong.
One note: It seems to only ad space when viewing from Mozilla. Havent' tested it on a pc yet either.[URL]
Below is code for the left hand speaker:
<td colspan="3" rowspan="4"><object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="246" height="378"> <param name="movie" value="index_images/speaker_left.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> <param name="swfversion" value=""> <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE
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textField.appendText(""+ bldg.S11[i].Title.text())textField.appendText("Square Footage: "+ bldg.S11[i].SF.text())textField.appendText("Tenant: "+ bldg.S11[i].Tenant.text())textField.appendText("Status: "+ bldg.S11[i].Status.text())
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dik.fontWeight = "bold";[code].....
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Sep 4, 2009
I'm importing html in Flash 8 and the dynamic text box won't see the text in a paragraph as one single string. Wherever there's a line break in the external text file (not using html tags), it also shows that break in flash unlike a regular html page which ignores these line breaks. I don't even need to use the <br> tag to make an intentional line break.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a TextField that uses a stylesheet and gets its text as htmlText. That text is read from an *.xml file with the neccessary CDATA tag. The htmlText is read correctly (I have a debug output to check that), and when displaying the .text attribute, it shows line breaks as expected. multiline, wordwrap and condenseWhite are enabled. No AutoSizing is done, instead I set width and height of the field manually.
But the text it actually shows on the screen is all shown in one line, with multiple lines being drawn in the same line. It also seems to interpret the html correctly, as the words with '<b></b>' around them are bold. Only the line breaks are not working. The height can't be the problem as I set it manually to a value high enough, and debug output shows that it really has that height.
This only happens when viewing the *.swf online and only with empty cache. When I press F5 in the window, the TextField works as intended. So it works offline and when it has already been loaded.
But the creation, scaling of the TextField and filling the TextField with text is all done in the same function, without any breaks so I really don't know how the cache could possibly affect this.
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Aug 20, 2008
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<p>first paragraph text here</p>
<p>second paragraph text here</p>
<p>third paragraph text here</p>
Displays as if there are <br/> between each one.
<p>first paragraph text here</p>
<p>second paragraph text here</p>
<p>third paragraph text here</p>
behaves correctly even for the third paragraph.
Here is the code I am working with (using XML as I am dynamically populating the textfield from XML). After reading [URL] I tried the same experiment using a TF drawn in the IDE, the results for each, even though the TextFields are essentially the same are totally different. Updated Code accordingly - just need a TF on stage, called "ideTextField" with font 'Arial'.
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Jan 25, 2010
I'm having a problem with my imported HTML text - basically when I switch on 'Embed fonts' for a text field, Flash will only ever render one line break, regardless of how many </p> <br /> or whatever other type of line-breaking tag you can imagine are present.What this means is that all my paragraphs are squashed up into one, with no double line-break after the closing </p> tag, as you'd expect.I've used html text with css before and normally experience the opposite problem, whereby whitespace linebreaks in the imported text are rendered, but this problem is a new one on me.
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Mar 5, 2004
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Aug 9, 2003
I been making a histroy frame (similar to the one above) where people can see where they were on the site before they came to the new section of the site. I have successfully done this using html text and ASFunction and it works perfectly. The problem is when I add a new html link into the textfield the new entry goes to a second line. I wanted it to appear in one lineie. home > tutorials > easin menu...the script i used to add are as follows:
history.htmlText += "<a href='asfunction: loader,2'> Section 2</a>";
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Jan 8, 2010
i need to split a large text file into an array at line breaks so one array element = one line.i have tried the using "" in both match() and in RegExp but it doesnt work.i had the g and m flags on. tried the $ sign too.
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Jun 23, 2007
I'm having a problem with extra lines being added to my text anytime the stylesheet is applied??
Here's the actionscript:
this.createTextField("bodytxt", 0, 50, 30, 430, 200);
bodytxt.html = true;
bodytxt.border = true;
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Mar 23, 2009
I need load this external code:
<object width="305" height="115"> <param name="movie" value=" ram name="flashvars" value=" 26809361&
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Aug 31, 2011
I am passing a text from javascript to flash. and spliting the text based on "<br>"
Here is my code
<script> function printLabel(){ var label = document.getElementById("label1").innerHTML; thisMovie("main").sendText(label);
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Jul 16, 2009
When I use this code:
HTML Code:
<p><span class="boldgold">Flash Player now supports Cascading Style Sheets!</span><br/>
Macromedia Inc. announced today a new version of Flash Player that supports Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) text styles. </p>
it is normally formatted like this:
Flash Player now supports Cascading Style Sheets!Macromedia Inc. announced today a new version of Flash Player that supports Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) text styles.However, in Flash, when I load the external text and use CSS to format it, I get an extra line break:
Flash Player now supports Cascading Style Sheets!Macromedia Inc. announced today a new version of Flash Player that supports Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) text styles.The way around it is to let the text after the break tag follow that break tag:
HTML Code:
<p><span class="boldgold">Flash Player now supports Cascading Style Sheets!</span><br/>Macromedia Inc. announced today a new version of Flash Player that supports Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) text styles. </p>
Isn't there a way (as2 code?) to have flash format the text just like a browser would if it were a normal html page?
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Jul 13, 2005
I want to have some line breaks in my XML. I have a the code for ignore white spaces which is eliminating my line breaks. i have tried <br> which doesnot work.
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Feb 27, 2007
I've got a list I need to place in an XML file, and I need it to display as a list when it's brought into Flash. However, and do not work.
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Sep 1, 2008
I'm new to flash and AS3, and have just figured out how toload an external XML document into a textField, which is thenstyled via an external CSS document. The styling works fine,colours change, font size changes etc... But! And here's myproblem, when the xml data is loaded into the textfield, where Ihave nested styles, it creates a line break.I have created a textField on the stage with an instance nameof: eventsContentTextFieldWhich is set to dynamic, scrolling (with a UIScrollBarcomponent), html and multiline.
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Jun 23, 2011
This is the MXML I have
None of them create a new line in flex they are both rendered to the screen. How can I create a new line with a php string?
but if I do name.text=data.string; it doesnt even though data.string has the exact same value;
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Jul 12, 2010
For some reason or another, after a </strong> or </em> tag, flash inserts a line break after it.
So it is like this:
This is some BOLD
text and this is some italic
When it should look like this: This is some BOLD text and this is some italic text.
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Mar 17, 2010
I have one swf which calls xml having Unicode characters in text box. But it breaks characters from single word at the end of line when displayed.
why it dosent recognise the word just like english text? is there a wayout?
I dont want to insert line breaks in xml.
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Sep 18, 2009
I am developing an admin tool for a client. There is a textarea in the tool that the client will type out a description for the video he wants to upload. This description sometimes might have a few paragraphs. I am pushing the data from the textarea into an HTML file and saving on the server so that it integrates with his site. My question is, how do I detect the line breaks in the text area and change them to HTML breaks <br> once the user submits the data?
Hello, this is a test.
should be turned into:
this is a test.<br><br>?
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Jun 22, 2009
I've finally got XML information coming into my text field. Only problem now is that there for every line break in the text, Flash reads it as two line breaks, for example:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 1
Line 2
I found that you can just use the <br> tag in the original text or if I'm using actionscript to input the text I can use or but what if I'm using text generated by a CMS which my client needs to be able to use?
View 10 Replies
Oct 10, 2009
I know you can identify line breaks when working with text files by checking the character equivalent, but is this possible to do with htmlText?
I am making a text editor for my client and I am using the textArea component as the input field with the data stored in an XML. All's well, except for the line break--the textArea is rendered as htmlText so that the client will be able to see the changes made instantly. By default, it works, but the spacing is all screwed up (indents, double-spaces at times), so I decided to condense the whitespace. With this on, it gets rid of the spacing issues since the html is being rendered exactly as coded. The thing is, hitting enter in the textArea does not add <br /> to the htmlText code.
Do i need to overwrite the Enter key with a custom function that inserts a ine break when using the textArea, or is there a way to detect and convert these line breaks in htmlText?
View 6 Replies
Dec 15, 2009
I have a input textfield 200x150 where customers can write their address.
Address is written like:
Avenida de presidente
Calle no 2
How can the line break be recognized in the Text field, so the text arrives in the format as written? The text field also has a >restrict<, it does not allow
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm working on a project in which user data will be saved via php to an xml file on the sever. Using Kirupa's excellent tutorial [URL], I am able (now) to output to the xml file. My question is, does anyone know of a way to create the xml file so that the nodes will appear on seperate lines, as it would were I creating the XML file using Dreamweaver say.
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Feb 9, 2010
Previously I had posted a thread about trying to format and xml file with line breaks and indents when writing XML files using the xml.sendAndLoad method.I was looking for a way to write the xml like this[code]...
I thought I had solved this by converting the XML to a str in which the line breaks and indents were added in the appropriate places, but as yet I haven't been able to write it to an XML file. I can write a text file using LoadVars, but this isn't useful as the formatting isn't preserved.
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May 4, 2011
I have a site that compiles to Actionscript 2.0 and Flash player 8. This site utilises XML output from ASP.Net driven database pages. The problem I have is basically that where I have some tabstops set, in certain cases, where the text starting from the first tab stop is over a certain length an unwanted line break is output just before the last word in the entry. (I know it's always the last word since if I put another word on the end of the string the word that was originally on the new line is back in it's proper place - so it doesn't appear to be length related).
Effectively, what I want is as follows:
header1: Descriptive text header 1
header2: Description header 2
header3: Description header 3
header4: header 4 text
Descriptive text here across multiple lines
What I'm getting is something like this:
header1: Descriptive text header 1
header2: Description header 2
header3: Description header 3 with a long
description header4: header 4 text
Descriptive text here across multiple lines
The Xml I am loading is as follows (This has been anonymiezd and the angle brackets changed to '[]')
[?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?]
[config scrollPosition="right" styleSheet=".stylesheetscv.css"]
[text][textformat tabstops = "50,540,590"]:[tab /]T[tab /]T[tab /]T[tab /]:[br /]
[list_by]CV Entries By Date[/list_by]
[Code] .....
There are appropriate closing tags further down the file. The CSS that relates to this is:
headertext {
display: inline;
color: #008000;
} itemheader {
display: inline;
[Code] .....
In order to get the CSS to overide the settings of the dynamic text field I use an empty TextFormat object tFormat. The XML is loaded with ignoreWhite set to true. Or can I not see the wood for the trees?
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Feb 10, 2009
I'm trying to split my text at the line breaks, but it won't work. My text is something like this:
Each item is from an XML tag, but I can't keep it as XML, for my own reasons which I won't get into. I form the text thusly:
ActionScript Code:
for (i = 0; i < myXML.childNodes.length; i++) {
node = myXML.childNodes[i];
for (a = 0; a < node.childNodes.length; a++) {
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Jan 10, 2006
I need to send the contents of an input textfield by GET to a php script. The problem is the input must be multiline, but cannot allow line breaks orelse it messes up the GET query. Is there anyway for me to replace the line breaks with a html encoded line break (I tried restricting the textfield to specific characters, but the return still caused line breaks)?
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