ActionScript 3.0 :: Refresh The Page To Respond To The Changes Made To The File?
Feb 8, 2009
Ok, basically I have a flash application that is reading an xml file across a server. The xml file changes when the user edits something in the flash application. What is the best way to refresh the page to respond to the changes made to the file. Should I refresh the page, by calling the same url again? Should I use a javascript option. [URL]Or is there like a
I need browser refresh (page reloading), when we click on button in swf file. i dont know flash scripting. i want just html page reload when i click button in swf file. i want code for page refresh.
I've been trying to get this preloader working for days! I finally got it working, and now when i upload it to my site and refresh the page, the .swf file is stuck at the preloader screen.
I've been reading up on it for a while now, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I'm pretty new to flash and was hoping someone could offer some guidance with shared objects.hen the user refreshes the page by either refreshing or moving to another page the movie replays which is not the desired action.
I have a file upload tool that I created in flash (as2). The file uploads images and then writes the image details to a database. However, I seem to have a problem then when I refresh the page, the upload script keeps working.And this seems to cause some issues with writing to the database when image don't actually appear to be on the server. I have fixed the issue by doing some checking to see if the file actually exists before writing to the server, but I would like to know why this happens.
why a site wouldn't load on first pull up? I have to press refresh to get it to pull up the content. All the content is dynamic pulling from a SOAP server.. Any clue why it wouldn't load? I don't think its a prob. with the content or the server. I used to have a random background script in there. But now we aren't using a random back ground.
I have a flash movie that I want to play once. If someone refreshes the page or goes to another page with same movie, I want it not to replay the animation. Is there any way to do that in Flash 8 and without frames or iframes.
I have a swf file in which a simple animation is playing in which it starts from frame 1 and stop on frame 35i have two html page in which embedded same swf on both html pages i have a link in one html page when i click this link second html page opensin which same swf embedded which is loaded again in this page ....I only want that when i go to second html page swf should not reloaded
So I'm trying to create this website in which the first page is made in Flash and the rest are made in Dreamweaver. how to actually connect them so that works? I know how to put something made from Flash into a Dreamweaver page; should i just do the same thing?
so i am making a website in Dreamweaver cs5 and i am going to be importing a .swf animation for the menu bar i made in Flash. how do i make an action in Flash direct to a page of my website in Dreamweaver for example the index.html file of my web page.right now i have an actions layer with a stop(); command on the last frame of the animation i want to add a command under that, that will take the user to the index.html page of my website when the button is clicked. I have the button already made as well as the animation all i am missing is the code to go to the index.html page.
i want to link a flash button to page made in dreamweaver. so i am going from a flash slpash page to html..(if i am correct<--noob) its all on my ftp server so how do i write the actionscript to find the page i want it to? i am sure that i worded this whole thing wrong so bear with me.
how I can prevent flash from reloading when my page is refreshed? When I user clicks the search button the whole page reloads with the data they were looking for but the flash animation at the top of the page also reloads and I would like to prevent this.
I have a flash movie that I want to play once. If someone refreshes the page or goes to another page with same movie, I want it not to replay the animation. Is there any way to do that in Flash 8 and without frames or iframes.
So far my code takes hex codes out of tweets containing a certain hashtag, and draws a square of that hex code colour. If someone were to tweet a new set of hexcodes while you were looking at the site, you would have to manually refresh the page to see the new squares.
What I want the SWF to do is play from the beginning when someone hits the index.php file and gotoAndStop(234) when someone goes to a sub-page (like contact.htm).What I did first was:
<CODE> function checkSO() { var SO = SharedObject.getLocal("siteSO"); if ( != undefined) {
And that worked in the sense of no cookie-it loads and plays the swf from the beginning. If
there is a cookie it starts from frame 234.
As it sits now as long as the cookie exist in the TIF everytime they return to my page it will not play the opening animation it will just jump to then end even on the index.php.
I have a swf embedded in a Joomla site that displays artwork. Everything works great, the only problem is when the user browses page to page the swf refreshes everytime whihc means the user is viewing the same artwork over and over. How can I get this swf to play continuously while the user is browsing instead of refreshing with every click. From the research I have found it seems the answer lies in using a sharedObject. I have found tons of info using sharedObjects but usually in a drag drop type situation, but nothing for storing timeline position.
What I want the SWF to do is play from the beginning when someone hits the index.php file and gotoAndStop(234) when someone goes to a sub-page (like contact.htm).What I did first was:
And that worked in the sense of no cookie-it loads and plays the swf from the beginning. If there is a cookie it starts from frame 234.
As it sits now as long as the cookie exist in the TIF everytime they return to my page it will not play the opening animation it will just jump to then end even on the index.php. [code].....
I have a bizarre situation in IE where JS can't call up into flash using ExternalInterface after I hit "refresh". I know the movie is getting loaded and the code that does the ExternalInterface.addCallback() appears to be completing without any error Here's a rundown of the steps to reproduce:
Open IE and load up the movie for the first time, the ExternalInterface callback methods are available to JavaScript. If I hit refresh, the callback methods aren't available and I get the error Object doesn't support this property or method.If I clear my cache and refresh the page, they are available again.If I then hit refresh again without clearing my cache, they're unavailable.If I close the browser and reopen, they're available again.
I've run into this situation before and I'm pretty sure that the extra delay required to download and instantiate the swf is what's allowing ExternalInterface to get set up properly. The way I worked around this before was to add a random number to the end of the swf's url, so that it's never used from cache, but that's not a real solution.
I have to stream a webcam video, so I use ustream to do that, which generate a flash embed code for me, and I have a button to turn off/on the light, but when I press the button it refresh the whole page and so the flash component.
There's some way to not refresh the page and still send to command ? Well for now it's this way:
I use SlideShowPro quite often. One nifty features it has is support for permalinking. By setting permalinks to true in the component, and adding some VB and javascript to the webpage, it can "set" the URL of the browser without actually visiting or refreshing the page. I'd like to do something similar for my own web app in AS3. I know how to inject a URL variable into Flash, but I don't know how to set a URL parameter without javascript refreshing the page.
Here's the code that the SSP user guide asks to add to the HTML: Code: <script language="VBScript"> <!-- Sub ssswf_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args) select case command case "putHREF" location.href = args [Code] .....
Using the above code, if I have this in my swf: var testVar = 15;"flashPutHref", testVar);
The browser visits the complete URL of the webpage, where the filename is replaced with whatever testVar is. i.e. if the webpage I'm at is: [URL]. And testVar is 15, the ExternalInterface call forces the browser to visit this URL: [URL]. So I could very easily just change the javascript to add something like "test.html?id=15" to that call, but then the page whould just continue to refresh over and over again. Somehow, SlideShowPro has used this same exact code and have managed to change the URL without the page refreshing.
This seems like a simple script I want to write, but for the past 2 days I can't seem to get it started...
Here's what I want to do:
I have a flash movie that I want to play once. If someone refreshes the page, I want it to check to see if it has already been viewed that day and if so, just go to the last frame of the movie instead of playing all over again.
Here's sort of a flowchart:
1. Start a flash cookie
2. Set a variable for a "check date" and "if viewed"
3. Check "if viewed" - no=play yes=checkdate
4. If checkdate = today=don't play goto last frame newday=replay movie and set played for that day.
I have a flash banner on every page in my site. I want it to continue playing rather than reloading when users change pages. Ive read that this can be achieved using flashvars.
I have this on frame 1 of my fla file now: var mySharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("displayCookie"); if( == true){ gotoAndPlay(currentFrame); trace("cookie found"); [Code] ....
But I don't know how to give the currentFrame the value it had at the time the page was refreshed. How do I put that in there?
I want an mp3 player stretched at the bottom of the screen that won't refresh on page reload. I just want to embed a basic mp3 player in some flash, or use jquery, or ajax? Not really sure. I'm most familiar with jquery and would prefer that route. I just not sure how you could have a div that stretches through every page, but only being defined in one page.