Actionscript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player And The Video Playlist?
Jul 12, 2009
I have succesfully added the Flash MP3 Player and the Video Playlist to my flash site.The music in the MP3 player works fine, so does the video playlist but the problem is i have to pause the music before going to the video page or else they play together.I want to be able to automatically pause the music when i hit the button to go to the video page and when i click a button to go to a different page i want the video to stop or pause and the music to resume playing.Heres the code for the mp3 player and the Video code is further down:
Code: Select all// Setup sound object
var s:Sound = new Sound();
s.onSoundComplete = playSong;[code]..........
I am a fairly new as3 user and am working on a video player that loads an xml file into a URLloader as a playlist. I have everything working but I want to add a few buttons to change the content of the playlist. All of the data will come from the same xml document, so I don't think i have to reload the xml. I can get the content to load when the button is pushed, but it jsut adds to the previous content instead of replacing i. How to clear the content before adding?
Here is my code (that relates to this) so far.... public class playlist_controller extends MovieClip { private var xml_loader:URLLoader; public function playlist_controller():void { ////load the xml file xml_loader = new URLLoader(); [Code] .....
I have a flash video player whose playlist is based off an xml list. Now, I need this list to change based on whose accesing the player. So: Client gets a link, clicks on link, player shows their video. Another client clicks on another link, player shows their video,
I would like to have a simple flv player on my website.But this player should have a playlist.I cn create inside Dreamweaver just a simple player skin... but it doesn't allow me to generate a playlist.
I have an as3 mp3 player that loads a random file from an xml list so every time the user opens the player a random song plays and when song finishes or the user skips the song it goes to a random song also. I want to create an interactive playlist under this mp3 player. is this possible as the songs that are played are at random?
i am trying to create an xml driven mp3 playerbut one that displays all the songs in a listwhich users can then click on to select the song they want to play.two examples:[URL]
I have an mp3 player based on the School of Flash code. When I click "next song" I need it to go to the next song, unless it's the last song in the playlist in which case it needs to go back to song number 1 in the playlist.
The following code doesn't seem to do the trick
var songlist:XMLList; var currentIndex:Number = 0; and.. function nextSong(e:Event):void
I was trying to build a flash mp3 player for my website to help sell my music. The flash mp3 player needs to have a playlist with "Buy Now" buttons next to each song in the playlist, that link back to my paypal for easy checkout.Im not sure if I should try to code this in AS3 using the ListBox Component or the Datagrid Component. Either way, its all coming down to the fact that I need to learn how to embed Images, Mp3's and Links in each row of the playlist.Here is a couple examples of some cool looking flah mp3 players that Im trying to build:
*NOTE!!!* I'm not asking anyone here to build me a whole mp3 player. Im simply asking the main question of how to populate either a list component or datagrid component with sound and links right next to each sound in the playlist/rows.
I have a mp3 player... without a clickable playlist. I'm having issues making the clickable playlist. Its XML powered so i have to create the playlist on load. right now im trying to create a for loop that would attach a movie clip for each song but it isn't working very well.
How we can create a basic Flash & ActionScript based mp3 player with a playlist that displays songs and allows you to choose from it? I know how to make the basic player with the play, stop, next and previous buttons but wanted to create one with a playlist.
I'm creating an mp3 player with playlist, equalizer etc. I've worked with an equalizer before, however I want this equalizer to display outside of the playlist movie clip where all the track information is stored.
I have this FLV player that pulls all of the data (poster frame url, flv url, etc...) from an external xml file "prefs.xml" that's in the same root as the swf. That all works nicely.[url]...
I know cross-domain policies come into effect, and I actually have one hard-coded into the swf, and linked from the prefs.xml file so you can change the url of that document.[code]...
I'm trying to create a flv custom player with scrollable playlist, much like youtube's. Anyways, I have a scroll bar with the buttons inside of it. The problem is the buttons that are inside the scroll bar do not want to communicate with the main timeline. So I want to press the button inside the scroll bar and have the selected video play on the main time line. So if the buttons are three movie clips deep into the timeline how do I tell it to play video1 on the main timeline when that button is clicked?
I made a video player in flash (AS 3.0, Flash CS3), which plays an .flv file.It works great and when I export it, I get an perfectly working .swf file that plays the .flv file.But what I want now is to make the .swf file play different .flv's each time. So I want to create a playlist. But the playlist must not be in flash but in HTML (and javascript I guess). So I want that one link in the html can influence the .flv source of the .swf player. (right now the .flv source is included in the .swf file).
Anyone have any idea about how works the player ReverbNation? When I'm browsing the website, the player don't stop. It's still playing the song without pause o cut. And nor have frame/iframes.
1) If you have various instances of the player on the same page, would I be correct to assume that there is nothing in place to make sure that only one instance is playing at the same time? if so is there a way round this? 2) How would you go about reading from a dynamically created playlist? say for example for use in a record shop where each record has 2-10 tracks but records are being pulled from database. Or would it be best to pull playlist directly from the database?
I'm trying to brainstorm ideas on a site I'm managing. [URL]. (Once the page loads, click on "The Fixx" menu option). On this page, I have a list of radio shows that this DJ has produced. It's a compilation of songs that he posts up twice a week roughly. Currently the way it's setup... is you can click the button and it opens a pop up window with a player that plays the corresponding file. However... I want to be able to have a window open up that has a playlist of the songs contained in that mixshow in the bottom (Not something they will be able to click on to go to a particular song, just something that tells them what is on this show) and the player at the top. I also would like the capability of dragging through the song so they don't have to listen to the whole thing. Currently it's abit cumbersome, and I know it'll drive more viewers if I add playlist functionality.
I need to create a dynamic movie player in the flash website, i tried Import Video... (File > Import >) , then i put a relative URL of xml file (e.g. xspf.xml) under the "Already deployed on web server..." option. but the video doesn't show nothing at all.
This is my code in xspf.xml:
is there any other better or easier way to create an flv player within flash website which support multiple video file as a playlist?
I'm trying to create a page for one of my clients where I will store a bunch of videos. I came up with something like this.[URL]..You click on each button and you watch different videos. Pretty simple! Now my challenge is this: I would like to display different descriptions for each video whenever the viewer clicks on one of the buttons with the video names.
I downloaded player from [URL].. but I don't know why what the problem it had with with playlist. I had a playlist in xml file with songs. When i deleted the mp3 from the server, it is still playing. and when i changed the mp3 files it is still playing the original files. I don't know where these files were saved. I thought it was saved in my browser cache and i cleared it but it didn't work. I thought it was cached in my server, but in my localserver , i had the same problem.
So, again i downloaded the player, and this time it played different song, that i put. I have a hypothesis. Does flash player (swf object) absorb mp3 files?? i don't think so but how come player is playing the mp3 that has been changed or deleted? if it was in server cache then how long will it take to clear the cache and play new file. However, i don't remember coding something like 'cache'
I have created a flash video player using a customised flvplayback component and an XML playlist.The playlist in flash consists of a tumbnail with a name, which is within a scrolling MC, and 2 text areas under the video player for the title and the other for a description. All text and images are loaded from the XML.The default player starts with an auto play video and then the user can select a video from the playlist on the right.I'm trying to make it so I can create a URL link on another page within our website (home page)i.e "see this video of us doing this". I want the URL link to take the user to the video player page, but load in a specific flv and text from the XML instead of the default.
Is this possible?I have looked into flashvars but im not sure how to implement this with an XML player, and preferably not having to create a duplicate html page.(I would like the URL link to tell the flash player which video to load)
I am working on a video player with a selectable xml video playlist. I have successfully made the playlist draggable but can't seem to figure out how to allow the list (previously accessible outside the draggable movie clip) to be selectable. drag_mc is the movie clip which I have made draggable. Here is the part of code I am dealing with:
I am using Lee's xml video playlist and it works great with http video links. I now need this flv player to stream rtmp link. Streaming one video from the rtmp server works fine but when using the xml list the video doesn't load.
I am using Lee's video playlist.It all functions great.Instead of alphaNumber text for the list, I would like to create thumbnails. I prefer small movie clips for thumb nails.Is it possible to modify this xml code to accomplish this? I have 3 movie clips for thumbs names mc_1 mc2 and mc3. Or, do I need to modify the AS also?
how to i load a flv file/stream from a prerecorded user into LEE's XML Video Playlist ready to display at the client side. on my fms server after a user recorded a video message its been created in the rtmp:/camera_apps/cameratest/streams folder and has the name record1.flv record2.flv etcetc this should load into the vlist component. how can i achieve this funtionality..
here is the code for the player and component: Code: Select all var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null);