Actionscript 3.0 :: Multiple Video Player?

Sep 25, 2009

I try to do my own, however, when I click in the next thumbnail, the next video don't delete and steel runningthe previous and this video don't overwrite it self, so how I can delete de previous video and load the next video?

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Professional :: Multiple Video's In A Single Video Player?

May 17, 2010

I'm doing an Assignment where I have to build a website using Flash and for it to contain 4 video's.How can I have one single video player where the user can select what video's they want played in it from the website?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Flv Player - Load A Different Video When A Button Is Clicked In The Exact Same Place As The Old One

Jun 26, 2009

im creating a portfolio website that primarily uses flv videos for graphics. For example, if you click to go to another section of the website a video plays that actually walks you to that area. What I want to do is be able to load a different video when a button is clicked in the exact same place as the old one. I currently have a working class that plays a video


I want to some how be able to change the variable flvName on the click of a button on my stage and recall the class to change the video. If you can think of an alternate way of doing what i need to do id love to hear it.

View 0 Replies :: Play MP4 Video On Window Webserver In Quick Time And Flash Player(flv Player)?

Aug 3, 2010

I have two mp4 video files on webserver, i wanted to play them in flash player(flv player) on my page, but i couldn't be able to play them, i also tried to play them in quick time player the same prob occured. but i waz giving the accurate path, there were no spaces in mp4 file names etc. Does it need to have mp4 player(or codec etc) installed on webserver?

I have also some wmv files on that server , and i am playing perfectly using silver light player, and media player object on my website.

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Flash Video Player That Enables User To Embed Video Like YouTube Functionality

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Flash :: Use FBML To Embed A Custom Video Player / Video On Facebook Walls?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm trying to get a video (flv) or an swf video player to work on Facebook walls, however no matter what I do - facebook posts the raw fbml and ignores the code.



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Html Video List That Uses A Flash Video Player?

Oct 21, 2010

Create a html video list that uses a flash video player?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound From Video Plays After Video Player Removed From Stage

Apr 30, 2011

I have a website [URL] when I go there if I click the video archives button then play a video then click on the home or photos button or one of the alternate background buttons on the left the video goes away as it should but not always the audio (especially when I click while the video is still buffering). Is there a command I can use to kill the sound from the flvPlayback component and nothing else(I have a mp3 player there also I so I don't want to use the SoundMatrix class. btw the videos are all played on an instance of the flvPlayback component.

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Flex :: Video Player Doesn't Play Until The Video Is Fully Loaded?

Sep 18, 2009

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and the vid doesn't play until it's fully loaded

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mp3 And Video Player - Load External Video Gallery Or Mmedija.swf

Oct 25, 2011

I make my base swf in which I load external swf's. In my base swf I have mp3 player. Everything works fine until I need to load external Video gallery or mmedija.swf. In video gallery I have


to stop my mp3 player sounds and play video files.... But then when load some other files I want to stop playing video files and restart mp3 player.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multi Video Player - Audio From The Last Video Remains Playing Even When Prompted To Stop??

Jun 2, 2010

I built a timeline based player with 2 menus and many videos that you can play.The buttons move the timeline to a frame label and the video plays. The back button has a stop function built in it so the video stops playing when its hit.It plays wonderfully locally but once on a server after a few clicks it boggs down and sometimes the audio from the last video remains playing even when prompted to stop. I was pointed to use the add and remove child functions to prevent this but being very new to Flash and 100% self taught i have zero idea on how to do this. The link to the player is[url]....Even if its a link to a tutorial or something.

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Media Server :: Broadcast Multiple Video Chats Using Adobe Flash Player And "RED5 Flash Server"?

Jun 23, 2011

I had a question about RED5 & Adobe... Does anyone know if it is possible to broadcast multiple video  chats using Adobe flash player from "RED5 flash server"?

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Delay (2 Seconds) A Video To Play In A Flash Video Player?

Jan 18, 2010

I was wondering how I can delay (2 seconds) a video to play in a Flash Video Player? I know one way is for me to add blank frames but I would like to know some other options.

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Professional :: Position Flash Video Player At Bottom Of Video ?

Mar 6, 2010

With the Flash Player that comes with CS3 and on my PC XP Pro laptop.I want the player controls to appear at the _bottom_ of the video not on top of the video and not under (behind) the video.

- my video is 640 x 480
- so I modified the "properties" tab at the bottom of the screen to 640x480... (it was 550x400)
- but that just makes everything larger when I click File > Publish
- and then look at the video in Internet Explorer... the Player Controls are still _On Top_ of the video.

I guess I need to learn how to

- Make the stage bigger
- Position the Player controls below the actual video

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Media Server :: Video Player For Pure IP Multicast Video

Mar 21, 2011

I'm developing a video player for Pure IP multicast video. I'm using the Multicast Configurator provided with FMS 4 for generating the configuration. This is the manifest file generated:
<manifest xmlns="[URL]">
[Code] .....

That's not working. And I have several doubts about it:
1.- It's not working, and I don't know where is the error. I'm not sure what I should add as parameter in GroupSpecifier constructor? GroupSpecs from manifest file?? "com.adobe.pureIPMulticastGroup"??

2.- I've been watching the application in FMS4. The only way of publishing multicast streams in FMS4 is using the configurarion from Multicast Config Tool? Is it possible publishing a stream without the GroupsSpec generated by the Config Tool?

3.- If It's mandatory using the config tools for managinf the pure ip multicast. I would like to integrate the Multicast Config Tool in my platform. Is there any place where I could get the code of Multicast Config Tool? Any documentation about how to build it? This component have any flashvars or callbacks that could allow me integrate it in my platform?

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Flash :: Play Smooth Streaming Video From Iis 7 For A Video Player?

Jun 10, 2011

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Php :: Flash Video Player Buffer And Large Video Files

Aug 4, 2011

We have developed flash video player which needs to playe large videos (at least 500 MB videos).We have some issues in the player right now.I am playing a 100 MB + video, it start playing and say it is buffering upto 50% of that video. Then I am closing that page. If I take that video again, it starts downloading from beginning. It never resume downloading from where it buffered previous time. But for small video files, this is looking ok. Is there any size limit a video player can buffer?Is there any better way to play large videos (more than 500 MB). Any other protocol or any other settings in flash player?

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Feb 5, 2012

i am just curious if this kind of technology for flash is available.Can a website flash player able to cut specific part of the video and save it as a new video through php and flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Sound Quality Varies In Video Player?

Jun 9, 2010

I have an AS3 video player I've put together using fairly standard Netstream method and it plays my flv's fine. The problem is, the sound quality varies wildly depending on who is looking at it. When I test locally, the audio in the video is fine, but on a windows machine it goes horrifically loud to the point of distortion, also the client (outside the UK) has said it sounds fine to them, so It appears to be only happening here.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player Slows Browser When Downloading Video?

Sep 6, 2010

My video player slows down the whole browser when downloading the video and I dont know how to prevent this. If you need to see the code, Link to slow video player : [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player With XML ComboBox Adding Video Controls?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a video player that plays videos loaded via XML and selected using a combbox. I just got the play and pause buttons to work. What I'm attempting to do now is be able to hit next or previous buttons and select the next or pevious video from the XML file, and update the displayed/selected file in the combobox, my thought was to somehow set the previous/next buttons to directly manipulate the combobox, but nothing I've tried so far has worked.

ActionScript Code:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Php :: Flex Video Player Dynamically Load Video?

Nov 3, 2010

I need to load dynamiclly video in flex video player on the web,I'm using standard video player component,when page load a want to load a video in it.I'm not flex programmer

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Apply Video Filters On Flash Video On Player?

Oct 10, 2011

We have an ordinary video player built for Adobe Flash Player that streams a video file and plays it on a browser.However some of the video files aren't clear enough that we need additional video filters like sharpness filter while the others may require contrast filter or hue and tint filter due to its color balance.

The question is, is there any feature that are provided by Flash Player's core video component to apply those kind of filters on the fly at client-side?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Video Player That Functions Off Of The Video Class?

Mar 29, 2010

I pose this question to you. I have created a video player that functions off of the Video Class, netConnection and NetStream and up until this very moment works 100% as it should.The hang up I'm getting is that I have a onMetaData function that checks ALL of the flv's or f4v's metadata as it is loaded into the player, so i can use it to control some other elements of the player. Here is the code I am using:

my_ns.onMetaData = function (md:Object) {
for (propName:String in md){;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Video Player But The Video Is Not Visible?

Apr 13, 2011

i am trying to create a video player in AS 2.0, but I have a problem.My code loads a video, and plays the video, but.... I don't see my video xD.This is my code :

ActionScript Code:
var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var flux_video:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);


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Play The 3 Video Files In A Video Player?

Mar 12, 2009

I need to play the 3 video files in a video player. The files should execute one after the other in the flash video player and the files will be allocated dynamically from database.

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Play FLV Video In A Flash Video Player?

May 12, 2009

I want to play FLV video in a flash video player, and at the end of the buffering I want to access the data (video data, or buffered file) so I can manipulate it. For exemple in a ByteArray format so I can save it to local disk... With the NetStream and NetConnection I can play the video without problem, but I can't find a way to access the data. using the URLStream, I can download the video file [URL], and I can access the data I want but I can't play it?
Is there a way to play the URLStream, or to get data from the NetStream?
Or may be, I can access the cache of the browser to get the bufferd data played by NetStream?

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Flash :: Video Player VS HTML 5 Video?

Jun 12, 2010

I need to add a video player to play a video on a webpage. usually i use Flash player with the help of swfobject library. which works if flash player and javascript both are enabled.

I'm currently using XHTML 1.0 strict doctype. My question is can i just change my doctype to HTML 5 doctype and add Video player using HTML 5 video. for browser which do not support HTML5 i can a a javascript.

in this condition in supported browser Video will work without Flash player and javascript and in non-supported browser will work with js support.

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Flash :: Video Player For Video Streaming?

Oct 31, 2010

I need a flash video player for our public site where users will share videos.The video usage model is similar to youtube as far as video part is concerned.Users will upload and share videos. Users will browse and play all shared videos as well.The videos will be streamed from the server and our app is a .NET/C#/JQuery application.We have 3 options:

1) Either buy a commercial flash player

2) Customize a open source player or use free player and customize its gui

3) Develop our own (time consuming and last resort)

I am required to find a flash video player with these requirements:

Player should work in all major browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari)

Player should have way to inject Advertisement clips when playing a video file

Light weight and easy to integrate

Must support streaming and scale

Plus all other basic features of a flash video player.

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Flash :: Video Player For Video Streaming ?

Apr 11, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Flash video player for video there any good and open-source video player to be embed in as3, no flex, html, and js.i tried

https:[url]....but i found tons of bugs,if you know any comercial player, that would be awesome too.

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