Flex :: How To Find Height Of Children In TabNavigator

Nov 13, 2009

I'm having sizing issues with a TabNavigator. The direct children of the TabNavigator are Canvases, and within these I am adding Images. I'm trying to resize the images to fit within the Canvas without scrollbars. The Canvas height is set to 100% of the parent, which is the TabNav. Then I'm setting the image.height = parent.height *.9. The result is that Flex is generating scrollbars because the images are too high. It appears that the root cause is that the height property of the TabNavigator is the height of the entire component, including the height of the tabs. I'm assuming therefore it also contains that little strip of space between the tabs and the children of the TabNavigator. This makes sense, but is there a property that returns only the height of the children? I'm aware of the scrollbar policy properties and I've experimented with those. I know I can also try a different multiplier for the image size to get it to fit. It just seems like there should be a property to get the size of the space for the children.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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May 13, 2011

I have code like the following:
<s:VGroup gap="10" id="group" height="100%">
<s:Label text="This is page 2" />
<s:Button content="Resize Canvas" click="resize(event);"/>
<mx:Canvas id="photoCanvas" color="#567898" backgroundColor="#125567">

I don't understand why the following does not work:
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<mx:ViewStack id="viewStack" width="100%" height="100%" selectedIndex="0" horizontalCenter="0" textAlign="center">
<mx:VBox label="Tab 1" width="25%" height="10%" borderThickness="2" borderColor="red"


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PHP :: Flex - Refresh Particular Tab Of TabNavigator?

Nov 3, 2009

I am using a Tab Navigator component in which there are three canvas components. When I click one of the canvas (or tab), a Pie Chart is displayed. Actually what happens is that on-click
1. the canvas sends an HTTPService whose url is set to a php file
2. That php file actually gets information from a database. Based on that information an xml file is created
3. Fusion Chart uses that xml file to display a pie chart

The database is being updated after some time. Is there any way the Pie Chart may get updated after every 3 minutes to reflect the modifications in the database? or
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Feb 7, 2010

in my case I click a button. it calls changeTabState() ; it changes the state and then needs to select a tab using selectedIndex. but that does not work properly. If i go back go the main state and click the button again, it works as it should.Button:

<mx:Button x="741" y="21" label="Upload" click="changeTabState('login');" visible="{loggedIn}"/>


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Flex :: Resizing Contents In TabNavigator In 3

Apr 12, 2010

I am working on tabNavigator in flex 3. I have tileList within it. Contents in the tab comes dynamically so I cannot provide explicitly fixed height and width. I need to resize the tabs depending on the contents within it. To resize the tabs I have enabled 'resizeToContent' property of tabNavigator.For some reason it is not resizing as expected. 'resizeToContent' works fine for other child items in tabNavigator but fails when I use tileList as child in tabNavigator that time tileList resizes to its default size(4 rows are only visible). So i was wondering if there any way so that I can force tileList to display all its items without putting scrollbars after its default size.

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Jul 7, 2010

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Nov 5, 2010

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Flex :: 4.5 TabNavigator CornerRadius Not Working?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm having the hardest time finding a way to simply add rounded tabs to a TabNavigator control.I have seen examples which seem to be really simple but they don't seem to work in Flex 4.5. Here is some sample code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Actionscript 3 :: MovieClip Resizes But Its Children's Height And Width Are Not Changed?

Feb 27, 2011

Changing the width and height of the parent MovieClip does not bring change in the width and height of the inner MovieClip. The parent MovieClip is placed at Stage and is resized manually. When I assign the dimension of the parent MovieClip to the inner MovieClip through code, the parent MovieClip dimension is changed. I want both MovieClip to be of same width and height at runtime. However, parent MovieClip dimension is changed at design time by me.

Example:There are two MovieClip, one inside another. Now parent MovieClip is placed at Stage at design time and its dimension is (50,50) and the child MovieClip which is inside the parent MovieClip has also same dimensions (50,50). Now, I manually change the parent MovieClip dimension by pressing Q and stretching it with mouse, the dimension of the parent MovieClip is now (100,150) or whatever I like. Now double-click on parent MovieClip and check that inner MovieClip dimension remains same i.e. (50,50)Now in AS3 code, I change the width and height of inner MovieClip like this:

saveheight = parentmc.height;
savewidth = parentmc.width;

now I change the child MovieClip according to the dimensions of the parent MovieClip like this:

parentmc.inner_mc.width = parentmc.width;
parentmc.inner_mc.height = parentmc.height;

but this brings change in parentmc also so I reassign value to parentmc like this:

parentmc.height = saveheight;
parentmc.width = savewidth;

In above case, parentmc and inne_rmc dimension should be same i.e (100 ,150). With swapping the values as above, I get parentmc and inner_mc to be of same dimension, but object size is never (100, 150), I have checked it with pixel-perfect air app.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Height & Width Of The Container Without The Children Scaling?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a container object that i add children to. I want to change the height & width of the container without the children scaling. In this case I draw a rectangle in flash which I'll use as the container object then export for AS.


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Flex :: Get Information Of Tabs Open In TabNavigator

Jun 19, 2009

i am opening tabs with click event on tree list view. Problem is that i do not want open tab Pista as u can see in image again. i want to focus that open Pista tab.

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Flex :: Stop TabNavigator From Adding HASH To URL

Dec 21, 2009

I have a TabNavigator component that keeps added a hash (#) to the URL. I need to prevent this. I have it set to historyManagementEnabled="false" but it is still adding the # to the URL when it initializes. The reason why adding this hash is such a problem is because, I am using .htaccess to give my URL a pretty URL like domain.com/designer/category/product/id when the page is really located at domain.com/product.php?pid=id So in order for my assets to load correctly I had to add a base tag like this:
<base href="[URL]" />
But since I have this base tag set, whenever my flex app adds the # to the URL, the page is now automatically redirected to the homepage. Any way to stop the TabNavigator from adding the # to the URL.

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Mar 22, 2010

I've got a TabNavigator with multiple canvas children. How can i open one of the children with actions script (imagine it as a tab with an intro and after login the tab with content needs to be opened). I have tried this.parentDocument.tabs.selectedIndex(1); but that doesnt work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Styling Buttons Of Flex TabNavigator?

May 22, 2010

I created a TabNavigator with a bunch of NavigatorContent inside it, and want to skin just the buttons of the tabs themselves. So I added a skinClass, but looks like in the documentation, there's no skin part to target the button specifically.

Do I have to style the mx:TabNavigator itself to accomplish this? I was hoping not since I don't know how to style mx components and am more comfortable with styling spark.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3 Or 4. To Have TabNavigator With The Button On The Bottom

Nov 21, 2010

Is it possible to place the Tabs on the bottom of a TabNavigator?

Currently, I want to see if Flex4 can cretae tabs for me positioned on the bottom.

Currently I can use [URL] for his positionedTabNavigator and yet it looks wonky, when I apply rounded corners on the tab, it rounds the wrong end.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Tabnavigator Cuts Off Labels

May 18, 2011

I have a problem with the TabNavigator. The labels of the tabs are getting truncated and once the user places their mouse over the tab it redraws again. Is there anyway to redraw the label of the tab programmatically?

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