IDE :: Flash CS5 TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter Font Must Be Non-null?
Sep 2, 2010
I am using the new way to embed fonts in Flash CS5 and it seems to work great...until I try to load my font as a font.swf into another .swf file (all in the same folder).I am getting the error:Code:TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter font must be non-null.Here is the code I am using in my file that receives the Fonts.swf:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Fonts.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
I just started working with Flash and I am quite lost with this error. When I bring up the swf file, it seems to be working semi-proper, but I am unsure why this error is coming up. I am basically trying to make a simple drop down menu. Here is the script if anyone can look it over and find a problem. (this script is on the main page)
This error comes up every single time I try to run a simple AS3 tutorial flash file on my website..Things I did:-server php support check was run. (success!)-using html to call php for a simple registration form.(success!)-ANY flash file to do a two way communication with a php file ( FAILS!)I tried maybe 10 different swf files and php files that go with them.
I'll try to be as thorough as possible so there isn't any question as to what is going on or what it is I'm trying to acheive. I've been asked to build a digital catalog for my company's products in Flash.The program is simply an organized way to view files that will be contained with in the same folder as the swf file. The program consists of one scene with five buttons that control the timeline, and each different part of the timeline has a movieclip containing the buttons that open the different files. There are only two of these types of buttons: one is bu_video and the other is bu_brochure. They both have several button instances differentiating between different products. For example: Product A has two buttons: bu_video (instance name videoA) and bu_brochure (instance name brochureA). Here is the code I'm using to get the desired effect.
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null. at flash.display::Loader/flash.display:Loader::_load() at flash.display::Loader/load() at home_flash_fla::MainTimeline/load_tn()
i recently built my first form on in CS4 using AS3. after i was done with everything, i checked the script and it said there were no errors.. i linked it to a php file (that is in the same directory as my form swf file). I posted the form to test it, but when i fill it out and submit it, i keep getting the following error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null. at flash.text::TextField/set text() at reorder_form_fla::wholeForm_1/completeHandler() at
I have an object and thtrows me an error when click the object by a second time...
TypeError: Error #2007: El valor del par�metro child debe ser distinto de null. at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild() at Tab1/changeStateTab()
PHP Code:
technically is OK but i don't understand whys crash when call this.removeChild(tabMenu);
I do have some programing background from my past. anyways, on to the error listed in the title. I thought I was getting good with the Timer class, but alas, I think this error has something to do with my Timer embedded in my switch() code block:
Created a button, now tried to add it to the screen and im getting this error. The code for the button is -
private function submitButton():void { submit_button=new SimpleButton(); submit_button.x=200; submit_button.y=200; submit_button.upState=buttonShape(); submit_button.overState=buttonShape();
addChild(gameOver1); basically this function is called on a hit test. and i have a text box that appears (this works) but when i add the button i get the error
I've posted a former thread where i was struggling to get to the next frame. I've now managed to do so but my character wont move when i get to the next frame. this is the code i am using:
I'm having problems referencing a child i created.I've got a movie clip in my library called 'image'.a container movie clip called 'picTweens' on my stage (its instance name is the same)and in the actions panel in the stage i've got a function which contains
ActionScript Code: var pic:image = new image(); pic.smoothing = true; picTweens.addChild(pic);
all well and good, it creates me a movie clip where it's supposed in an if statement in the same function, i have
ActionScript Code: picTweens.removeChild(pic);
but when that if statement triggers,(and i've got my pic loaded where it's supposed to be)it tells me :
Code:TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild().is my syntax wrong? and if not, then what should i check for?
I am trying to get a swf file to send variables to a php file and then have the php file return a variable and display it within a dynamic text field however everytime I run it, I get the following error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null. at flash.text::TextField/set text() at OCC_checklist_page_2_fla::MainTimeline/completeHandler() at at at[code]....
I am new to AS period, but I am following some training videos for AS 3.0 to create a portfolio site where the images and text are loaded by xml. I have followed the instructions to the letter; however I am getting the #2007 Parameter text must be not-null error.I have pasted my code below:
var titleArray:Array = new Array(); var descriptionArray:Array = new Array(); var largeImageArray:Array = new Array(); var thumbnailImageArray:Array = new Array();
The only thing different with my xml code is that in the tutorial I am following, the <description></description> tags are on the outside of the CDATA tags (which I have seen examples of both)... but when I put the code that way, it causes breaks in my code at the first special character I use.
This code is within a class called "Tile", which has a public variable (MovieClip) set named "propGFX". I am trying to call the function removeProp, which will remove the propGFX movieclip. These are the only 2 lines in that function:
It's monday morning and somehow my brain won't comprehend why this error is happening...... could anyone take a look and shed some light on this please?
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter type must be non-null. at at pages::MyProfile/initListeners() at pages::MyProfile()
Im very new to flash and im trying to send a contact form. Ive modified a template that was working originally... using flash cs4, actionscript 3 and php This is the error I'm getting
Code: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null. at flash.text::TextField/set text()
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter type must be non-null. at at com.Objects.Maps::Map()[C:UsersJoshuaDesktopRTS Game ClassesMischief Map] at com.Data.Managers::MapManager/GenerateMap()[C:UsersJoshuaDesktopRTS Game ClassesMischief Map] at MischiefMapEditor_fla::N
I've looked up the error code, and it could mean alot of things.
I have One SWF loading Two External SWFs seprately that have dataGrid components in them. The Externals load and run fine on their own but when I try to load them into CORE SWF I get ....
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null. at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/addChildAt() at fl.controls::BaseButton/drawBackground()[code]..............
My .swf file show the following error TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be flash.text::TextField/set text()at Xml/xmlDone()[]e
I've builded this XML gallery, and suddenly Im getting an error when Im loading the pictures. Its only sometimes the error comes. TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null. at flash.display::Loader/_load() at flash.display::Loader/load() at imageviewer_xml_subcats_fla::MainTimeline/allLoadXML()
I can't get the maxDisplayedLines to truncate the text at the end of my RichText object. It comes up with Error #2007 Paramater child must be non-null but I don't have a clue what would be null. The text I'm displaying is coming from textflow
and everything displays fine, even the thumbnails until I try to set the max lines. This is for mobile by the way.
the error is TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild() at flashx.textLayout.factory::TextFlowTextLineFactory/callbackWithTextLines()[C:Vellumranchesv22.0devoutputopenSource extLayoutsrcflashx]