IDE :: What Are The Downsides To The Liquid Layout
Jun 20, 2007
This is for the more advanced developers or to anyone who knows:
what are the downsides to the liquid layout? because i use'em, i love'em, and i can't understand why everyone doesn't use'em.
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May 11, 2010
I'm just learning how to do a liquid layout,I found one tutorial which gave me this basic script:[code]It does what the tutorial says, but there's an error in the output. It doesn't work when I give the 2nd function another name or when I combine both functions. Is there a way to fix this script, or is there a better way to approach this?
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Dec 10, 2009
I am making a liquid layout in flash using as3,it worked pretty well with the following code, for the movie clips that are going to be on stage from the very beginning.
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
But when I try to load a movie clip by clicking a button and using the ddEventListener , it dose load, but doesn't float here is the code that I think have some problem:
demon_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getSlider);
function getSlider(event:MouseEvent):void
as you can see I have defined the variables Width adn Height inside the function as well and I am using WIDTH/2 to define the x position,Well it laods in the exact position but won't float as I minimize the stage
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Nov 14, 2010
swfobject.embedSWF("flash/main.swf", "myContent", "100%", "100%"...
It turns out the above doesn't work,how can I instruct to swfobject that I want the swf to be as wide/high as possible?
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Jan 22, 2009
I have all of my content inside of a movie clip placed on my stage and through timeline AS 3 I have a simple scripting that aligns and sizes that MC (and all of its contents) to keep proportion with the stage and to fill it at all times I am having 2 issues
after the preloader, and intro play the content for the gallery pages (it is a photo website) clips the buttons down at the bottom (all dependent on browser size at the time) however once the window is resized, it Snaps into a proportion that I like. the second issue is more than likely related. the mc that I am using as the background (ecru texture) does not fit to fill once the screen has been resized I have minimized the noticeability by changing the background color to come close to my texture but I would like to know why these issues are happening. here is the development page [URL] this is my main timeline code
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Jul 29, 2009
I'm doing this site (swf is attached) and as you can see the header, footer and the menus are liquid, the width changes depending of the size of the window.My problem is: How can I animate that 3 components if they are liquid ? After the loading of the website I'd like to animate the bars growing up from the right to the left, how can I do that if I don't know the widths ?
View 6 Replies
Feb 10, 2008
I am trying to create a flash site that utilizes a liquid layout, but also allows for vertical scrolling, something which I am not sure if it is possible. The code for the liquid layout that I am using is this one [URL]Currently, such code creates this layout [URL] Obviously one of the key features of a liquid layout is that takes up as much or little browser real estate as you give it. However, I have found that when I create a liquid layout using this code for a flash site that is vertically longer than the browser window (such as vertically long body of text) the code does not allow you to scroll down. The liquid layout causes there to be no scroll bars in the browser.
I hope I have described my problem clearly. My question is; Is there code that would allow for the flash site to be liquid only horizontally, while VERTICALLY the flash site would be able to be scrolled.
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Jul 12, 2010
I'm trying to arrange thumbnails / movie clips within a liquid GUI layout where on resizing the browser window, the thumbs shift / rearrange to fit the new size.I have followed the tutorial on URL...and its been great but doesn't explain how to rearrange elements. URL...
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Jun 29, 2010
1. my easing background (the background which moved as my mouse movement)2. my externally loaded swf contentfor detail this my workstage pic
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Feb 21, 2009
Where to find a tutorial for flash liquid layouts?
I want to place my footer, navbar in a exact part of the screen for whatever resolution the user has.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am sure this is an easy one but I can't figure it out: I have a movieclip (tester) that I am locating on the stage via the following code:
What I want to have happen is have it start in the defined location but when you drag the browser window open the "tester" movieclip scales up in size but stays centered on those cooridinates - basically as the window gets bigger I want it to stay in the same place but get bigger and be able to control ( by percentage) how big the movie clip grows as the window opens.
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Mar 10, 2011
I've made a liquid layout with 100% Height and 100% Width to get the page to display in every monitor resolution and it's working fine. The only problem is with four movie clips that I want to position in a different way after resizing ( I want the logo to be always on the top left, the nav bar on the top right and so on?.)
View 3 Replies
Mar 12, 2011
I am using the following code to fill the browser window with an image and scale it up or great. I would like to proportionately scale a mc but not have it initially fill the screen. It would start centered in the window at a initial size but then scale up as the browser window opens but not scale back down below it's original starting size.
this is the code for the full screen:
port1Height = new Object ();
port1Height = port1._height / port1._width;
port1Width = new Object ();
port1Width = port1._width / port1._height;
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Apr 30, 2011
I made (in fact assemble) an sliding menu wich works fine, the thing is i realized i need liquid layout in my site i cant make it work with this particular menu, i found nformation an i could make a flas movie with liquid layout but with simple mc.
movieclip: menu_mc (this is its instance name)
code in keyframe:
/// begin sliding code
View 5 Replies
Feb 16, 2011
I have created a liquid layout site in AS3 and am having an issue with the stage resize. Although the elements flow with the browser on resize I notice if you drag the browser's window to the right a white border appears. Now obviously not everyone would do this but it's more of a concern for anyone viewing the site on a large resolution screen. The site is currently 1200x800 in it's original dimensions and I want it to retain it's size in larger browsers.
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Jan 6, 2011
I am making a liquid flash site with a video player which loads within the central movieclip. When the site loads everything sits in place perfectly, however if the browser is rescaled in anyway the external swf pushes up to the top of the screen and stays there permanently. This is the link to the site:http:[url]...... It's not the liquid layout code for the mc as this rescales fine, just the external swf doesn't. This is the code I am using to load the external swf also:
var Xpos:Number = 0.5;
var Ypos:Number = 0.5;
var swf:MovieClip;[code].....
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Apr 13, 2011
I am working on a new site with a liquid layout and I havent been able to find a way to keep the aspect ratio correct with the different sizes.
the image size im working with is 990x600 for a 1024 display.I would like the image to be centered and never to have empty area, so if it needs to it would strech past the sides.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have made a liquid layout flash site in AS3 but it doesn't rescale correctly in any browsers above 1440x900. I know most people don't have screens bigger than this but it should be scaling to the entire window regardless of the screen size. Can anyone take a look at my code which has resize handlers but still no joy. [code]...
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May 7, 2009
I'm trying to create a scrolling thumbnail panel using an xml file. It works fine when i run it initially. But when I resize the stage the scroll feature gets all screwed up. I've attached my code below.
Code: Select allimport gs.TweenLite;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT
View 2 Replies
Dec 10, 2009
I am pretty new with AS3 . I am making a liquid layout in flash using as3, it worked pretty well with the following code, for the movie clips that are going to be on stage from the very beginning.
as you can see I have defined the variables Width adn Height inside the function as well and I am using WIDTH/2 to define the x position, Well it laods in the exact position but won't float as I minimize the stage
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Mar 16, 2010
I understand liquid layouts and I've built many liquid layout projects, but how do I set a minimum height to lock to, that will use scrollbars.I know I can set a minimum height by putting an if statement in the resize function, but how do I apply scrollbars when the website is that size i.e. under 600?
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Apr 30, 2011
im having troubles with this site. I made (in fact assemble) an sliding menu wich works fine, the thing is i realized i need liquid (fluent) layout in my site and i cant make it work with this particular menu.I found information an i could make work a flash movie with liquid layout but with two simple mc when i try to do the same with my menu (also an mc with some code attached) it no longer works.
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Feb 13, 2010
I'm building wordpress blog themed in flash and I've already run into one problem. this doctype:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
Will not let me scale my .swf to 100% width and 100% height. Width is fine, but the height is not. my css is as follows:
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Jun 29, 2011
Basically the majority of my content is flash based. I designed it using Flash Builder (Flex) and Its in a liquid layout, (everything is in percents) and if im JUST embedding the flash content it scales to the page fine, and i have the flash content set to have a padding of 50 px.
I put a header div in fine with no problems, but I have 2 problems, the first being the footer div seems to cover up the buttom of the flash content in IE, but it looks just fine in chrome. How can I solve this? I'm using the stock embed code that Flex provides, I tried to edit the css style for the div which I think is #flashContent and give it a min width and min height but it didnt seem to work, actually anything I did to #flashContent didn't seem to do anything, maybe its not the div i need to be adding that attribute to...
And my other problem is I dont even know where to start when it comes to placing a div thats 280width by 600height colum to the right side of the flash content. If i could specify a size for the flash content, and the float it left, and float the colum right, and clear it with the container div id be just fine....But remember the flash content is set to 100% Scale (well techically 100%x80% because it looked better that way). how I can start to deal with creating a more complex scaleable flash layouts that includes other divs? ALL WELL MAINTAINING IE SUPPORT? IE is ruining my life.
Here's the code I'm using:
(or if it will help you visualize what im trying to do here's the page where im working on setting this up
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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Mar 24, 2011
I have made a liquid layout flash site in AS3 but it doesn't rescale correctly in any browsers above 1440x900. I know most people don't have screens bigger than this but it should be scaling to the entire window regardless of the screen size, small or large. Can anyone take a look at my code which has resize handlers but I still have no joy. This is the website but I am not allowed yet by this site to add the entire url! [URL]
package {
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
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Mar 23, 2011
I have built a liquid layout Flash site using AS3 but it isn't scaling correctly once I go above 1280x1024. I am currently using a Mac screen with dimensions of 2560x1440 and it looks terrible. The menu pushes to the top and the bg and page info stays central but with no scale.[URL]..
The HTML is 100% w+h so it's obviously something within the AS3 code. This is causing me nightmares so if someone could take a look at the code pasted and see if there is a way to resolve
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Mar 5, 2009
I have a movie clip on a liquid layout page that seems to be appearing when I resize the window. The movie clip is supposed to be transparent until you roll over it but when I drag the window open it triggers the movie clip.I think it has to do with the onClipEvent (load) part of the code but I am not sure. Below is the code that is attached to movie clip that is being triggered. Here is a link to view the swf file: http:[url] to remedy this?
note: I just opened this up through the browser from that link and it does not do it but when I publish the movie it does it on my computer....? onClipEvent(load){[code]....
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Jun 29, 2011
In a flex project that I have that is designed to scale 100% to the web window, I have a spark list. And I have a simple itemrenderer that takes the data and displays a name, and a message. Just think of it like a simple instant messenger display. The problem is that for my msg_txt label I want to give it a width thats the width of the parent list thats holding it.I tried turning the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, also tried width="this.parent.parent.width}" (as well as this.parent.width) for the spark label inside the item renderer. and in the label i tried some things like left="0" right="0" maxWidth="{this.width}" but nothing really does the trick.How can I make this label have a max width of the list thats holding it, AND make sure it resizes if the size of the browser changes and the list size changes?heres the list:
<s:List id="chat_content" width="100%" height="100%"
alternatingItemColors="[#EEEEEE,#E6E6E6]" contentBackgroundColor="#EEEEEE"
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" itemRenderer="renderers.ActiveChatItemRenderer">
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Dec 16, 2009
I am trying to create a custom resize event as part of a larger project to create a flexible liquid layout class.Basically, i want an object to listen for the stage.RESIZE event. If i can listen for this event from multiple objects, it solves my event firing problem.[code]
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Mar 10, 2008
I used the liquid Flash layout file from this site , but i got one problem.I placed the script in a layer called actionscript and on frame 1, under it there is a other layer called background. I placed in just a square with a gradient color and made it a movieclip. I also placed this on frame 1. Everything is working perfect from this point but when i want to place a keyframe on frame 10 in the background layer and make a motion tween so that the background fades in from 0 opacity to 100, it doesn't work.
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