Professional :: Adobe Flash CS5 Has Stopped Working?

Sep 15, 2010

I am facing the problem "Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working " Installation of CS5 is done. But when I open a flash file the above error occures.

Windows 7 Pro -32 bit
Intel core 2duo 2.93GHz
MSI MOther Board
1GBNvidia Graphics Card
Am Updated all Drivers  and windows also . I have 30 User Flash cs5 license getting same error ..Faulting application name: Flash.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4badda9dFaulting module name: ntdll.dll, version:[code]....

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Professional :: Adobe FP Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation?

Jul 3, 2010

I'm running Flash Media Developer Server (free version of Flash Media Server 3.5 for development purposes) that serves as my localhost for streaming FLV files to my SWF media player. When i try to run an HTML file with the embedded SWF file that accesses an FLV on my localhost server, i get this "Adobe FP has stopped a potentially unsafe operation" security message. I tried adding to the location trust list "localhost", "http://localhost", and even specifying the folder and file name e.g. C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 3.5applicationsvodmediamyfile.flv and http:[url].... Not even allowDomain ("*"); works which is supposed to allow all domains....

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Professional :: Embedded Youtube Videos Stopped Working?

Mar 13, 2011

i've got a problem with a Flash website that has been driving me crazy. i have a Flash website that was built for us in late 2009, it uses ActionScript 2 and i have been maintaining it in CS3 on a Mac.

the site is structured as a heirarchy of swf files, and loads XML files to specify text content, image locations, and Youtube videos. all this has worked fine until sometime in the past month or two. the problem now is that the embedded Youtube videos no longer load, although nothing has changed in the code. unfortunately i don't know exactly when the videos stopped loading.

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Professional :: Adobe Stoping Working On Flash?

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I heard about this as a growing Rumor....Is there any bit of truth behind that ?.

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Professional :: Adobe Flash CS5 - Blur Effect And Tween Not Working?

Sep 9, 2011

When I try to create a tween for the blur, so it will blur into focus, the tween just wont work. I go to frame 130, keyframe, add blur filter, create clasic tween. But when i go to frame 131 it instantly pops into focus instead of going along the tween time span to blur in gradually(I have the next keyframe at 160).

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Flash CS3 Stopped Working?

Oct 26, 2009

All of a sudden I was working and Flash CS3 crashed. The Windows Vista pop up said Adobe Flash CS3 has stopped working. So I figured it does that once in a while. But, after restarting my computer I opened up Flash and went to create a new Flash File and the same thing happened. It was only when I went to create a new file or open a file is when it crashes. Flash opens up fine, but screws up when I try to do anything with regards to actually working with it. So after I re-installed CS3, still nothing. I need this program and would like it to work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation URLloader URLrequest

Oct 29, 2011

I am working on a flash website that loads live inventory data from a public csv file publish by google docs.  the csv file is located at a public address on google docs server:[URL].. I am using a URLloader and URLrequest within my flash movie to grab this data and assign it to different variables.

It works great when I preview the movie in flash. However, when I go to publish the movie and preview the html file its loaded into in dreamweaver, I get a security warning from adobe flash player: Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation

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I understand that flash player has a security measures that prevents flash files from accessing files outside of the server directory that the swf file is published to.  I know you can create policy xml files to tell flash it's okay to load the data, but those policy files have to be located on the public server from which the data is being grabbed. But it's not like I can waltz on to google's servers a stick a policy file in there!

Is there any way to tell the flash player it's okay to load this data without getting that security error?  I can't have the end user having to go into their flash settings and adding the location manually.  I just need it to work without the security warning.

Is there another method of loading data from an external server without tripping up flash player security? aka, something other than URLloader and URLrequest?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - CS3 Has Stopped Working?

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Flash Player Stopped Working On Web Site?

Aug 10, 2009

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><object codebase=" rsion=6,0,29,0" height="105" width="803" align="left" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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Flash Yahoo Maps Has Stopped Working?

May 11, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash File Just Stopped Working?

Jul 17, 2009

Well I was just testing some game and I did Test Movie and suddenly a bunch of things weren't working properly even though I hadn't changed anything. Eventually I just copied all the code and the library into a new file and everything was working again.

P.S. some of the things that weren't working were for example Keyboard listeners only seemed to be called a tenth of the time and random lines of code just didn't seem to be doing anything. Number variables also seemed to have a random cap put on them.Also here are the two files, the first one is the broken one and the second is the one where I just copied everything so it works.

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Javascript :: Deploying A Google Chrome Extension; Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation

Feb 20, 2012

how to best handle the issue of not having enough permission inside of a Google Chrome Extension. I am interacting with the YouTube API, but I am not using swfobject.js, just using am embdeeded div. I do not believe this is introducing my security issue, but perhaps it is. In development, I had to navigate to Adobe's flash player security page and designate my development folder as a 'safe' location. In deployment, I do not have the ability to do this. I do not want my users to have to click 'Allow All' on flash player security, but I do not see another way to achieve my results.Seems to be a duplicate of SWFobject in a Chrome Extension - API Unavaiable but remains unanswered.Source: https:[url].....

To run: Pull from the repo, load up Chrome, click the wrench, go to extension, check 'Developer Tools' -> Load Unpacked Extension and browse to the folder.

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...and discovered that it does not work for Chrome there anymore either. I am running Chrome as default as can be, so it updated to this version itself. I have all default settings intact and no popup-blockers, ad blockers or any other add-in installed. I tried to debug using HTTP Fiddler, only to conclude no HTTP request is made at all after selecting files to upload.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Working Script Moved - Stopped Working?

Apr 22, 2009

I had a button when clicked, it would replace a different moviclip.This worked until I made the bulk of the code into a function and moved it to the layer, and then tried to call the function from the previously mentioned button. It generates no errors, but it stopped working.Hierarchy:Layer 1 > U1 > image

Original button script:
on (release) {  var theDepth:Number = _parent.U1.image.getDepth();  _parent.U1.attachMovie("K3E", "image", theDepth);


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Flash :: Windows - Player Debugger Stopped Working - No Exception Screens Popping Up

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Actionscript 3 :: Bypass "Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation"?

Nov 3, 2010

I have created an advent calendar for the blog of a friend, and to fetch/get/download the gifts of each day, the flash animation requests a file located at [URL].While creating the file in Flash CS4 and trying it out, I never got the error. But when I try to launch the .swf manually, I get this error: Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network:


is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:


To let this aplication communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings.Is there any way to bypass this, or any other method I can use to stop this error from showing?

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CS3 Moving An Object Stopped Working

Jun 11, 2010


I wrote it originally in as2 and I tried to translate it to as3 and it stopped working. It's suppose to move the player towards another player. this is just the part of the script that doesn't work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PrintJob Seems To Have Stopped Working?

May 3, 2011

I embedded that (as a swf) in Captivate5 and published.It was working fine.... When I went into it today to modify some of the text it quit working. After long struggles and thne restoring the original version. I discovered that the original version was no longer working either. So sometime in the last couple of weeks this Flash AS3 file contained in Captivate5 has stopped working. The print function now produces a page that has a light gray box the size of the bounding rectangle of what is supposed to be the content (which is almost entirely text) The rest of the piece works fine and the printing function is as basic as it gets. All of what I am trying to print is contained in a single frame of a one frame movie clip:

function doPrintReport() { var myPrintJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); if (!myPrintJob.start()) {  //printing canceled  return;  }else{   myPrintJob.addPage(this.report_mc);   myPrintJob.send(); }}

And this was working just fine... a couple of weeks ago - Back on April 14th to be precise. This is currently living on my local IIS server on my Windows 7 64bit desktop. I have tried running it in Windows IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 - Again the original version was working and now is not.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Have Stopped Working?

Sep 14, 2009

I have two scenes, my first scene is a intro animation with a enter button at the end, and my second scene is my website, my website worked fine until i added the scene in before it and now it dosent work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe.utils.Extension Not Found In Adobe Flash Professional CS5

Dec 23, 2010

In my machine I have installed only  Adobe Flash CS5 proffesional trial version. Now this installation is not supporting adobe.utils.Extension class in this version. I have tried with all latest updates from adobe site. My doubt is does adobe.utils.Extension class is available in licensed version of Adobe Flash CS5 proffesional?

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Flash :: "IE Has Stopped Working" Error Upon Exit

Oct 12, 2009

I'm getting the "internet explorer has stopped working" error message every time I close IE after visiting [URL]. The Flash works while I'm on the site, but when I close the page I get that error. It only affects the one web page window that ran flash (I don't use tabs -- I use separate windows for all the pages I have open). If I disable Flash, IE doesn't crash anymore (but, of course, the site doesn't do what it's supposed to either). How is it possible that Flash can cause an error like that (even if a site's Flash code was imperfect)?

I'm using a Vista notebook PC, freshly reset to OEM virgin state before reinstalling all my software & configs about 10 days ago, so I'm using all the latest versions (MSIE8, Flash 10). I've tried unintalling & reinstalling Flash, but the crashing persists.

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After Uploading My Last .swf File My Webpage Stopped Working?

May 14, 2010

its got a bunch of .fla, .swf and .html files which i just have to edit with my information. pretty easy.I uploaded all the files to my server and everything works ive been editing the .fla files, inserting my pictures and information then publishing the .swf files and putting them back on the server and everthing looks great.

* The problem is that after uploading my last .swf file my webpage stopped working... i can see the front page put it doesnt load and when i click on my links it doesnt go to them.When i open the .swf file i get this ERROR:

Error opening URL 'file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/thumper%5Fjeep/Library/Caches/Cleanup%20At%20Startup/Transmit/3704291E%2D0BE0%2D4A1F%2DB379%2D3F80743EE79B/xml/menu.xml'

It looks like the .swf file is looking xml/menu.xml on the server but for some reason the path is all wrong and the path appears to be to my Mac and not the server.

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TextField Dynamic Text Stopped Working

Oct 7, 2009

Some of the dynamic text fields in my application stopped working. This is part of a major application which I have been working on for a few months. It worked fine until today. 3 different dynamic text fields suddenly do not show text when I set the text from actionscript This is what I tried:

1) Tried with and without text embedding

2) Turned on and off html

3) Tried with .text and .htmlText

4) Removed the TextField and added a new one

5) Added static text into the dynamic TextField and did not add the dynamic text with actionscript --> the initial text appeared I am working with CS3 and recently updated. I am considering deleting Flash and not running the update.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Stopped Working On Loaded External Swf?

Feb 17, 2011

the swf that I am loading has a button in it that when I click on it, it will print the screen and it will email it to an email address.Everything works perfectly fine if I use the application(swf) on its own.however, I created a swf file that will load the above swf file in it when a button is clicked. the loading part is fine and it works as it should be. but the button for printing the screen stops working once the swf has been loaded!

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Flex :: Word Completion / Intellisense Stopped Working?

Aug 8, 2009

Running flex builder 3 on windows 7 RC. For some reason, my work completion/intellisense stopped working.. If I try to manually trigger the shortcut (alt + /) I hear a windows 'error sound'.

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Flex :: Beta2 : Background Image Stopped Working?

Oct 27, 2009

After upgrading a project from Flex4 Beta1 to Beta2, I've found that the background-image style is no longer supported on Halo components.Eg:

<mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
backgroundImage="@Embed(source='myImage.png')" />

Note that jira issue SDK-23050 points out the following :ackgroundImage is not supported for Spark skins.But this is not using a Spark skin, just a standard Halo component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Suddenly Project Went Havoc And Stopped Working By Itself

Mar 21, 2006

url...My first and current flash project is located at url...In the background is a XML-based slideshow. In addition to the pictures being loaded, each of these pictures have one or two words associated to it.The word is supposed to fade in, stay for a second or two, then move and fade out. All this works fine locally, and it was working fine on the internet until one day.Someone mentioned that I shouldnt use setInterval etc. but im really stuck here. Doesnt help that im totally green on flash either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadClip Button Functions Stopped Working

Oct 23, 2008

created a .swf that continously scrolls with a pause and play button with only actionscript. The file was too large so I created a preloader in a seperate file loading the .swf with loadClip, but the buttons on the .swf stopped working! What do I need to do to get the buttons working again? I'm completely baffled.


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Flex :: Image Scale Stopped Working After Deploy To Server?

Nov 18, 2009

I have some code to scale an image's width according to its height after the image is being loaded. It works fine on my development PC if I point to the wrapper html using local file system path. However, after I deploy the web application to JBoss AS 5.1, it stopped working - it always sets the image width to 0, causing it to disappear.

Code for scale image side:

private function scaleImage():void {
img.width = img.contentWidth;
<mx:Image id="img" updateComplete="callLater(scaleImage)" height="100%" />

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