Professional :: Make A Flash With A Transparent Background?

Feb 12, 2010

I've created a flash to go in an html page with a colored background. When I put images with the appropriately desinated colors in flash, it changes the color ever so slightly when it runs in the page. It's JUST enough for it to be noticable. Is it possible to designate a transparent background?

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Professional :: Make A Movieclip's Background Transparent?

Oct 25, 2010

On the stage I have a movieclip with an animation inside it, at the moment I've given to its background the same color of the stage to simulate a transparence.Now I've added some decorations to the bottom left corner of the stage and this movieclip lays a bit over the decoration showing that in truth the movieclip is not transparent because it covers part of the decoration.Is there a way to make the movieclip background really transparent?I've checked where I apply colors to elements, but there is not a "transparent" option, or at least I havent seen it.

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CS3 - Make Background Flash Background Transparent In Dreamweaver?

Apr 10, 2009

I've designed a Flash site in CS3 using Action Script 2.0 that has a main flash movie sorta floating in space over a gradient background. I want the gradient background to re-size with the browser, so I thought that the easiest way to do this would be to delete the gradient background in Flash and instead recreate the background in Dreamweaver using the repeat background option and then make the Flash movie's background transparent. (I hope I'm making some amount of sense here).

I've found a few tutorials on how to do this, but so far I just get a white background instead of transparent. I've tried choosing "Transparent - Windowless" under Window Mode on the HTML tab in Publish Settings. And I've tried selecting the movie from within DW and clicking the parameter button and adding a "wmode" parameter with "transparent" as its value.

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Professional :: Transparent Background Is Not Working With Vmode Transparent?

Oct 17, 2010

I imported a video into flash and have a transparent photoshop layer to create an iPod skin. The video works fine, but I cannot get the "stage" to be transparent so that you do not see the flash background color behind the iPod skin.
I've read in the forums and have followed the instructions here from Adobe. If you look at my code, I have


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IDE :: Make A Flash Background Go From Solid To Transparent?

Jun 9, 2009

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Actionscript :: Make The Background Of A Component Transparent In Flash?

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Flash - Make Transparent Background In Text Fields?

Jan 4, 2012

Say, i have a text field with some text in it, and i want to make it have a backgruond with alpha value (as in partially transparent, not sure how to make it sound good ^^). This text field reacts to mouse events, such as clicks and rolls out/over, and each event changes the background color.

I've done some digging and ran across flash.text.TextField.backgroundColor and flash.text.TextField.background properties of text fields. They're cool, but not enough to solve the problem. And obviously, if I change the text field's alpha value, the text will also become transparent.

I know I can create a movieclip below the text field and alter its properties to acheive my goal, but I'm wondering if there is a simpler way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Flash Movies With Transparent Background

Nov 16, 2006

How do we go about making flash movies with a transparent background with the new embed work around: [URL]. I have a tableless site.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Background Of Flash Document Transparent?

Nov 24, 2004

how do you make the background of your flash document transparent

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Background Completely Transparent When I Load It Into A Flash Mc?

Jan 16, 2004

Id like to create a logo for a flash movie using photoshop.

the problem is, even if i delete the background layer in ps, there is always a white background with the logo.

how can i make the background completely transparent when i load it into a flash mc?

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Professional :: Flash Making A Transparent Background

Oct 13, 2010

Don't ever tell me that its the window mode set to transparent in the html setting in publish settings and don't tell me I need to change the html code of the published product in dreamweaver because I don't have dreamweaver.How is one to make an swf file file that has no background in it without Dreamweaver and without a publish setting that doesn't work?After that can be answered, how then are you to make an avi. file thats transparent?How do you edit your discussion so I don't have to post the same topic twice with new information?

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Professional :: Flash Mp3 Player With Transparent Background

Feb 10, 2011

i've been mucking about with flash for a couple of years but only doing some animations and stuff however now i am trying to build my 1st website and i need a mp3 player with playlist and with a transparent background.i've been search the net for a freebie (although i would be willing to buy if i found the right one)or i am happy to try and build my own in flash but could use a good tutorial.

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Professional :: Can't Get Transparent Background In Adobe Flash Professional CS4

Jul 29, 2010

I'm wanting to create a moving object that will be exported into a tv commercial. Object has already been created in Adobe Illustrator, and now will be dropped into flash for adding movement. The destination commercial will be created in Sony Vegas, with the settings of (Australian) PAL television (25 fps, 576x720 pixels, lower field first).Thus keeping it simple, I want to set Adobe flash with the same output format, meaning that the canvas will have to be 576x720 pixels at 25 fps.  So far this seems to have worked okay.Now I'm wanting to get rid of the canvas colour, just like I have here in this photoshop screen shot.
Judging by the colour palette in Flash Professional, it looks like it can't be done.  I've checked "transparent palette" through yahoo and google, and had no results.  The adobe documentation only details how to remove a background in Photoshop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Background Color Of The Entire Flash Movie Transparent?

Sep 2, 2009

Is it possible to make the Background Color of the entire Flash Movie transparent?

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Professional :: Save Stock Footage As Flash File With Transparent Background?

Mar 8, 2010

I have some stock footage of smoke on a black background (.mov format) that I would like to convert to a flash file with a transparent background, which I will be overlaying over a PNG image on a webpage.
I have managed to remove the black background in After Effects using a plugin called UnMult, but when I try to render as a FLV file in AE, even though I check the option to preserve the alpha channel and encode using the On2 VP6 codec, I still get a black background.
So I am wondering what else to try, whether it be with AE or Flash CS4.  Is there a way of achieving this effect by directly importing the MOV file into Flash CS4 and removing the black background there, or do I have to use AE, and if so, how to achieve the effect I am looking for?

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Professional :: Exporting Flash With Transparent PNG As Background-SWF Appears To Lose Quality/faded?

Jan 17, 2012

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How To Make A Background Transparent

Jun 9, 2009

A friend and I are working on a Flash game. He is programming it and needs the different character animations in SWF form. The problem is when he places them in-game, they are surrounded by the white block that was behind the character animation.

How do you make the background of the SWF/flash file transparent so they white block will no longer be visible. I know how to do it in HTML for the web, but this must be different.

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IDE :: Make The Background Transparent?

Feb 24, 2009

In Flash MX, is there a way to make the background transparent? So once I have exported the .swf document into Dreamweaver I can place it on the background, blend in with it and only show the animation parts..

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Make SWF Have Transparent Background

Nov 10, 2010

If I have a one SWF movie imported inside of another, how do I make the inner one have a transparent background?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Background Of An SWF Transparent?

May 9, 2003

I was wondering if there's a script to allow the background of any swf files to become invisible?

i embedded the SWF in Dreamweaver and have the coding for the background to be transparent. When i vewed it on Internet Explorer on a PC, it works! but when its viewed on a MAC, it doesn't!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Background Of Image Transparent

Apr 26, 2005

I want to make background of image transparent. Image is called from dynamically from the visitor�s computer.and I want to remove background color of image. provide me solution for make pixel transparent of image uploaded by visitor? anybody have solution of these criteria? For an Example: I am attaching image here and I want to remove gray color so I can see through transparent area of Picture.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Texture As Background Transparent?

Feb 6, 2002

Is it possible to make your background transparant, eg. i have some buttons and between them there's some space. My website has a texture as background an when I use the same texture by drawing a square filled with this texture, then it looks like the borders are cut of.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Background Of Image Transparent?

Apr 26, 2005

I want to make background of image transparent.Image is called from dynamically from the visitor�s computer. and I want to remove background color of image.make pixel transparent of image uploaded by visitor?For an Example: I am attaching image here and I want to remove gray color so I can see through transparent area of Picture.

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Flex :: PopupManager: TitleWindow: How To Make The Background Transparent

May 12, 2010

I'm using PopupManager to display (not modal) popups in Flex.How can I make the background of my TitleWindow popup completely transparent?Now it is semi-transparent.. see picture with semi-transparent background (i.e. I just want the label inside visible):


Maybe, instead of making it transparent I could try to reduce the padding, in order to make only the children visible ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Stage Background Color Transparent?

Sep 9, 2004

I am trying to make the stage background color transparent.I am working with breeze, and I want to import a .swf into the powerpoint. However, I don't want to interrupt the powerpoints slide design.Therefore, I would like to make the .swf's background transparent.Is there a script for setting the stage background alpha to 0?

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Professional :: Transparent Background In A A Swf File?

Mar 12, 2010

I've read a Flash tutorial which states in order for your published swf. to have no background you have to:

File - Publish Settings - HTML tab - Windows Mode: Transparent Windowless - Publish

I have then exported the file as a swf. and mounted it in a HTML container expecting the Flash movie to have no background.This did not happen, there was a plain white background in the container instead.

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Professional :: Create Swf With Transparent Background?

May 9, 2010

I have a web site project created in Dreamweaver. On the home page I need a swf file that is transparent and will animate over the dreamweaver backgound.

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Professional :: How To Turn Background Transparent

May 20, 2010

I know how to do this with html, but im trying to use fash catalyst program which doesn't let me edit the html. i found this video saying to go to file, html, change the window to transparent, then click publish & okay & your good to go! But, after I click publish i get a pop-up saying applications & installer settings & it asks for a code signing certificate?

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Flex :: Make The Modal Transparency Background Absolutely Transparent.?

Aug 22, 2011

I am using the below given code to try to make the transparency 0, but I still am unable to make the background become absolutely transparent.

global {
modalTransparencyBlur: 0;


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