Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder Read-only Rich Text Field?

Mar 19, 2012

How is it possible to DISPLAY text with simple formatting (like font color) in flash TextArea or similar control? I need to add text to this control programmatically and be able to select and copy portions of it to clipboard.

RichTextEditor does not fit my needs sine it has multiple controls to allow user to format text and no way to disable them (?).


how to code formatting. Only <b> does work in the following code:

private function Print(s:String, ... optionalArgs):void {
if( optionalArgs.length == 0 || optionalArgs[0]==0) {
mLog.htmlText = mLog.htmlText + '<b>' + s + '</b><br>';


My mistake was I was using symbolic color names, while flash interpreter looks like do not understand them

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implement Rich Text Editor with link support if you have any.

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1.ActionScript Code:
underlineBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, makeUnderline);
function makeUnderline(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (section.underline == false){[code].........

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Is it because of all the special characters?

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<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollBar="vsb">
<s:RichText id="text" width="100%" height="100%" maxDisplayedLines="-1"/>
<s:VScrollBar id="vsb" height="100%"/>

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I'm making a calculator using Flash MX that works the same way as the basic calculator found on windows (not the scientific one). But having the user input a number, store it as a variable, store which function the user wants to perform and clear the text field then store the new input in the same text field as a different variable and multiply or add or divide or subtract the 2 numbers and getting the equals sign to display the answer when clicked is harder than I thought it would be.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Read Text As Html Instead Of Normal Text?

Oct 9, 2011

I am using html in xml for some names in actionscript and there is ;quot;

Here is my variable where I want actionscript to read the name as html. Instead of normal text.

var field:TextField = currItem.createH3Black(0, 0, 180, 10, h3Size, h3Leading, font, "Left", _root.white,, "textItem");

How do I make actionscript treadt the as html? So that the name shows as HTM with "" . Instead of showing ;quot;

Update here is the full source code:[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contents Of A Text Field As The Dial Points In The Direction Of The Text Field?

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I am working on a file that has a rotating dial, and I'd like the dial to reveal contents of a text field (a link) as the dial points in the direction of the text field. I have 4 text fields located at 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees (top, bottom, left and right). I have it controlled via AS, so I've got all the Math but I was hoping someone might know how to reveal the links when the arrow (in the dial) is pointing in these directions.I set up a text field for testing, which shows the degrees, but I'm getting 'NaN' in the field (problems with Theta and converting degrees to Radians, I think). I thought this might help me figure out how to reveal those links, if I can get the NaN to work.Currently, the file is rotating with an onPress, but I'm going to convert it to a mouse follow, instead, so the user only has to float around to see the links.

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