Actionscript 3 :: Calculate Start Date(datefield) Is Less Than Always From End Date(datefield) In Flex?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a form in which i add two dates

Start date
End Date

I want to know how i validate that the selected start date is always less than end date(actually an expiry date).

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Actionscript 3 :: Set The Date Of Second Datefield To A Specified Range - Flex

Sep 29, 2011

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Flex :: Assign Date To DateField In Specific Format?

Jan 19, 2012

I want to assign date to Date field that is in DD-MM-YYYY format. That is I receive String Closure_Date which contains date in DD-MM-YYYY format.

I want to assign that date to Date field like:
dtCloseDate.selectedDate=new Date(Closure_Date);
In this case If Closure_Date contains 16/11/2011 it takes 16 as month so it takes 12 and adds remaining 4 months and it returns 04/11/2012.

My question is how to assign date(DD-MM-YYYY) to DateField?
If I use Dateformatter(DD-MM-YYYY) like
dtCloseDate.selectedDate=new Date(Dateformatter.format(Closure_Date));
It Returns NaN

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Flex :: Get Selected Date On DateField Adobe Datagrid ItemRenderer

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting Output Date In DateField?

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The problem is that it format and send the "today" date when it should send the selectedDate in the DateField component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Store A DATE Value, Selected From The DATEFIELD Component Into A Variable?

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I was wondering how to store a DATE value, selected from the DATEFIELD component into a variable.I.e. so that the user will enter a date (Sept. 12, 2005), and on subsequent frame, that date will be written as text. Thus, how can I store a selected date into a variable?

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cBoxVar= cBox.getValue();

Now I want to add a DateField using the AS2 DateField Component. How would I pass it over to a variable so when the form collects at the end it will go over to the php?

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Start Date And End Date Of Current Month?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Date Picker To Select A Start Date?

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Dec 2, 2009

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Php :: Split Date Form Date Of String Formate Using Flex?

Nov 30, 2009

my date of string like (2009-12-03 21:05:00) date with time . so i used to store var newdate:Date=new Date(Date.parse(startdate)); but shows some errors.and also i tried to split string(date) used date function likevar datenumber:Number= (new Date(Date.parse(startdate))).getDate();

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Date Serialization - Render A Null Date Value

Aug 24, 2010

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Flex :: DateField - How To Get The Value

Jun 1, 2010

I' m trying to use the DateField control.I can set the current value using the selectedDate field.Adobe says: "Selecting the currently selected date in the control deselects it, sets the selectedDate property to null", so when user selects other date the selectedDate = null. How do I can get the current selected value? I only saw in the debugger that DateField's text property contains the string with selected date? Do I need to parse it back?

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Aug 25, 2009

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But I need to add markers, one on year beginning, and others 4 times during the year (each 73 days aprox)

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Sep 29, 2009

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Apr 17, 2011

according the documentation borderThickness is an applicable style, but when I try to set it to anything (would prefer '0') it says "The style 'borderThickness' is excluded by type 'mx.controls.DateField'."I could style the background color to be the same as the background, but I have an image behind so this will not work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Calculate Date Difference?

Nov 9, 2009

I am trying to create a 30 day trial period limitation in Flash CS3. I am having a problem with checking the number of days. I am using zinc mdm to get the date of an external file. Following is the code I am using.

var d1:Date = new Date(mdm.FileSystem.getFileDate("c:\myText.txt")) ;
var d2:Date = new Date();
//(Date2 - Date1)/


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Flex :: DateField - Any Control To Select Month?

Jun 18, 2009

Is there any Flex control to select months (any)? Right now I'm using a DateField and allow the user to select any date in a month to select that month.

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Flex :: Converting DateField Text To Seconds?

Dec 19, 2009

Is there anything wrong with following snippet of code?

var d:Date = DateField.dateToString(myDateField.text,"DD/MM/YYYY");
testTextArea.text = d.getSeconds().toString();
Error: Implicit coercion of a value of
type String to an unrelated type Date.

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Flex :: Disable All Dates Before The CurrentDate In DateField

Feb 19, 2010

How to create a DateField in flex, that would disable all the dates before today's current date.

<mx:DateField id="dateField2" yearNavigationEnabled="true"
disabledRanges="{[ {rangeEnd: new Date(dateBeforeCurrentDate} ]}" color="0x000000"/>

I understand I will have to do sometime like the code above. But I don't know how to get dateBeforeCurrentDate, so that all the date from yesterday will be disabled.

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Flex :: Detect Event When A DateField Is Edited?

Jun 3, 2011

How can I detect when a user changes a date field - specifically when they TYPE the date as I have set it to editable:

<mx:FormItem label="Assigned" x="220" y="59">
<mx:DateField formatString="YYYY-MM-DD" id="clinicianAssignedDateInput" editable="true" text="@{this._currentEditEncounter.clinicianAssignedDate}"


The change event seems to only throw when using the calendar pop-up. It is not thrown when the user manually types in to the field. I also tried dataChange.

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Flex :: Display Month Name In DateField Control?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm using the MX DateField control in Flex and want to display the date as 01 Jul 2011 or 01 July 2011. Does anyone know how to do this? I tried setting the formatString to "DD MMM YYYY" but it didn't work.

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Flex :: Mx:DateField And Binding Inside A Form?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a Form with several FormItems and one of those include an mx:DateField. I am not sure how I should bind the DateField values. I have tried the following which none work:

<mx:DateField yearNavigationEnabled="true" text="@{dateValue}"/>
<mx:DateField yearNavigationEnabled="true" selectedDate="{dateValue}"/>

Now eventually I am trying to store/retrieve the date as a string in the db.

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Flex :: Put DateField Icon To Left On Its TextInput Field?

Mar 31, 2011

Regarding the dateField, there is the TextInput and the Icon. I want the icon to appear on the left side of the TextInput instead of it appearing on the right side as it is in the default state.

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