Actionscript 3 :: Check If MovieClip Exists?
Feb 17, 2010
I have a movieclip created with the following code:
var thumbContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); = "thumbContainer";
stage.addChild (thumbContainer);
If the window gets larger/smaller I want everything back in place. So I have an stage Event Listener. Now I want to see if this mc exists to put back in place. I've tried different ways but keep getting an error that does not exist.1120: Access of undefined property thumbContainer.
if (this.getChildByName("thumbContainer") != null) {
if ("thumbContainer" in this) {
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Is there a way to see if a MovieClip exists within another MovieClip that has a class applied to it?
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Test extends MovieClip{
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if ((this.tile.y == (event.currentTarget.y - 64)) != null) {
//add the colour of this tile to array
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if(orderMenu_mc.Item2_txt.text == "")
emptyText = 2
There is no text. Yet the if statement is false. Is this a logic error or is there a better method of achieving this PS i have tried orderMenu_mc.Item2_txt.text.length == 0 which also evaluates to false when there is no text in the field.
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if (_root.displayCurrentvar.length > 0)
is there a function I could use like isNull ?
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Jan 12, 2010
I want to add the possibility to take a webcam picture to my project, but only if the user's system has a webcam installed (obviously). In other words, those without a webcam should not notice the new function at all.
So basically, I need to check if a webcam exists on the user's computer.
I found a couple of ways to accomplish this, but none seem to work when I test them on a webcam-less system.
* One way to detect the presence of a webcam is to check if (Camera.names.length > 0).
However, on my 'blind' (webcam-less) computer, Camera.names.length returned 1 nonetheless.
* The other is to check if (Camera.getCamera() != null).
If I understand it correctly, 'getCamera' is specific to Actionscript 3. My whole project is in Actionscript 2, I'm afraid it's too late to switch. The AS2 equivalent would be (Camera.get() != null). But I tested that on my 'blind' system and again, it didn't return null.
In short, both these methods indicated the presence of a webcam where there was none.
So my question is:
Is there a really foolproof way to detect the presence/absence of a webcam in Actionscript 2? Before the 'allow/deny' dialog pops up?
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if (this['some_variable'] != undefined) {
//do something
There is a run time error saying the property some_variable does not exists. I have checked with null instead of undefined, still the same error.
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ActionScript Code:
if(array[5].exists()) {
// Do something.
else {
// Do something else.
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Feb 18, 2009
Well, I looked at the example, and looks like that was still not what I wanted. Interestingly, I took the middle for loop out and now it appears I am not having issues anymore.[code]
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Sep 5, 2009
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Sep 27, 2010
I'm trying to check to see if an object exists by using a simple if statement.
if ( {
//Do this
However, if the object doesn't exist, I get this error, "Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties" - which I understand is because the object doesn't exist. Is there a better way to check to see if an object exists?
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Apr 24, 2010
Is there a way to check if a derrived class contains a function. If so, call it otherwise keep going.
public class myClass extends mySuperClass{
public function myClass(){
When Flash checks a function that does not exists, its throws the error "ReferenceError: Error #1069" (5th line of in the exemple).
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Oct 19, 2010
I am trying to avoid this error:TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.It is being caused when I reference an object that does not exist. My code automically goes through an array of objects and will sometimes try to reference a location that does not exist (like [-1][6] for example).I am trying to set a variable based on another variable from an object in that array like so:ob.upleft = Map.baseTileArr[ob.upY][ob.leftX].walkable;If it does not exist, my program stops and I am thrown that error. My question is, how can I check to see if that object's variable in the array even exists before assigning the variable?
I've tried this, but it did not work:
ob.upleft = Map.baseTileArr[ob.upY][ob.leftX].walkable;
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Sep 5, 2009
Don't really care about reading/writing the file, just want to verify that it exists...
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