Flash :: Setting Transparency Of Itemrenderers In Spark List?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a list that has alternating item colors.

<s:List id="myList" change="selectionChanged(event)" alternatingItemColors="[0x000000, 0xFFFFFF]" dataProvider="{alResults}" itemRenderer="itemRenders.Results" width="100%"></s:List>


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Flex :: Change Dataprovider In Spark List That Has Itemrenderers?

Mar 13, 2012

In flex 4.5, I have an application that has a BorderContainer that loads a spark list (mxml style - _myList and the borderContainer is stored in a library outside of the parent application) that loads an arrayCollection with an itemRenderer (I should note said itemRenderer is not an inline renderer - on selection of an item in the list, the itemRenderer expands, loads a particular control within the item renderer based on data passed from the selected item in the list) and allows the user to perform a search. This works all well and good on startup/load, until I try to change the dataProvider for the list (my app allows users to switch data sources which then creates a new dataProvider with new variables). I have tried:


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Actionscript 3 :: Setting A Spark List To 100% Height Inside Of A TabbedViewNavigatorApplication?

Mar 3, 2012

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<s:List dataProvider="{dp}" itemRenderer="renderers.Renderer" width="100%" height="100%" />

Using this I can't seem to get the list to fit to the view, it always ends up being much too tall.I'm testing using the Flash Builder mobile profile, the results seem to be the same across all phones. Setting the height to some number under 50% seems to bring the list closer to full width but it's not consistent across phones.

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<s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" applicationDPI="160" applicationComplete="init(event)">

I haven't come across this issue until I started using TabbedViewNavigatorApplication, 100% seems to work fine in a standard view based application.

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var lastRow:IVisualElement =
myList.dataGroup.getElementAt(myList.dataGroup.numElements - 1);
myList.height = lastRow.y + lastRow.height;

It works in case of a single item, but lastRow is null in case of more items.

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Flex 4 List ItemRenderer - Different Itemrenderers For Different Rows?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm creating a list of scores for a game. now most of the list i need to have the same ItemRenderer. but in one specific row of the list where the user who's playing is listed, it should show different information and with different background color. how can i achieve this ?

I already tried to resolve the issue with states, i created 2 states, one state called 'mine' and the 2nd state called 'others'.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Actionscript :: Define Multiple ItemRenderers In A Flex List?

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I don't really want to pass the list a single itemRenderer which calls its addChild function depending on the type of data it has - It just doesn't seem right.

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Actionscript 3 :: Spark Images In Spark List With TileLayout Disappear On Scroll And Drag In Flex App

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I have a renderer that looks like this:


Loading thumbnails using this method works perfectly. The issue happens when you scroll the List.

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Flex :: Spark List Have Something Similar To ItemsChangeEffect In Mx List?

Jun 28, 2010

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Any idea how I can get the same effect done in Spark Lists?

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Flash - Spark List SelectedIndex Doesn't Update?

Sep 8, 2011

when i use nextSlide() and prevSlide(), which are executed when i click on two buttons. SelectedIndex works when i click on the elements in the List. What am i doing wrong? do i have to dispatch some events? Are there any tricks to doing it with buttons?This is my playlist class

public class Playlist extends List
private var dispatcher:Dispatcher;


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Flash :: Detect When Flex Spark List's Data Has Changed

Oct 6, 2010

I need to detect when a Flex Spark List (spark.components.List) data has changed so that I can programmatically change its scrollbar. I know that List is a an EventDispatcher but it's unclear which event I'd register for.

Edit: My List's dataProvider is an ArrayCollection that elements are added too. So the dataProvider is never replaced. I considered listening to the backing ArrayCollection, but it's possible the List will react to the change after my listener, which alters the scrollbar. Thus my listener's changes will be superseded by that of the List.

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Flash :: Flex Spark List Scroll To Bottom When New Data Is Added

Oct 6, 2010

I have a Spark List (spark.components.List) backed by an ArrayCollection for its dataProvider. The List has a vertical scrollbar when there's too many rows to display. What I want is when a new row is added to the List for it to scroll to the bottom to show that new row.

I've tried calling List's ensureIndexIsVisible from a listener on the ArrayCollection. This doesn't work because the List hasn't yet fully rendered the new row. It will either scroll to the second from the last row, or throw the exception:


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Flash :: Set Label Width Inside Itemrenderer For Spark List In A Liquid Layout?

Jun 29, 2011

In a flex project that I have that is designed to scale 100% to the web window, I have a spark list. And I have a simple itemrenderer that takes the data and displays a name, and a message. Just think of it like a simple instant messenger display. The problem is that for my msg_txt label I want to give it a width thats the width of the parent list thats holding it.I tried turning the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, also tried width="this.parent.parent.width}" (as well as this.parent.width) for the spark label inside the item renderer. and in the label i tried some things like left="0" right="0" maxWidth="{this.width}" but nothing really does the trick.How can I make this label have a max width of the list thats holding it, AND make sure it resizes if the size of the browser changes and the list size changes?heres the list:

<s:List id="chat_content" width="100%" height="100%"
alternatingItemColors="[#EEEEEE,#E6E6E6]" contentBackgroundColor="#EEEEEE"
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" itemRenderer="renderers.ActiveChatItemRenderer">


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Flex :: Resizing A Spark Group By Setting Width And Height?

Apr 28, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" ;


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I have a mobile application that has a Text Input used for searching. Below the search TextInput is a StageWebView. When I set the source of the StageWebView using loadURL() the key input is shifted to the StageWebView. How can I prevent this?

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Get MaxHorizontalScrollPosition In Spark List Component?

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Flex :: Spark List With Buttons

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I mean accessing them as DisplayObject instances.

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Flex :: Make Sure That There Is Always Something Selected In A Spark List?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a spark list, which is based on a dataProvider. As the application runs, the data in the dataprovider can change, and also the dataProvider can be swapped for a different one

What I need to do is make sure that something is always selected in the list (unless it is empty)

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Flex :: Highlight Item In Spark List?

Jun 25, 2010

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Flex :: Spark List Item Renderer

Nov 29, 2010

How do I wordwrap in a spark list w/ an itemrenderer? This posting at[URL] works 100% but when I try to set a separate item renderer, I can't get the word wrapping...instead, I get an ugly horizontal scroll bar. HEre is my mxml:


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Flex :: 4 Right Click Spark List Using ContextMenu()

Mar 7, 2011

I would like to add custom right clicks to a number of spark list controls. I have tried the following as an item renderer. (as per the flex 4 cook book). Full Render code here [URL] When I right click on the Spark List I simply get the Adobe Default Context menu. This is the same default behaviour I had before I added any code to this.

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Flex :: Navigate In Spark List Control?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm building a mobile app, using spark list control. When user tap on a list item, i want it to navigate to that correspondence page

<s:List id="list" width="100%" height="100%" labelField=" label">

how do i code it so that when user tap on item label="Page One" it will navigate to PageOneView.mxml and if it tap on "Page Two" it will go to PageTwoView.mxml and so on.

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Actionscript 3 :: Scrolling Spark List Without Scroller Bar?

Oct 16, 2011

How to scroll Spark list with a disabled scroller bar? I created two buttons to scroll up and down, but it is unclear what methods can be used to scroll the list.

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Flex :: Sqlite - Spark List With SQL Result

Nov 4, 2011

I'm trying to populate a spark list component from SQLite in an AIR application statusList = new ArrayCollection(statement.getResult().data); myList.dataprovider = statusList; From the debug session I know the data is structured as statusList->unnamed object->array


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