Flash :: Unselect The Radio Button When Going To The Next Frame?

Nov 1, 2011

I want to unselect the radio button when going to the next frame

function confirm( event:MouseEvent):void{
if(radioGroup1.selection.label== "null")


I tried radioGroup1.selected = false and null but didnt work

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As3 :: Deselect All Radio Button In Radio ButtonGroup On Button Click In Flash?

May 11, 2011

how to deselect all Radio Button in Radio Button Group on button click in flash as3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Frame From Radio Button?

Apr 13, 2012

I've done is a few days of tutorials and stuff on the Internet. I'm knocking together a prototype for a University project. I have a radio button list, and once a button is selected and submit is pressed it takes the user to a certain frame. Each radio button represents a different condition, and for the distance condition I want it to take the user to one of two frames; one which shows the animation close up, and one which shows it far away. Before I attempted to have this button selection send the user to one of two frames, I had it working just sending them to the one. This is the code that I used:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using The Radio Button Component To Go To A Frame On A MovieClip

Apr 8, 2010

I am using the radio button component in Flash with a continue button. When the user clicks their option in the radio button and then clicks continue, I want it to go to a movieClips Specific frame. Here is the breakdown and the script I have so far is below.
The radio group os named RadioButtonGroup The instance names for each of the three options are noviceButton,intermediateButton,expertButton My continue button has an instance name of continueButton and my movie clip I am trying to target has an instance name of level_mc here is my code so far:

the problem starts with my varFrame line-I don't know how to get it to go to the movieClip and gotoAndStop at a specific frame, based on which radio button was clicked and after the continue button is clicked.

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Professional :: Go To A Frame Based On Radio Button Choice?

Apr 24, 2011

I have created a movieclip that is simply asking a question and the user chooses from a list of Radio buttons.I have set this up and it works fine, but I cannot figure out how to set up a "Next" button or a "Submit" button that, depending on the radio button choice made, the user goes to a specific frame or label.I bought the Adobe Flash CS5 bible, but there seems to be little information on controlling Radio buttons, only how to set them up to test.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Radio Button On First Frame - Control Timeline

Feb 13, 2007

I want two radio buttons on the 1st frame. if you select rbA and hit a button you go to frame label "loading" and if you select rbB and hit the button you go to frame label "sorry". I found this code below that says it does what I need but I just can't get it to work. I have attached fla.

[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Radio Button And Radio Button Grooup On Adober Air For Android?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm developing an Adobe Air application for Android using ActionScript 3.0 (I'm not using Flex).I'm trying to use radio buttons and a radio button group, but they aren't available on ActionScript mobile.I'm using Flash Builder 4.5.1 Standard and when I want to import fl.controls it complains saying that it isn't available.Is there any other control that I can use instead of radio buttons?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define A Event For The Radio Button In The Movie Clip's First Frame?

Nov 17, 2010

I am developing a multiple choice question answer. I have a movie clip in frame 2 where the radio buttons and question choices are displayed.I am trying to define a event for the radio button in the movie clip's first frame. But i show questions in random order. Say for example the first question to show is fifth I move the movieclip to 5th frame. The event is not firing since it is declared in the first frame.Should i place the button event code in each and every single frame or is there anyother option for this.

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Flex :: Dynamic Radio Button - Get The Value Of Selected Radio Button

Dec 31, 2010

I am creating dynamic radion button like this

for(var i:Number=0;i
function radiobuttonclickhandler(event:MouseEvent):void
//here i need to get the selected radio button value.


i need to get the value of labelname in which one is i am selected.how to do?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Radio Buttons And PHP - Make A Form Work With Input Fields But Not With Radio Button Data?

Jul 15, 2011

I am having a problem getting radio button data into php and I can not seem to find any answers. My project is simple I have a group of radio buttons, when one is selected and a submit button is pressed I want the data from the radio button to populate the subject line of an email and send it.I can make a form work with input fields but not with radio button data.

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Radio Buttons - First Radio Button Never Turns Off When Clicking Others?

Feb 10, 2010

I've got a huge survey I've made with lots and lots of groups of radio buttons. There are maybe 60 questions with 6 buttons each. Of these, I have a couple of groups that are really misbehaving. What's happening is for one question, the first button in the group seems independent of the rest. That is, I can check the first radio button and it never turns off when clicking others in the same group.

All my code is right. I'm using the exact same code with all the other groups and only two groups aren't working right. Ha. That's the funny thing, though, because everything works fine IN Flash, but publishing to a web page, these two groups stop working right.FWIW, I've set the first instance of the radio button with a name like "G10" then all the buttons in the group have the group name "Q10".I've tried several ways of fixing this including deleting the whole group and adding them again, copying a working group and renaming the parts. Nothing. The one thing that has worked (and don't ask me why) but adding a new single radio button with a new instance and group name has fixed other problem groups but not these two.

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Disable Radio Button Group In Flash?

Mar 30, 2010

im trying to disable a radio button group in flash, so users cant change the selected item.

im using the following code to create the radio button

var rbuttongroup:RadioButtonGroup=new RadioButtonGroup("radioGroup");

then adding radio buttons to it on the fly, my question is how do i go about disabling the radio buttons ?

EDIT - im using action script 3.0 !! and when i try doing

rbg.enabled = false;

i get an error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property enabled through a reference with static type fl.controls:RadioButtonGroup.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Radio Button Or 2 In Flash Mx?

Jan 29, 2005

Is it possible to make an radio button or 2 in flash mx? maybe with an actionscript.I'm making a mailinglist with input text for email adress so far i get it but is it possible 2 make 2 radio buttons with subscribe and unsubscribe?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Radio Button Or 2 In Flash Mx?

Jan 29, 2005

Is it possible to make an radio button or 2 in flash mx? maybe with an actionscript.

I'm making a mailinglist with input text for email adress so far i get it but is it possible 2 make 2 radio buttons with subscribe and unsubscribe??

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Flex :: Radio Button On Adobe Flash Mobile?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to have radio button on adobe flash. I have the following code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="HomeView">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Information From A Flash Form To A Php Script Using Radio Buttons Without A Submit Button

Mar 22, 2006

I am trying to send information from a flash form to a php script using radio buttons without a submit button ie as soon as a radio button is selected the info is sent but I can't get anything to work.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Radio Buttons Not Working When Return To Their Frame?

Jul 30, 2010

I'm working on a multiple-choice quiz. Each question is in its own frame, Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.  In Q1 frame, when I click a radio button (A, B, C, or D) it displays a Continue button which when clicked takes me to frame Q2.  In frame Q2 I have a Return button that brings me back to frame Q1.  The problem I'm having is that when I click the Return button in frame Q2, it takes me back to frame Q1 and I can click on radio buttons A, B, C, or D, but they do not display the Continue button.  In other words the radio buttons change state but they do not fire any of the actions.  Here's my code.
//Q1 frame code (AS2)
rbtnAListener = new Object();rbtnAListener.click = function(evt){    mc_EmptyContinue.attachMovie("btnContinue", "btn_Continue", 1);        mc_EmptyContinue.btn_Continue.onRelease = function():Void    {   


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Sequence Module With Radio Buttons In Frame?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm creating a sequencing module with a bunch of radio buttons in frame 1. When a user clicks the wrong radio button it tells them. When the click the right one it moves them to frame 10. In frame 10 the correct radio button is hidden and the user has to click the next one in order. if they click the wrong one it tells them and if they click the correct one it gives new feedback and advances them to frame 20 and so forth until they get them all in order. Can I add a new event listener to a component in frame 10? how do I cancel out a previous event listener and associated function from frame 1 that was associated with that radio button? The problem I am having is that the script is calling both the frame 1 function on that button AND the frame 10 function on that button. How to correct this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Unselect Chosen Web Camera

Sep 7, 2010

For example: I select camera - "a4tech-pk935" in flash, and then I try to use this camera in Skype, it's locked by flash. I know it. How to unlock camera in AS3 (without unload/closing flash movie)? I tried use Camera.getCamera(null), (it's select default camera)

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Actionscript 3 :: Unselect Flex TextInput With Enter Key

Jan 3, 2010

In Flex, how can one set the TextInput to "unselected" (which mean not only focus is out but also, that if you text on your keyboard, the TextInput won't be changed) on the event of pressing the Enter key? I know how to change the component that has the focus using the FocusManager, but I don't want to change the component that has focus, I just want this one component not to be selected.

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Actionscript 3 :: Unselect Flex TextInput With Enter Key?

Sep 10, 2003

In Flex, how can one set the TextInput to "unselected" (which mean not only focus is out but also, that if you text on your keyboard, the TextInput won't be changed) on the event of pressing the Enter key? I know how to change the component that has the focus using the FocusManager, but I don't want to change the component that has focus, I just want this one component not to be selected.

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Way To Deselect Radio Button

Jun 2, 2011

Does anyone know how you can deselect a radio button through as3? I have a program where the radio button remembers the users selection so when they return to the page the radio button they selected is still being displayed as selected. In some cases I want to get deselect the radio buttons so that when the user returns none of the radio buttons are selected. There has got to be a way to do this but I am not having much luck searching the net.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get The Name Of Radio Button

Aug 1, 2009

hopw to get the name of selected option button

var myRadioGroup:RadioButtonGroup=new RadioButtonGroup("options");
for (i=0; i<5; i++) { radio.group=myRadioGroup;  radio.label="";  radio.value=i;  radio.move(10, int(int(55)+(105*y_counter))); 


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Force A Radio Button?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm loading a text file and based on the settings in that, I need to change which radio button in a group is selected.

My structure is three buttons to a group. One button has an instance name of rb1 and the values are 1,0,-1.

I know to get the values I need the radiobuttonGroup, but I'm not having much luck setting the values.

rb1.value=0; // does not work

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Need 2 Different Radio Button Icons?

Jan 15, 2009

I have a project using 2 groups of radio buttons. Each group needs its own icon. I can skin the RadioButton Asset, but that affects ALL radio buttons. I guess U need to be able to change the icon property on an instance-by-instance basis.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add In A Radio Button To Php?

May 10, 2011

I have a form which I've had working fine. (I think I bought it ages ago hence the commentary throughout the AS!) I've now been asked to add in a radio button (2 actually but I'm starting with the one!)I've added it in, nicking this component from another form I bought, seeing as already fully reskinned the first one, but in my end email I'm getting 'undefined' as the result.So. Below is my Actionscript (I kept getting typos between the AS and the PHP which was causing me grief, hence me just calling my fields sequential alphabet letters.)

kkk (oops! that's just jumped out at me!) is the radio button - essentially I have the radio button which is 'email' or 'phone' posting to a hidden input text field called kkk. I've had this field 'unhidden' so I can confirm this works in the swf, ie the field is being populated but then this is not communicating to the php.Below the actionscript is the php.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Radio Button With Array?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm using a random number int to get a number between 1 and 75 and use that number to find an image and 3 statements with it (images are called 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg....... and i get the statements from XML files 1.xml 2.xml 3.xml.......)i get the right image and the right statements but when i want to check if someone answered correctly my script doesn't work.i have an array for the images, the xml files and the answers but only the answers array doesn't work correctly.here is the array:

PHP Code:
var answers:Array = [stelling_2,stelling_3,stelling_1,stelling_2,stelling_1,stelling_2,stelling_2,stelling_2,ste


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Selected Radio Button Value?

Aug 9, 2010

I placed 2 radio buttons - each of them has groupName = rg1. And when I write[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The Radio Button Component?

Aug 12, 2009

I'm trying to use the radio button component but I don't want to use the Library.Is there a way to import in the radio button using just AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Get Radio Button Groups

Mar 11, 2009

Using the Radio button component and I have 10 groups of buttons. Each group has a group name of g1, g2, etc for each yes/no button. I want to determine which button was clicked. When I run the code below I only get the first one and then each other button clicked I don't get a trace statement back.

var rbListener:Object = new Object();
rbListener.click = function(evt_obj:Object) {
trace("The selected radio button group name is "+evt_obj.target.groupName);
for (rb=1; rb<=10; rb++) {

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