Flex :: 4 - Move All TitleWindows Instances Within The Visible Area After Application Change It's Width / Height?

Jun 8, 2011

Is there a nice and not much processor consuming way to move all TitleWindow instances within the application visible area when the application been scaled - change it's width or height ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Height / Width Of Bounding Box Of Visible Area?

Jun 23, 2008

In many cases the pieces have artifacts outside of their visible area. For example, a piece can have a picture of a dog's face, but one of the long ears is off to the side, outside the visible region of the piece. The path data is extremely detailed, so our designers didn't crop it off. They used a mask (at least I think it's a mask, I'm not a graphics guy and know little about that stuff) and this makes it invisible in Flash, when we turn them into movie clips. Also, in Flash when I look at the width and height of the piece, it does reflect only the visible area.However, in ActionScript when I try to get the width and height using, for example



I get the width of the piece including the part that is hidden, i.e. a larger width than the visible area.Is there a way in AS 3.0 to get the height / width of the bounding box of visible area only?

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Flex :: Layout: Can Width Be 100% Of The *visible* Area Of A Larger Container?

Nov 30, 2010

I've got the following situation, where I have an outer Vbox that is set at a fixed width, and then inside it there is a header made from an HBox and a content area (Canvas) that is much wider than the enclosing VBox (and therefore requires scrollbars on the outer VBox to see it all).

I would like to set the width of the header to fill the entire width of the outer container, but only the visible part, and to remain fixed so that when I scroll to view the content, the header doesn't move.


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Flex :: Get The Width And Height Of A Masked Area?

Dec 14, 2011

I am loading an external swf using the SWFLoader component. The swf that is being loaded is masked so that only a portion is being shown. However, when it's loaded the actual size of the swf (loader.content.width/loader.content.height) is the complete swf including the masked area. Therefore, the loaded swf does not display properly in the itemrenderer Is there a way to to grab the size of the just the masked area as opposed to getting the size of the entire swf's contents? also i need to re size the masked area

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Feb 21, 2011

How can I make an application with the same ratio width/height? I have an application with width = 800 height = 600. Its width = 1.33*height and when I change the width to 1024 I want the height to change to 768 automatically.

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Flex :: Change S:VGroup Height When Child.visible Set To False

Nov 12, 2010

I have a code similar to this:

<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">
<s:Label text="label" />
<s:TextInput id="rmName"/>


I want that the s:VGroup container has the height only of its visible children. In this example there is a free space even the visibility mx:HorizontalList is set to false. Every time I change the visibility of the child element I want that the parent (s:VGroup) will change his height. How to do this in flex?

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I would like to use a movieclip to load a flv video. The problem I have is that I want to change the video dimensions. I've tried several software to change the video dimensions but as far as it seems all of them keep the same height-width ratio than in the original video. Is there any software that would allow me to change the height and width without keeping the same height/width ratio as in the original video file?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Dynamic Width/height Change

Aug 29, 2010

Is it possible to dynamically (not in the project's options) change the dimensions of the stage by using ActionScript 3? I'd want to create a 400x300px loader, but I also want it to load animations that have bigger or smaller dimensions. I would then change the width and height of the loader to make the loaded animations fit well. Is there any way to do that?

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Flex :: Does The ScaleX ScaleY Makes The Width And Height Change

Aug 31, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


on the perpendicular clicks it shows as like the second click. does the scaleX scaleY affects the width height?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Widht, Height And Width/height Ration In An Flv Video File?

Mar 25, 2011

I would like to use a movieclip to load a flv video. The problem I have is that I want to change the video dimensions. I've tried several software to change the video dimensions but as far as it seems all of them keep the same height-width ratio than in the original video. Is there any software that would allow me to change the height and width without keeping the same height/width ratio as in the original video file?

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Professional :: SimpleButton.width Doesn't Change - Width And Height Remain 0

Jun 1, 2010

I am looking at the SimpleButton entirely wrong. Here's what I'm doing (inside of a MovieClip):


the close_btn.width and height remain 0. Am I supposed to just rely on the DisplayObject members of the SimpleButton completely and ignore width/height/x/y or what?

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Flash :: Alternatives To Colin Moock's Approach To Visible Width/height Of DisplayObject?

Jan 12, 2010

Has anyone got any alternatives to what Colin Moock has coded to GET VISIBLE WIDTH/HEIGHT OF A DISPLAY OBJECT in ActionScript 3? That esp. in perspective of DisplayObjects that have 3D transforms applied and visible dimensions of which you need to consider for a calculation.

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Professional :: Publishing A Flash Video: Player Not Visible - Height And Width Referenced 3-times In Html?

Mar 5, 2010

When I publish my FLV video using Flash CS3 and the "SkinUnderAll" option...the player controls are not visible unless I change the height & width in the html file Flash created.But, Flash shows the height & width 3-times in the html.
Question-1: Why 3-times? What does each of the 3 Height & Width references do?
Question-2: How should I modify the code to be able to see the entire video and the player controls?

It seems if I change all 3 everything just gets bigger and bigger.
1 - I import it into Flash CS3 on a PC w/XP Pro using... File | Import | Video take all the defaults and choose "Skin Under All" as the player option.
2 - In "Properties" panel at bottom of screen Flash shows the video as 640x480
3 - I then click File | Publish to publish the video. Flash creates all my files for me.
4 - I then put the folder with the files on my website.
5 - The video plays but the player controls are not visible.
6 - I see the Height & Width referenced 3 times in the html file Flash created for me (and none are 640x480, they are 550x400 !)
7 - I try changing the 550x400 to 640x480 in all three places... no good. Even at 1000x1000 the entire player is not visible. Everything just gets larger.
What are each of the 3 references to Height and Width in the html file Flash Creates and which should I change to simply show all the player controls?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Referencing Stage.width/height References Mc.width/height?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to reference to top level (stage) width and height of the main stage for the placement of something located inside a movieclip on the stage.

My code is:
my_loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - my_loader.width)/2;
my_loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - my_loader.height)/2;

But this seems to just relate to the width/height of the mc that my_loader is nested in...

I have tried the following and had no luck:


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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Height And Width Of Swf?

Apr 11, 2012

i am trying to add the height and width of swf dynamically but i cannot change stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight and also am tring with another method also.

[SWF( width="900", height="400")]

Its working fine but while adding the value dynamically it cannot change.

var hei:Number=500;
var wid:Number=300;
[SWF( width=wid, height=hei)]

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Flash :: Change Width / Height Of SWF?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm trying to edit an HTML that uses swfobject to load a flash file.

What I'm trying to do is to reduce the size of the SWF file.

I've tried editing the height and width parameter within the swfobject(), but that didn't work.

I tried reducing the width height in the HTML css, but that also didn't work..

How can I pass a 'width' or a 'height' parameter to the swfobject so it will actually load the swf in a smaller or 'zoomed out' way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Width And Height Of Movieclip?

Mar 19, 2000

I'm making a program like roomplanner at [url]..

I need to know how to change the width and the height of the movie clip. I know how to scale x and y but that doesn�t work in my case because i have for example an object which height is 75 pixels and width is 137 pixels. X scale and Y scale would work if my objects were 100 pixels width and 100 pixels height.

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Change Default Width And Height Of Dropdownlist?

Apr 19, 2011

I want a dropdownlist that is wide enough to accommodate the larger item in the dropdown in display area of the main control.(.i.e. dropdownlist with the functionality of MX Combobox)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Width And Height For MovieClip?

Aug 13, 2010

I know there have been several similar posts but of those I've read, there hasn't been an easy straight forward solution that will work dynamically. The solutions posted have ranged from

super.width = wvalue;

super.height = hvalue;

which I did not get to work, and it seemed from the response to the suggestion neither could the person who originally asked for help, to suggestions about using scale, all the way to having to create an event handler that will get notified after the load, which I guess would work once but wouldn't work dynamically.

Here is the scenario -

I want to change width and height for a MovieClip, but I dont want to scale it, (its more like cropping the MovieClip, not shrinking or stretching) and I want to do this several times not just after the load of the MovieClip.

So my questions are:

1) Is there anyway to do this that really works, that hopefully isn't totally convoluted?

2) Why is it so hard to do this in Flash/AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The MovieClip Height And Width?

Aug 18, 2008

I use FlashMX 2004. how to change the width and height of the MovieClip when it loads to the stage. I used the following method


but when I do like this movie does not load. when I do this method to vary x and y position of the movie it works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Specify/change The Height And Width Of An Image?

Aug 20, 2010

Is there a way to specify/change the height and width of an image loaded from an xml file that will be placed within an empty movieclip? The movieclip will resize with the webpage, and what I want to do is make sure the images resize proportionally with the movieclip, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Movie Width And Height?

Mar 25, 2005

How do you change movie width and height using actionscript? (Without changing the size of everything else.)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load External Image Of Different Height & Width Into Same Height And Width

Jun 12, 2009

i want to load external images of different height and width into same height and width.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Image Of Different Height & Width Into Same Height And Width?

Feb 24, 2010

i want to load external images of different height and width into same height and width.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Width Of Sprite Seems To Change Height Too?

Feb 5, 2009

Here is some code I have.

_buttonUnderline = new Sprite();
with(_buttonUnderline.graphics) {

When the Tween takes place though it not only changes the width, it changes the height as if it were scaling it up in both directions. Why does this behavior take place? And how can I get it so that only the width changes? I have also tried using scaleX as the property but it does the same thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Change Stage Width & Height?

May 13, 2010

How to Change Stage properties(width,height,bitrate,color......etc) in dynamically...?

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Actionscript 2 :: Change The Width And Height Of Textfield In Flash?

Oct 7, 2011

I have a Flash file, which has to be liquid. I have a header, a footer and a center section, which all are percentage scalable. My center section has a MovieClip called info_txt, and I'm trying to make it high 20% of the center_mc's height. I do this, but I also load a text in that field (info_txt) with XML, and when the text (xml) is loaded and placed in the textfield it doesn't go multiline, but stays nowrap.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Width Of Sprite Also Seems To Change It's Height?

Feb 5, 2009

[code]When the Tween takes place though it not only changes the width, it changes the height as if it were scaling it up in both directions. Why does this behavior take place? And how can I get it so that only the width changes? I have also tried using scaleX as the property but it does the same thing.

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