Flex :: AIR Application Not Finding Locale Properties File?

Feb 11, 2011

I have the problem that when I use a component from an existing Flex Library in my AIR project, the values that should be loaded from the appropriate locale .properties file are not loaded. The values are always null.

I am using Eclipse and have created an AIR project that refers to the existing Flex Library (of which I have the source code). When I use a component from that library it calls the following code:

var _resourceManager:IResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
var res:String = resourceManager.getString('resources', str, params);

"str" and "params" have valid values but res is always null.The properties file is located within the assets directory of the Flex library. I am deducing that the properties file is not being loaded (for some reason). This Flex library works for other Flex projects so it has to be something about the way my project is set up.

I have my compiler settings set to: -locale en_US Is there something special that AIR projects need to do to ensure that they can refer to properties files?

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2-find the sound address in the xml (Using E4x)
3-load the sound
4- ...

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.managers::FocusManager/activate()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersFocusManager.as:702]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/activateForm()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersSystemManager.as:2493]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/activate()


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Flex :: Preload A File Before The Application Initializes?

May 5, 2010

Problem: An XML configuration file needs to be loaded at runtime and be ready when the application's createChildren() gets called. At the latest, because configuration values are needed to properly initialize child components. Preferably, I would like the configuration loading be complete before the application even gets created. In short, I want to do this: load configuration, then initialize the application using the loaded configuration.

I created a custom preloader to help solve this. But as it turns out, the application's createChildren() method already gets called during preloading, when the configuration is not yet guaranteed to be loaded. That is, before the custom preloader dispatches the COMPLETE event.

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Flex :: Copy File To Application Directory?

Oct 26, 2010

I have trouble getting it to copy file from src to destination.

var asMsg_path:String = fileRef.nativePath;
var origFileLoc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(asMsg_path);
var newFileLoc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("/java/"+asMsg);


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Flex :: Opening And Getting File Contents In 4 - Air Application

Jan 23, 2011

I'm wondering how I can display an Open File dialog box, select a text file, put the contents of the text file into a textarea component via a button... I'm not really used to Flex so I don't know where to start or exactly how I'd go about doing it? I'm doing this for an Air application.

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