Flex :: Adding Radio Button To Calendar In Flex 3?

May 28, 2010

I'm trying to make a Calendar which can have radio buttons embedded in specific dates, which will be chosen by making a service call, but that's not a problem. I have had two approaches to it so far, one could be taking a datagrid, and making it a calendar, and then placing the radio button inside the cell using an item renderer. The second approach could be Extending the Calendar class, and adding radio buttons inside. Using the first approach, the problem is to fit the dates in the right order in the grid for any specific month. We could get to know the first day (Mon,Tue..) of the month but filling the grids correctly causes issues. I was wondering if someone ever tried doing this or if there could be a simpler approach.

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for(var i:Number=0;i
function radiobuttonclickhandler(event:MouseEvent):void
//here i need to get the selected radio button value.


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Flex :: How To Implement Radio Button With CheckBox In One Tree

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initList()">
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
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[Code] .....

Problem is radio button click show once in the tree,for ex. suppose we have two nodes in tree in this have the radio button but when clicking on the first node radio button automatically second node radio button deselect. Not separated each node radio button with others node radio button.

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<mx:DataGridColumn id="selectColumnRadioButton" sortable="false" textAlign="center" editable="false" width="18">
<mx:itemRenderer >


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Actionscript 3 :: Use HtmlText As Radio Button Label In Flex 3

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My XML code:


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="HomeView">


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Flex :: Get The Label Of The Selected Radio Button In The Event Handler?

Mar 11, 2011

I have the following codes,

for (i=0; i<answerArray.length; i++) {
var myOptionButton1:spark.components.RadioButton = new spark.components.RadioButton();
myOptionButton1.label = answerArray.getItemAt(i).Answer_Choice;


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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Flex Ability To Display Checkbox Or Radio Button At The Same Position Based On Role

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<mx:HBox x="272" y="93" width="300" borderThickness="2" borderColor="0x000000" borderStyle="solid">
<mx:CheckBox label="CheckBox" visible="{role}"/>
<mx:Button label="Button" visible="{!role}"/>


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Radio Buttons And PHP - Make A Form Work With Input Fields But Not With Radio Button Data?

Jul 15, 2011

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Radio Buttons - First Radio Button Never Turns Off When Clicking Others?

Feb 10, 2010

I've got a huge survey I've made with lots and lots of groups of radio buttons. There are maybe 60 questions with 6 buttons each. Of these, I have a couple of groups that are really misbehaving. What's happening is for one question, the first button in the group seems independent of the rest. That is, I can check the first radio button and it never turns off when clicking others in the same group.

All my code is right. I'm using the exact same code with all the other groups and only two groups aren't working right. Ha. That's the funny thing, though, because everything works fine IN Flash, but publishing to a web page, these two groups stop working right.FWIW, I've set the first instance of the radio button with a name like "G10" then all the buttons in the group have the group name "Q10".I've tried several ways of fixing this including deleting the whole group and adding them again, copying a working group and renaming the parts. Nothing. The one thing that has worked (and don't ask me why) but adding a new single radio button with a new instance and group name has fixed other problem groups but not these two.

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package skins {
import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import mx.utils.ColorUtil;
import spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField;
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[Code] .....

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package {
import PaperBase;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cone;
import fl.controls.Button;


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Aug 2, 2011

I want to add two icons on spark button.I am using button skin.But the icons are not coming properly.

<s:HGroup width="100%">
<s:HGroup id="iconContainer" top="1" bottom="1" left="0" right="0"
horizontalAlign="{iconPosition}" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:Image id="iconImage" source="{icon}" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Scheduling Framework - Calendar Project?

Jun 1, 2007

I'm to set up an application that displays different projects over time.[URL]There can (obviously) be more than one project at the same time and I need to set it up for different views, like showing projects in one year/month/week/day.. The user must also be able to select projects at a particular location and type. All this info is in a database provided by my client. The user makes his selections at the bottom area.The client uses Coldfusion MX and different CFC's/webservices has already been set up.. [URL]

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Actionscript :: Flex Extending DateChooser - Events In Calendar

Mar 29, 2010

ExtendedDateChooser class is great solution for simple event calendar used in my flex project. You can find it if google for "Adding-Calendar-Event-Entries-to-the-Flex-DateChooser-Component" with a link of updated solution in comments of the post. I posted files below. Problem in that calendar is text events are missing when month is changed. Is there updateCompleted event in Actionscript just like in dateChooser flex component? Like in:


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Flex :: Display Current Date On Bottom Of The Calendar?

Mar 23, 2012

I would like to display the current date in the bottom part of the calendar on a DateChooser control. Has anyone extended the DateChooser control to do this?

Something like the attached image...

I managed to pull off some codes, but still, I have the slightest idea of how to add the label below the datechooser control.

import mx.controls.DateChooser;
import mx.controls.Label;


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Jun 14, 2010

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Flex :: Accessing Custom Data On DayRender In Flextras Calendar?

Nov 29, 2010

I created a Custom Day Render and I would like to access some custom data that I am providing with in the Flextras Calendar dataProvider. here is the code that I have


Here is the type of Object that I am creating and storying in an ArrayCollection witch gets passed to the Calenders dataProvider

myArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{date:new Date(), data:myObject}])

Here is what what my Day Render looks like

package com.healthways.healthhonors.itemrenderers
import com.healthways.vo.DateVO;[code]..............

how to see if a renderer has custom data so that I can do some logic on the renderers creation complete.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Dates To The Calendar Component?

Nov 17, 2005

I am using the Calendar Component in Flash and I wanted to be able to add events to the calendar using XML. Does anyone know how to do this?I would like to have the date with something in it to have a red background, which I think I have done using the setStyle feature, and once the date it listed I want a Hover Caption to pop up and follow your mouse while you over the date with information in it.

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Flex :: Adding Link Text Or Button To Panel Header Along With Title?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a panel in my application. My requirement is, I also require a link, that is "Help options" to appear in the panel's header. In the left, we will have the Panel's title and in the right corner, I need this link. Is that possible?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Calendar Component Lifecycle: ValidateNow - ValidateDisplayList - InvalidateDisplalList - CommitProperties

Nov 4, 2009

I am extending VBox to make a Calendar component. What method should I override to add the code to draw itself? What is the difference between all these methods? Is there something I should be putting in each one, or is there a specific method I can just override, add my drawing code, and have it work?

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Flex :: Alerts, Dropdown Calendar Of DateField, Cursors Resulting In Null Value References Once Embedded?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a Flex application embedded in a Flash application, which was working fine and currently works fine if not embedded. As of last Friday, when embedded the Alerts do not show (no error, just nothing), DateField Calendar dropdowns do not show (null value reference of DateField), and dynamically showing the busy cursor errors (null value reference). My code for the Flex app did not change, and I can't think of any reason outside of Flash Player updates (which I think unlikely) or something has changed in the Flash application that is embedding it.

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Flex :: Deselect All Radio Buttons In A Group?

Jul 6, 2009

In Flex, sometimes when you need to clear a form you run into the problem that radio button groups seem to defy clearing: try as you might, setting selected=false on all buttons, setting selection=null on the group, doing both, doing them twice, etc., you always seem to end up with one pesky little radio button that's still selected. How do you solve this and restore the radio button group to its initial no-selection state?

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