Flex :: Datagrid With RadioButtonGroup Itemrenderer
Aug 12, 2009
I have an AC with several questions and assoicated answers. These must be shown in a DG, and the idea is that the rows and colums of the DG are bound to the AC. For example, if the answer to question1 is Yes, the Yes-button must be true, and both the others must be false (as in normal radiobuttongroup behaviour). But when I change a button by clicking it, the actions datafield of the AC should change accordingly. Am I clear enough here?
It is ment for dynamic questionnaires.
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx = "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
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<mx:CheckBox textAlign="center" click="{data.check1 = (data.check1 != 'true') ? 'true' : 'false'};outerDocument.toggleCheckbox(data);outerDocument.calcValues();"
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[Bindable] public var weeksOfMoth:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
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public class CenteredEmbedImage extends UIComponent implements IListItemRenderer,IDropInListItemRenderer
private var _loader:Loader;
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May 12, 2011
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A single instance of your Item Renderer class (ListIR) is created for each visible item of the list-based control.
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But i would like to create new instance ..while scrollling item in datagrid.
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here is the code for the set data function (itemRenderer is extending HBox):
override public function set data(value:Object):void {
_data = value;
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Aug 25, 2009
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<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="[URL]" width="0" height="0" >
<mx:Label text="{data.xval}" />
<mx:Spacer width="100%" />
<mx:Image source="edit.gif" width="16" toolTip="Edit" />
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<mx:Component id="ChoiceRenderer">
<mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
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public function FlashFileDataGridRenderer(){
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How can I add buttons in second column using an ItemRenderer?
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Jun 15, 2011
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public class PromptingColumnRenderer extends Label {
public function PromptingColumnRenderer()
In this DataGrid column, I require number validation on only the data with the type="NUMBER" field set. The problem is, when I try to declare a NumberValidator within my PromptingColumnRenderer actionscript code, the view recycles the renderer, and the NumberValidator attempts to validate non-numeric rows. What is the best way to validate only the rows with the type="NUMBER" field set?
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Oct 11, 2011
On my flex (flash builder 4) DataGrid - DataGridColumn , I have set a custom itemRenderer
My renderer is a Label
public class EncounterDGItemRenderer extends Label
I found that my tooltips (datatips) stopped working once I started using this custom renderer. I also found that I can set the tooltip on the label in the
override protected function updateDisplayList
by setting:
This works find, however the problem is I need to choose a different data field based on the column. I was hoping for something similar to how a DataGridColumn labelFunction works - where I have access to "column.headerText" or "column.dataField". However I only have access to the underlying data object, not the name of what is being displayed (unless I am missing something).
Is there a way in a data grid item renderer to know what the column header text is, or do you have a different approach?
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Jan 24, 2012
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<mx:DataGrid id="dgEnsActes"
width="100%" height="100%" >
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Jun 2, 2009
I'm having an issue with a custom ItemRenderer I've written for a DataGrid. With this ItemRenderer, it's possible that the contents could exceed the width and height of the DataGrid cell - and when this happens, scroll bars appear, letting me scroll the individual cell.What I would like, however, is that when the contents of the cell are too large, the entire DataGrid scrolls, rather than the individual cells.
Now, when I set the custom ItemRenderer's horizontal and vertical scroll bar policies to "off", I get the vertical scrolling on the DataGrid that I want (the individual cells stretch to accommodate the full height of the contents) but I don't get any horizontal scrolling. Instead, any content too wide for the cell is clipped. Incidentally, setting the DataGrid's horizontal scroll bar policy to "on" has no effect, the scroll bar gutter is drawn, but nothing scrolls Is there a way to force the DataGrid to scroll horizontally when my custom ItemRenderer's contents are too wide for the cell?
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Mar 7, 2012
I have an item renderer tied to an mx:DataGrid column. The renderer used to be inline with the column, but I've moved it out to its own file so I can reuse it across multiple tables.
The problem is that now the renderer doesn't resize (grow/shrink) when the column is resized. So if the user makes the column very small, the contents displayed by the renderer just eat up space and show up over top other columns
Code for Item Renderer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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Jul 8, 2009
I have a DataGrid with an drop-in Button itemRenderer:
However, the button extends all the way both the right and left edge of the DataGridColumn. I've tried messing with the width properties and paddingLeft and paddingRight styles of both the DataGridColumn and the itemRenderer, but nothing seems to work. NOTE: I do not want to use a Container or UIComponent with the Button as a child as the itemRenderer - too much code.
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Sep 7, 2009
I used play button image within datagrid iteam renderer, if I click image then move to another state (by using currentState ='play'). So I tried like
<mx:DataGridColumn textAlign="center" headerText="" dataField="col2">
<mx:HBox textAlign="center" paddingLeft="17">
<mx:Image source="@Embed(source='image/play_button.png')" click="currentState='Playsystem'"/>
But it's shows error like undefined state 'Playsystem'. But Already I have state.
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Oct 2, 2009
how to zoom the image displayed with the help of an item renderer.If i apply the Zoom effect on rollover ,the particular cell zooms the image with the scroll bars. Is their any other way of doing this without showing the scrollbars.
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