Flex :: Decrypt Data Using RSA?

Jan 11, 2010

I have encrypted my data using RSA in Asp.net. Now i need to use the data in flex by decrypting it. Could any one guide me how to decrypt the data in Flex which was encrypted in .Net using RSA.

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PHP :: Encrypt / Decrypt Data With Private Key

Jun 16, 2011

I would like to implement some security in some of the Flash/PHP applications that I have. I have some Flash apps that communicate with PHP files, and the PHP is sending the data as get string (E.g.: name=John&sname=Doe&age=24&balance=12.4). Instead of all these variables, I would like it to send a single variable (E.g.: flashvar=jr9afgaw9-fg90agfawf7gw) that would contain those values, so then Flash would decrypt the string and get the real and useful vars.

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Actionscript 3 :: Encrypt / Decrypt An FLV Using Flash?

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Dec 16, 2009

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var k:String = "1234567890123456";
var kdata:ByteArray = Hex.toArray(k);
var txt:String = "hello";
var data:ByteArray = Hex.toArray(Hex.fromString(txt));;


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Jan 12, 2010

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Jun 17, 2009

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Dec 28, 2009

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Here's the code of the client side Flex/Air application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


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36, > 2 years, Compliance
6, 0-90 Days, Compliance


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Flex :: Value In Datagrid Itemrenderers Set Data Method Doesn't Return The Correct Data?

Jan 10, 2012

I've got a Gridcolumn in a Datagrid (Spark). The Column's dataprovider is a Number value that gets updated via Binding.Now, without an item renderer the cell displays the correct values.If I set an item renderer, I can't access the values in this renderer.My renderer looks like this, so nothing really do here (for now) but to trace the value, but the value is always NaN.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="100%" height="100%" >[code].......

without the renderer, the column displays the correct values, so apparently the DefaultGridItemRenderer works fine.As requested, here is my Datagrid;

<s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{_listItems}">

_listItems is an ArrayList with instances of a model class, which has (amongst others) a property called change of type Number.

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<mx:DataGrid id="streamMonitorGrid" dataProvider="{_data.stream}" height="100%" width="100%">


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Xml :: (Flex 3) Get Data From A File Using HTTPservice And Save The Return Data As An Array?

Oct 15, 2009

I have an xml file (externally saved) that is similar to the following:



What I like to do is to get what's in [title] tag using HTTPservice, import it into Flex, and save it as array objects, and do the same thing for [content]. This way I can later refer the array object saying title[0] or content[2].

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Flex :: Data Passed From DataGridColumn.itemToLabel To DataGrid.itemRenderer.set(data)?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a DataGrid whose dataProvider is an Array of int Arrays (each with different lengths). Since each row has variable size (and I want to display all the data), I decided to extend DataGridColumn and overwrite the itemToLabel function to be able to display the data. The problem is that I also need to display the data differently depending on the int value.

I believe the only solution is to write an itemRenderer, but the only input the itemRenderer.set(data) function receives is the entire int Array. I believe I need either the exact string returned by itemToLabel or the column index of the cell the itemRenderer is for (to basically do the same parsing I implemented in itemToLabel).

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Flex :: Update Hierarchical Data Provider In Advanced Data Grid During Drag And Drop?

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to drag and drop hierarchical data in the same advanced data grid, and I would like the data provider to updated when the ADG is updated. (I want to be able to save and load this tree, so it is important that drags and drops are saved.)


The sample app has an ADG showing hierarchical data as well as flat data. The first column of each datagrid shows the rowindex of the underlying data.

If you rearrange the items on the left ADG, the row indexes become unordered. If you click traceTree you see that the data provider is not in order.

On the other hand if you do the same on the right, the row numbers stay ordered even when the objects move around and if you click traceFlat, the data provider is in the order shown on ADG

My goal is to have the data provider order match the ADG order for the left grid which is displaying hierarchical data.

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Flex :: Load Data In Advanced Data Grid On Scroll?

Jan 7, 2010

need to load 10 records from database in advanced data grid. After i scroll the advanced data grid. it has to load 11 to 20 records etc.

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Flex :: Data Grid Crashes With Data Provider Change?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a radio button group within a data grid, whenever I attempt to change the selected radio button the web page crashes. Below is how I put together the radio button in the data grid.


<s:RadioButtonGroup id="cover"/>


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Flex :: Data Grid Not Displaying Data In Array Collection?

Oct 7, 2010

My data grid is displaying stale data, rather than the real time data available in it's data provider (array collection). I've tried refeshing the data in the collection, but that has no effect. Below is my code, does anyone see what could be the problem?


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Flex :: Data Binding Re-bind When Data Model Not Change, Possible?

Nov 4, 2011

If user change the value of the TextInput, then click refresh button to retrieve the data model from backend again, the GUI value will not change back. Re-binding not happen, Since the value of data model not changed, no propertyChanged event fired.In this case, I must Programmatically set the model value to the GUI after data refreshing done.I know bi-directional binding can solve this problem(when user change value on GUI, set the new value to data model immediately). But sometimes I cannot use bi-directional binding, for example, the data model is a int, but user input a non-int value, I cannot set the value to data model. So the value in data model do not change, when refresh data, rebinding still not happen.

This will make the data binding useless. How to resolve this?I put pseudo-code here for now, I will put real code later:1. retrieve a data model from server, via blazeds or something else.2. bind the model to a TextInput on GUI.3. user change the TextInput text.4. User click a refresh button, triger retrieve the model value again.5. Now since the model value do not change, no PropertyChanged event fired.6. GUI value still is the user's input, not the value from the model. can clear the model value before set the velue back, make re-binding happen.(but sometimes you do not know how to clean the model value, take int for example, you may do not know the original value and happen set the same value). Or I can manually set the model value to GUI. But both are not good looking.

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Flex :: To Sort All Data In A Paginated Data Grid?

Jun 24, 2010

I have paginated data grid having more than 5 pages (100 records/page) now i want to sort them all on just clicking on fields header

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Flex :: Same Data Provider For Chart And Data Grid?

Aug 18, 2011

I want to display the same data in a chart and a data grid. I want to use the same data provider for both of them to reduce the amount of SQL queries.How do I transform the database structure into the chart structure and into the table structure using ActionScript?*

Database structure in JSON format:

{key:, year:, value:},
{key:, year:, value:}

Data provider structure required by a chart:

{series1:, series2:, year:},
{series1:, series2:, year:}

Data provider structure required by data grid:

{key:, year2000:, year2001:, ...},
{key:, year2000:, year2001:, ...}

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Flex :: Make Data Tip Appear When Mouse Hovers The Chart, Not Only When Hovers Data Points?

Aug 24, 2011

I want a data tip to appear when mouse pointer is over any point of the chart, not only when pointer is directly over a data point.

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