Flex :: Child - Access A Component's Grandchildren?
Oct 21, 2010
I need to access topBox's grandchildren and determine whether they're buttons or not. This function belowgrabs topBox's immediate children which are the HBoxes. How do I go one level lower to topBox's grandchildren? Or is the only way to do this is to run this function on each HBox?
for (var i : int =0; i<topBox.numChildren; i++){
var child : DisplayObject = topBox.getChildAt(i);
var myButton:UIComponent = child as UIComponent;
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<mx:Tile direction="horizontal">
<mx:Label text="Year" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:List id="myYear" >
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<mx:Tile direction="horizontal">
<mx:Label text="Year" fontWeight="bold"/>
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