Flex :: Remove The Highlight/selection On AdvancedDataGrid
Jul 3, 2010
This page describes how to override the drawHighlightIndicator/drawSelectionIndicators methods for the header of a DataGrid, but an AdvancedDataGrid does not have "headerClass" in mx_internal. It instead has an headerRenderer.
How can I remove those blasted highlights over an AdvancedDataGrid in Flex 3?
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<mx:AdvancedDataGrid sortExpertMode="true"/>
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model.processingData = out;
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//check if item already added
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var oldSelectedIndex:int = this.selectedIndex;
var mouseOverIndex:int = this.calculateDropIndex(event);
this.selectedItem = mouseOverIndex;
var item:* = this.selectedItem;
this.selectedIndex = oldSelectedIndex;
The other option seems to be tinkering around with the iterator property... But, judging by the way I've seen it used, that will get pretty harry pretty quickly too. So, how can I get the item at a particular index in an advanced datagrid without going insane?
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<mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider column="{titleCol}" depth="1"
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Nov 9, 2010
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Mar 8, 2011
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm making an application where I display an AdvanvedDataGrid with one column with dates(in format DD/MM/YYYY) and another with datetimes (in format HH:MM). I'd like to sort dates according with the datetimes as well(just clicking in the header of the column), there is an examplen of the expected behaviour:
02/02/2011 | 10:42
03/02/2011 | 09:45
02/02/2011 | 11:45
03/02/2011 | 11:30
_currentDatosBusqueda is an arraycollection I receive from the Server (with the correct format of dates and datetime).
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Jun 13, 2011
I am using an AdvancedDataGrid with some hierarchical data. In the first column, I want to indicate whether or not the "name" field is editable by graying out the text for the "name" property of my objects. It's very odd, but when I set the AdvancedDataGridColumn's dataField property to "name", and have it in the first column, it seems to completely ignore my inline ItemRenderer. If I change the dataField property to something else, or change the column ordering so the Name column isn't first, everything suddenly works.
Let me know if any more code would help, but here is the simple ItemRenderer I'm trying to use in the first column:
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Aug 4, 2011
Expand a row of AdvancedDataGrid without using HierarchicalData?[url]...
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