Implement Closed Captioning Into FLVs?

Feb 29, 2008

implement closed captioning into my FLVs. I have successfully set up the FLVplayback component, and the FLVplaybackCaptioning component to work. That's not the issue. The issue is, once I have my swf, flv, and xml files (needed to successfully use CC in a FLV), I need to insert that .swf into my captivate project.

It appears to insert/import OK, but once I publish the project, the swf does not appear, and in fact the FLV icon sits on the slide rapidly blinking. Neither the video plays, nor can I even see the playback component/closed caption component (swf) that holds the FLV.

All paths are relative, so the only things I can think of that may be causing the issue are:

a)Captivate doesn't support CS3 FLVPlayback or
FLVPlaybackCaptioning components

b)Since Captivate allows importing of FLV files directly, running the FLV through the component's swf is a problem

c)The hierarchy of files needed for the Closed Captioning FLV (xml, flv, swf), interfere with compiling the new Captivate .swf
upon publishing I've also been told that the FLV captioning component only works in Actionscript 3.0 which runs on Adobe Virtual Machine 2.Captivate publishes .swf files using Actionscript 2.0 which runs on Adobe Virtual Machine 1. Therefore, what I need to do will not work.

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Media Server :: Closed Captioning And Pause Video File

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Professional :: FLV Playback Captioning XML Styling?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><tt xml:lang="en" xmlns=""  xmlns:tts=""><head><styling><style id="1"


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--hides the captions, but also disables the captionButton in the skin, so there is no way to toggle showing and hiding the captions.

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CS3 : Too Many FLVs Loading?

Jan 22, 2010

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May 7, 2010

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IDE :: CuePoints Work In Some FLVs, Not Others?

Mar 12, 2009

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Here is the code, although the code works perfectly with native FLVs, so I don't think that is the problem. I'll put it on here just in case.

myFLVPlayBack.onRollOver = function () {


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How to play flv's from Action Script2 one after another? Let's say I have 3 clips .flv. And I want to play them one after another.
In case I'm writing this:
myFLVPlybk.contentPath = "1.flv";
myFLVPlybk.contentPath = "2.flv";
myFLVPlybk.contentPath = "3.flv";
Only the last clip is playing actually. How can I implement "one after another"?

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Apr 23, 2009

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I have five videos that play on command when you click one of five buttons.  I want to make two enhancements to this script and I need an expert's help (because clearly I'm clueless!).

#1 - Even though I have the vidPlayer (aka flvPlayback component) setting set to "true" for autoplay, the area where the videos are set to play remains blank until clicking on one of the buttons. How can I get the first video to truly "autoplay"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Flvs To Play Incrementally?

Jan 2, 2007

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vidList = new Array("item_overview_ae476x264768K.flv",


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Load Multiple Flvs

Dec 20, 2007

I have 3 videos to load into a single flv component. I want to be able to load these movies randomly. How would I go about doing that? I have no idea how to start

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Flvs In Flash?

Apr 23, 2008

I'm adding a "view large" capability to my video player, however I have noticed that if I straightforward code

on press. got twice as big,

the color, tone , sharpness is greater than if I..

I'm using flash tween I don't know if there is a better tweener out there?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadin Up A Bunch Of FLVs

May 2, 2008

I'm tasked with creating a site that runs full-screen video in the background at all time. I have it set up in XML in "batches" of 10-second clips that correspond to navigation sections. Currently the video just selects a random clip out of that batch once the current video has stopped playing, so it gets a random chain of videos.Of course, when it gets onto the crappy server, my framerate plummets (first disappointment) and i get a little pause in between clips (second disappointment). What I'd like to do is start loading the videos once you get to the site and hope that they're cached by the time they come up. My first thought is to put those batches into shuffled arrays rather than pulling them randomly at load, so I can at least have a predictable order.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play FLVs Simultaneously Within Swf?

Mar 14, 2012

I am creating a flash "video jockey" station. I have 9 videos that are different parts of a song. Each video is loaded upon the loading of the swf with a volume of 0 . When the buttons given are pressed, they unmute and expose the video. I have it set to a 36 second loop. I have coded in a rewind for each video. When I export it for html, the rewind and play no longer matches up. I feel like there may be a simpler way to code what I am doing, and a way to say that all videos should match up based on their location within their 36 second play time. I have included the actionscript3 I have written for two of the videos. Imagine this with 9 total videos and background music all having the same rewind function.

var pb:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();


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Mar 11, 2009

Any input on precaching multiple flv's at once to make sure they all play properly at once? Fairly small filesizes/resolutions/compression all around. I'm open to ideas. I plan on using a preloader to go from 0 to 100 as the videos precache.

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Jul 2, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Play FLVs In Full Screen?

Dec 8, 2008

I have a presentation that runs fine when its being playednormally, but when I try to get it to go into full screen mode witha button click it goes black and won't load the videos.Somehow in the past I was able to see the errors, but now Ican't get the same error to pop up.

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Using Buttons To Launch Flvs As Defined In An Array?

Jun 3, 2009

a lot of the details and actionscript for my project were dealt with in another thread[URL].. what I would like to do is use buttons to jump between videos that are being fed to flvplayback, I have the actionscript skills of a rural victorian coal miner, fortunately I have the drive and bloody mindedness of a rural victorian coal miner so hopefully these things should balance out.
the action scrip I have scrawled for my button so far is as follows...
function introductionHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void{  // load given movie  videoIndex = 0;}introduction_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,introductionHandler );

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Actionscript :: Adding Cue Points To A List Of Flvs?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a list of flvs that are selectable with buttons and I would like to add cue points to the individual videos to trigger other events and I'm afraid my skills are lacking here.How do I target an flv in a list to add cue points and how do I target these cue points to trigger movie clips?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BytesLoaded Preloader Not Accurate For FLVs

Nov 8, 2009

After wrestling this flash flv slideshow for the last few days, I finally have it running smoothly locally. The problem is that on a server it has serious issues. I see a blank screen where the flv should be... I assume it's still loading or buffering. That's a problem as is, but when it's in this state, nothing else works on the site (flash site-one swf). If you wait for sometimes 10 minutes the flv finally shows and the site works great. All of this obviously depends on the connection.

So I understand that this could be caused by the size of the 10 flvs. I'm using the FLVplayback component by the way. So that's fine for now, but I just want a preloader at the beginning to only go to frame 2 after the intro flv has been loaded. I thought this would be simple using bytesTotal and bytesLoaded. I was wrong. Below is the code I'm using. When you view the page the preloader seems to work, but after it runs - you are directed to the second frame... showing the "skip intro" button (which doesn't exist on the 1st frame)... but the flv doesn't show. It's actually still loading... 5-10 minutes later it shows up and the site works fine. My preloader isn't showing the progress of the flv load.

You can see what I'm talking about by viewing my project... if you're on a connection like mine you won't be seeing much: [URL]

Does anyone know of a preloader specifically for FLVs... maybe one that reads the buffer progress?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Multiple FLVs At The Same Time?

Apr 19, 2010

play a number of FLV files at the same time on one SWF? Basically I have a brief to create a video banner with a number of FLVs of people playing at the same time but starting at different points in the videos. My concerns are with loading times, memory consumption and the starting of each FLV at a different point and looping it.

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