Internet Explorer 7 - IE7, Page Refresh Not Reloading Flash Vars?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a site the runs in flash. IE7 will not reload the vars in flash, the vars set by flash in the swf. when the page is reloaded. The thing that bugs me out is refreshing the page actually refreshed the page. The flash started how it was supposed to except the variables in flash didn't reset.This only happens when the "Temporary Internet Files" settings in IE is set to "automatic". But works how it should when "Everytime I visit The Page" is checked.

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Prevent Flash From Reloading On Page Refresh?

Aug 10, 2007

how I can prevent flash from reloading when my page is refreshed? When I user clicks the search button the whole page reloads with the data they were looking for but the flash animation at the top of the page also reloads and I would like to prevent this.

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Flash - Internet Explorer Full Page Background?

Aug 17, 2010

I currently am working on a site with a full-screen flash video background - [URL]It is working in most browsers, except apparently IE (I am working on a mac).Apparently the only problem is the flash video is not playing.I put this in the body:

<div class="zone-home">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="100%" height="100%" id="background-vid" align="middle">
<param name="LOOP" value="true" />


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Internet Explorer 8 - IE8 With Loading FLASH. SWF Loads And Renders Correctly On Initial Load, But On Any Subsequent Refresh It Fails To Load

Mar 7, 2011

I need some help? Anyone experience this problem before with IE8 FLASH bug? Can not get this to work on all subsequent refresh to the flash. I have a flash piece which simply renders only on the first initial load. After that, if i refresh or visit the page, it does not load correctly. It seems I am having this problem with the swf only on subsequent loading of the page or whenever a refresh happens.

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Flex :: Loading Html With Flash Page Using Https In Internet Explorer?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a html paga which loads a flash(flex) swf file. Using https it loads successfully with Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer.Another page, a simple aspx page, does load in Internet Explorer using https (and no flash in it).Haven't found anything so far on the internet to solve this... Anyone?UPDATE: When I right click on the white screen, 'About Adobe Flash Player 10...' appears... so Flash is loaded. Also, in Charles (http sniffer tool) I can see that the swf is loaded over the network.

So, apparently, Flash Player is running inside my html page, the swf is loaded over the internet but the swf is not displayed in internet explorer browser... Very strange. How can I debug this further to see what the problem is?Meanwhile, in the left down corner, IE keeps on saying: 'Waiting for https://....In all other browsers it works like a charm.You can see that IE shows a Certificate Error, but that's also the case in other browsers. I already clicked on Certificate Error to install the Certificate, but with no success.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preventing Swf From Reloading On Page Refresh?

Sep 19, 2011

Flash CS5, CS4
Actionscript 2

What I want the SWF to do is play from the beginning when someone hits the index.php file and gotoAndStop(234) when someone goes to a sub-page (like contact.htm).What I did first was:

function checkSO() {
var SO = SharedObject.getLocal("siteSO");
if ( != undefined) {


And that worked in the sense of no cookie-it loads and plays the swf from the beginning. If

there is a cookie it starts from frame 234.

As it sits now as long as the cookie exist in the TIF everytime they return to my page it will not play the opening animation it will just jump to then end even on the index.php.

Someone else suggested:
import flash.external.*;
var currentURL:String = String("window.location.hre f.toString"));


I just don't know what string (I think) to put in the /** ...flush.. **/ part

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preventing Swf From Reloading On Page Refresh?

Sep 19, 2011

What I want the SWF to do is play from the beginning when someone hits the index.php file and gotoAndStop(234) when someone goes to a sub-page (like contact.htm).What I did first was:

[code]function checkSO() {var SO = SharedObject.getLocal("siteSO");if ( != undefined) {this.gotoAndPlay(234);}else { = "yes";SO.flush(); }}checkSO();[/code]

And that worked in the sense of no cookie-it loads and plays the swf from the beginning. If there is a cookie it starts from frame 234.

As it sits now as long as the cookie exist in the TIF everytime they return to my page it will not play the opening animation it will just jump to then end even on the index.php.

View 11 Replies

Flashvars To Stop Movie Reloading On Page Refresh

May 13, 2011

I have a flash banner on every page in my site. I want it to continue playing rather than reloading when users change pages. Ive read that this can be achieved using flashvars.

I have this on frame 1 of my fla file now:
var mySharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("displayCookie");
if( == true){
trace("cookie found");
[Code] ....

But I don't know how to give the currentFrame the value it had at the time the page was refreshed. How do I put that in there?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Browser Refresh (page Reloading) When We Click On Button In Swf File

Nov 28, 2006

I need browser refresh (page reloading), when we click on button in swf file. i dont know flash scripting. i want just html page reload when i click button in swf file. i want code for page refresh.

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Internet Explorer - Firefox/IE Statusbar Are In Front Of FLEX Page?

Jan 12, 2011

I created the page in FLEX, but i have problem with scroller (the page content) and the bottom status bar from IE/firefox. They are easily overlapping each other (with statusbar in the front - hiding the content of the page) - is there any way to read the height of these elements regardles of the browser (to change 'paddingbottom' accordingly ) ? (I know that disabling them is prohibited from security reasons).


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Flash Has Gap Around It In Firefox But Not Internet Explorer 6/7

Sep 29, 2008

With an image in the top left corner, this page displays the same in IE6/7 and FF:


but when Flash of identical dimensions replaces the image, it works in IE6/7 but I get a gap around Flash in FF:


I've tested on Windows XP/Vista, and I'm using Flash CS3 to generate AS2 content for Flash Player 9.

I've searched over an hour across the web for a solution, and done all sorts of fiddling with CSS properties and removing whitespace but no joy.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


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Internet Explorer Flash Performance?

Nov 11, 2009

Steps to reproduce my problem:Create simple dot DisplayObject in flash color); 0, 0, 2 );;

Draw dot to bitmap many times a frame

bitmapData.draw( dot, null, null, "normal", null, _smoothing );

Test FrameRate in combination of browsers,flash plugin versions on Win32


Framerate to be close in most cases


I am seeing a 25% decrease in framerate under IE7 using Flash10b.ocx(10.0.22) and 50% decrease in framerate using Flash10c.ocx(10.0.32). PLugins under FireFox, Safari and in Mac OSX don't exhibit the same slowdown.

I would like to get help/confirmation on a performance problem that I see in Internet Explorer. The Adobe and Flash community is great on the Internet but I have been surprised to see no information on this, just a few reports about movie playback on 10.0.32 vs. 10.0.22.

My guess is that in IE flash plugin is passing draw calls to Win32 and that this is slow.

Instead of drawing each time on the bitmap using draw, cache the draw calls to a bitmap and use CopyPixels. When I do this the performance is the same across browsers, within 10%.

bitmapData.copyPixels(dot.bitmapData, tmapData.rect,new Point(dot.x,dot.y),null,null,true);

Loop I am using:

function enterFrame(e:Event) {
for (var i:int=0;i<particles.length;i++) {


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Internet Explorer 9 :: Flash - Off By One Pixel In IE9 Only?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a website with a Flash banner. This has worked fine in all major browsers (IE7/8,Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) for some time, but when I upgraded to IE9, the banner is displayed with a 1 pixel shim on the right-hand edge, which is throwing the layout off.know past versions of IE would display line breaks as white space and I wonder if that's what's going on here. I'm using the AC_FL_RunContent() function to display the Flash file.I'm not sure where to look to debug this, but I'd like to fix it sooner rather than later

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Internet Explorer Flash Blocks?

Sep 24, 2011

i am accessing flash content in IE.I am getting this error all the time.Error - Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash

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Flash :: Site Not Showing In Internet Explorer?

Sep 5, 2009

I have been asked to get a website up and running.  It is a Flash site, which works fine in Firefox and Safari, but its just a white screen in IE.  Does anyone know why?the website isand the scrip is : -

if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||


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Flash :: File Not Running On Internet Explorer

Jul 14, 2011

[url]...Two flash files on the extreme right side, that is above the text THE SPORTS CLINIC and CENTRE FOR JOINT REPLACEMENTS runs fine with almost all browsers, except for internet explorer. I have tried everything, but it simply doesn't run over internet explorer.

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Javascript :: Flash Activate Internet Explorer?

Oct 30, 2009

as you all know that if we use flash object in web page in internet explorer Internet Explorer displays a box around Flash content and show a tooltip telling the user to click to activate the content. i am using fixit it work fine but problem is once page loaded completely.

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Internet Explorer 7 - Flash Video Playing On Top Of Everything Else In IE7?

Apr 12, 2010

I've been spending hours now reading up on IE7's issue with rendering Flash content on top of other elements, particularly navigation menus (this is often a problem with dropdown menus and Flash ad banners, for example).


At Mercator's request, I am providing a large code-sample to assist in any advice you might have. Consider the HTML below:


The footpanel uses jQuery-powered flyout menus, if that provides any further context. These menus have z-indexes in the 300X range to appear above the footpanel.The Flash in question is JW player playing a flash video or mp4. Currently, the object and embed tags are inside a container div.My understanding of previous solutions was that the combination of the param changes and the positioning/z-index change on the container div should have resolved the issue. Alas, it is not so. The player resides on top of the footpanel.Other information that may or may not be helpful is that the page is XHTML 1.0 Transitional and that Dreamweaver reports 1 error in the HTML code: <embed> is not in the XHTML 1.0 specification. This fact does not prevent the video from being viewed in any browser tested, and the page still displays correctly in FF.

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Html :: Flash - Not Rendering In Internet Explorer?

Jul 22, 2010

the following flash object placed in HTML, flash seems to be rendering good in FirefoxChrome, Safari but not in any version of IE!

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Internet Explorer 8 - Flash Canceling Png Tiling?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a weird issue that only seems to show itself on IE 8 so far. I have a semi transparent png tiling accross some divs on my site. All works ok. However as soon as i put any flash content on any div on the page, doesn't matter where, IE stops tiling the png and stretches it instead. It only occurs with flash and on ie8.

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Flash :: Internet Explorer 8 Scroll Using Arrows

Dec 14, 2010

i have a problem with a game in flash , this game using up and down arrows, for some reason, when i click the game , the web page scrolls too, how can i fix it ? , i use this cheat in javascript but didn't work:


Also,this game is loading trought another flash that embeds an iframe loading the flash game.

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Flash :: Not Properly Showing In Internet Explorer?

Jan 3, 2011

In my Flash Page,Image to be flashed.It is properly working in Crome & mozila firefox.But in Internet Explorer, its width is less to that actual is that flash coding.

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="401" height="107" align="middle">


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Flash :: Can't Display It Properly In Internet Explorer

Aug 2, 2011

I'm embedding a flash swf with this following [code]...

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Internet Explorer - Emedding Flash In HTML For IE 8?

Mar 15, 2012

this is the code I've used to embed my flash file:

<object id="flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="950" height="360" codebase=",0,0,0" align="centre">
<param name="movie" value="/media/flash_final.swf" />[code].....

It does display on IE 8 however it does not maintain the width and height dimensions I have set. I have also made sure that my flash is 960 x 360. How can I get it to show my desired size in a way which will still be compatible with other browsers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Externalinterface VS Internet Explorer

Feb 24, 2011

AS3 (part of it). Flash Externalinterface VS Internet Explorer


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plugin Detection In Internet Explorer V7?

Jan 15, 2010

I am working on MP3 player app that uses navigator.plugins array in javascript to detect the client Shockwave Flash plugin version. This works in DOM based browsers such as Firefox and Safari, and also in Internet Explorer 5.0 on Mac OSX. I have been looking at the detection code that Flash generates when the file is published, but I can't see what would be different for detecting plugin verion in Internet Explorer v7.

I have a client/friend who has a new laptop and I wanted to show her the app but it would not load correctly due to plugin detection failure. I asked my sister who also has and uses Windows to test it and for her it would also not work in Internet Explorer v7; plugin version detection fails. What is different for detecting plugin version in Internet Explorer v7 (Windows, or any other platform it might be run on)?

Code I use to detect plugin versions:
clientObj.getSwfPluginVers = function(){
var UA = clientObj.nav_ua;
var outStr = '';
if(clientObj.namePat.test(UA)) // for Opera v8x (?){
for(var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length;
[Code] .....
Then more code to reduce to single digit version.

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Flash Banner Not Working In Internet Explorer For Some People?

Jul 21, 2011

Ok so we have a website at www. wsca .ie. This website has a flash banner along the bottom of the page but our problem is we have installed flash on our clients pc and updated his internet explorer but still the flash banner doesnt display. Also we have checked to make sure flash is enabled and it is so is there anything else we can do to get this to work?

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Flash :: 301 Redirect Called From Crashes Internet Explorer

Sep 29, 2010

I have Flash game at my site. There is a button "Download full version" that calls Javascript function:

function download() {'');
redirects via 301 redirect in .htaccess to


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Z Index :: DIVS Over Flash Movies In Internet Explorer?

Dec 21, 2010

why the hell doesn't a div positioned over a flash object stay on top with z-index. I have found the answer in the past, but it's been so long, I can't seem to get it. My flash movie is in a div floating left:

<div id="flash">
<object width="614" height="289">
<param name="movie" value="images/75.swf">


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Flash :: Html - Wont Play On Internet Explorer?

Aug 3, 2011

i have a piece of flash that doesn't want to play in internet explorer:


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