Javascript :: Adobe ExternalInterface Not Working In IE9?
Jul 20, 2011
I am calling an Actionscript function from JavaScript and it works in all browsers except for IE9. I narrowed it down to the js function that retrieves the movie object:
I am having problems with External interface and IE9. The swf objects play fine but none of the information input is transferred to the cookies that should be set. I have seen that there are other questions similar to this but have not been able to solve my problem using them. THis is the html we are using
I want to call a function inside a Flash movie from javascript, using the ExternalInterface class. The problem is that to get it to work with Firefox I need to use the embed element and with the rest I have to get the object element. To solve it, I gave different ids to that two elements and depending on the user agent I select one or the other:
function getMovie(movieName) { alert(navigator.userAgent); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {
This works, but it is not very elegant and it may not work with other browsers..
I'm trying to call a function in my ActionScript from my JavaScript, I've managed to successfully do this with another flash file but in the current one it's failing for some reason. I'm using jQuery SWFEmbed, this is my JS code:[code]The work, and the trace outputs true, I have no idea what's going on.If you could also tell me how I can pass parameters to a ExternalInterface callback.
I have a bizarre situation in IE where JS can't call up into flash using ExternalInterface after I hit "refresh". I know the movie is getting loaded and the code that does the ExternalInterface.addCallback() appears to be completing without any error Here's a rundown of the steps to reproduce:
Open IE and load up the movie for the first time, the ExternalInterface callback methods are available to JavaScript. If I hit refresh, the callback methods aren't available and I get the error Object doesn't support this property or method.If I clear my cache and refresh the page, they are available again.If I then hit refresh again without clearing my cache, they're unavailable.If I close the browser and reopen, they're available again.
I've run into this situation before and I'm pretty sure that the extra delay required to download and instantiate the swf is what's allowing ExternalInterface to get set up properly. The way I worked around this before was to add a random number to the end of the swf's url, so that it's never used from cache, but that's not a real solution.
I have avoided adobe products like the plague from when I was developing myself since it costs a fortune to buy and of their products, but big employers love it and pay for it so here I am. Our "Flash" guy just left the team and I inherited this issue. If you read my other post you know what is going on so I will move on. I want to make a simple call from actionscript to my javascript taht is referenced in my other post. I specifically want to call the CheckboxCollection function from inside of actionscript. I don't need to pass it any args or anything of the such from inside of actionscript.
All I need it to do is run that function once the flash is done loading. The javascript function will take care of everything I need, I just HAVE TO HAVE IT called from actionscript to make everything work in harmony. I am in the middle of teaching myself all things adobe and actionscript(much to my dismay), but I really have no clue where top go from here to make this work. I have reviewed adobe documentation, but until I have a better grasp of the language as a whole I am still lost. I copied most of my actionscript on to here, but I did leave out everything that had to deal with mouseover events, since my issue is not about a mouseover and they all work like a charm.
UPDATE: I had to stop working on this to get some other things done, but I am back to step one. NO matter what I do I am having no luck making this work. I have tried all suggestions on here, and tried everything I KNOW how to do, but I am having no luck. If anyone could take a look at this post and the one that I link to (It is the companion javascript for this) and see if they can come up with anything. I have tried so many different iterations of my code there is no use putting all of my trials up for example of what doesn't work,
/* JavaScript External Calls */ function RegisterExternalCalls():void { if(ExternalInterface.available)
As you can tell by the title, I am having some trouble with AS3 ExternalInterface and jQuery / swfobject.
It's giving the first alert ('init') but then not doing the last one. I'm completely baffled and hope someone can point out my mistakes! (there's bound to be a massively obvious one somewhere)
I am trying to use the function in my ActionScript(2.0) to get a javascript var value set in the wrapping document. The following seems to work in FireFox and in Chrome but, naturally, it does not work in IE(8). getting the value stored at this variable?
var linkPath ="function(){return window.customLinkLocation;}", null);
AdobeTV showed a way to allow Flash to "talk" to an HTML page via javascript using the ExternalInterface method. There seems to be a catch. You need to use the ID of the swf in the parameters to have it all fit together and you can only put the ID="swf" into the IE section of the Dreamweaver generated javascript or into the non-IE section. Putting it in both didn't work and the author mentioned only putting in one of them specifically.Is there a way to do this that would work in both sets of generated Javascript?
I'm looking to call a flash method from a method in javascript and recieve a result:Example:Flash -
ExternalInterface.addCallback("getProgress", getProgress) // Javascript to flash public function getProgress():void {"getProgress", progress); // Send progress back to javascript from
I have a simple html doc with a flex app and an iframe side-by-side (using a 1x2 table).There is a button in the flex app that, when clicked, sets the "src" property of the iframe to a URL by using the method to call a javascript function "doNavClick(url)".Or that's the idea.When I comment out the iframe object declaration in the html, the call to doNavClick works (I pop up an alert to test)....yet when the iframe declaration is present, it doesn't even receive the call. It's as if the iframe has somehow broken the call dispatching mechanism.Is there a workaraound for this?The problematic code is as follows:
I have an issue with my ExternalInterface. The way it is currently set up is, on the page load up, a boolean is set to true in JavaScript and then checked by ActionScript constructors (using a timer) until it is true. This marks that JavaScript is ready to get calls from AS3.
At this point, AS3 will add the callback and do some internal stuff, and at the end of the constructor I call JavaScript. So far so good. JavaScript will at this point call a function in AS3 (that was defined in the callback described above), and this is where it all messes up.
On IE this works perfectly fine. On FireFox though, it does not. When I debug it, I see that the javascript function is called but when it tries to call AS3, nothing happens. I also tried to add a timer, but for some reason the function STILL executes straight away (in IE).
None of the similar answered questions fixed my problem, so here it goes. I want to call actionscript 3 function from JavaScript but in FF error console it says that the function I'm calling from JS does not exist. It says functions mover and mout are not defined. Here is the JS functions in JS file
I am having a problem with Internet Explorer and various lightbox programs (PrettyPhoto, TopUp, and Bumpbox). Essentially I want to make a call using Flash's ExternalInterface class from a swf that has been loaded into a lightbox. It works in firefox but not in IE (8). Here is my working example using PrettyPhoto and here is my working example using TopUp. When the exact same swf is embedded in the top of the page the ExternalInterface call works fine (you can click it on that page). But when the swf is opened in the lightbox by clicking the image it will not work in IE.
I'm trying to call a function declared with ExternalInterface in a Flash swf, using JavaScript.It worked once, but all of a sudden, it stopped working.I have a debug version of the Flash Player, but no errors occur in Flash.Not even a "Security Sandbox Error" or something. The only error I get is the following error in JavaScript Error: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.I'm using AS3, exporting for Flash Player 10 and testing on Firefox 3/Safari 4, on a Mac.
public function callFromJavaScript():String { test.label='dfdsfsdf'; return "1"; } public function init():void {
I have no clue wich one are crossbrowser compatible (cant install IE to test out)I have tried multiple but i cant get them to work(in any browser), im probably using the wrong id, ive been trial & erroring for a couple of hours but i don't have anything working.(i heard there was a problem with ExternalInterface.addCallback on a local file system?, should i upload the swf? < is the flex code right& problem = javascript/html side?)
I have a chat application that I built using Flex. The application on page load is hidden by setting the <object> in the page height to 0px. I did this because I need to be able to talk to the swf with javascript and setting the object to hidden really does "hide" it. In other words it treats the swf like it is not loaded on the page at all.I have an HTML button on the page that says "chat". When you click the button a couple of things happen. First I show the swf by setting the <object> height to 330px and I also tell the swf what person I am going to be chatting with by passing in a user name variable using javascript.On Windows using FF and IE my javascript can't find the swfobject.getObjectById("myswf") if the <object> height is set to 0px. Sometimes it can't find the swf at all event if height is set to 300px.The javascript calls work perfectly on OS X in any browser and it works on windows using Safari.
i'm currently trying to call a javascript function and pass values to it. but i'm not really familiar in using the addcallback since i only tested on calling a function from flash without passing anything to the function.
Basically, i'm going to retrieve the values of a node from xml. and then i will assign those values to a variable in flash. now what i'm going to do next is pass this value to a javascript it done using externalinterface?
I just need to throw the value to the javascript function parameter and no return values to the actionscript. The event is that whenever an image is click, the corresponding value for each image is passed to the javascript function.
Im trying to use JS to send data to my Flash AS2.0 music player with ExternalInterface, except there are no good tutorials or guides on ExternalInterface that I can find. I want to be able to change the current song in the player by clicking a JavaScript link, and on page / window load without clicking, play a default song.
I dont need a super complicated answer on loading sounds in flash, etc., I am just having a lot of difficulties getting JS to send anything to Flash, and when I get that to work - would I need to put some if / else into the flash to determine if the link has been clicked or not?
I'm trying to call a method inside a flash movie from js, every time the mouse leaves the "div". It works on Internet Explorer, but not in firefox. Here is the html script:
Here is example of the problem, there is an alert for the js and the flash should be able to remove the swf (see a gray background? it works! see a image, flash didn't receive the call): [URL]. This should work with internet explorer / safari / chrome (pc/mac) only firefox seams to reject this.
I have this which is based off of this question: [URL]. However this neither works in firefox and IE. If I embed my flash into the browser like this: <embed src="helpdeskApp_three.swf" id="flash" quality="high" scale="exactfit" width="800" height="500" name="movie" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="[URL]"/>
This works in Firefox but not IE. What is the proper way of embedding my flash movie so it works across all browsers?
I have a swf that opens up inside a colorbox window. When the video finishes playing, I make an externalinterface call to a javascript function to close the colorbox.I'm trying to execute the following AS3 code:
I can't seem to get this to work. The colorbox won't close.I also tried this to see if I was just making the wrong function call, but this didn't work either: ('alert("hello world")')However, if I browse to the url of the swf file, so that it doesn't open inside the colorbox, the alert() call works just fine.
I have a SWF file emedded withing a HTML page. Trying to do a simple operation - go to and play certain frame in SWF using javascript. I'm using ExternalInterface to do this but for the life of me can't get the two to communicate. I add all the code but when clicking on the link which calls javascript, it says my flash object is undefined?
Flash has the ExternalInterface class which can communicate to JavaScript running in the browser Can you use the ExternalInterface.available property to check if JavaScript is enabled?
How can I control a flash movie in a window from a child (pop-up) window invoked via ExternalInterface's call method?
The name of the movie is myMovie. Using javascript in the popup, I try to access a function in the movie using document['myMovie'].flashFunction(). However, since the javascript is in the popup window and the flash is in another, the browser complains that the function is undefined.
This would have worked if the javascript and the movie were in the same window.
In Actionscript 3, I make a call to Javascript using:'javascriptFunction');
If in Javascript, there's an error or a blocking call, the entire browser will freeze. I can't use Firebug in Firefox to debug it because the act of stepping through the callback also crashes the browser. How do I go about debugging this?
I'm on an HP desktop with Windows 7, Firefox 5.0, IE9, and Chrome 12.0.742.122. Either alert call will randomly cause Firefox to actually usually happens in bunches, where it'll freeze for a few times continuously (obviously restarting Firefox each time)..and then stop for a few hours and be alright.It has yet to crash IE9 or Chrome, though I haven't tested it as extensively with Chrome. Using the Firefox console doesn't help since Firefox just crashes all together. If anyone could shed some light on that, that'd be great!