Javascript :: Determine Which Movie An Came From?

Sep 15, 2011

On my page, I'm going to embed multiple Flash files that use ExternalInterface to communicate back to the page. When the page receives the ExternalInterface calls, is there any built-in way to determine which swf the call came from?

I don't mind giving each movie a guid FlashVar and attaching that to each ExternalInterface call, but I don't want to duplicate more tested functionality.

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Javascript :: Reference The Html Object That Made The Call To SomeFunction Directly Using The Call?

Jun 28, 2011

i have some actionscript that makes a'someFunction'); it possible to reference the html object that made the call to someFunction directly using the call?

Assume that the object that makes the call also has some Callbacks (via ExternalInterface.addCallback) that are accessible via javascript.


Actionscript source"someFunction");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use ExternalInterface.Call To Call A JavaScript Function To Launch A Lightbox Window?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to use ExternalInterface.Call to call a JavaScript function to launch a lightbox window. So far I have this:

AS3:"launchLB", "" + aUrl + "");
function launchLB(url) {


I get the alert but I can't get the lightbox window to display. When my as code makes the ExternalInterface call I get what looks like a page refresh and a blank browser window.

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Flash - Won't Call The JavaScript Function - Firefox 3.6

Feb 10, 2011

I have a function defined in JavaScript like so:

function fadeBack() {
alert("fadeBack called");

I call that function from my Flash file like so:

import flash.external.*;"fadeBack");

This works in both Safari and Chrome, but for some reason Firefox won't ever call the function. Still, I can't figure this out. How can I fix it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Javascript With

Sep 29, 2008

I'm trying to call a javascript function from a flash movie. I'm using IE.

This one works:
function test()

[Code]..... says "undefined" insted of alert(666) seems that if i use a field in the function it simply stops working. (I'm accessing the page [URL]

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JavaScript :: Unable To Get ExternalInterface.Call To Work In IE7

Aug 11, 2010

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject/swfobject.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" >
swfobject.registerObject("myId", "10.0.0");
function execute(){
return a;
[Code] .....

I have this which is based off of this question: [URL]. However this neither works in firefox and IE. If I embed my flash into the browser like this:
<embed src="helpdeskApp_three.swf" id="flash" quality="high" scale="exactfit" width="800" height="500" name="movie" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="[URL]"/>

This works in Firefox but not IE. What is the proper way of embedding my flash movie so it works across all browsers?

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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Call From Flash To Function In OOP?

Dec 7, 2010

I can't call a javascript function from flash, when the flash object is added within an OOP structure in javascript. In short the code:

In flash:

if (ExternalInterface.available) {"flashMessages", "ready");


Flash gets loaded, but the call to the javascript function isn't received.

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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Call Crashes The Browser?

Jan 20, 2011

In Actionscript 3, I make a call to Javascript using:'javascriptFunction');

If in Javascript, there's an error or a blocking call, the entire browser will freeze. I can't use Firebug in Firefox to debug it because the act of stepping through the callback also crashes the browser. How do I go about debugging this?


I'm on an HP desktop with Windows 7, Firefox 5.0, IE9, and Chrome 12.0.742.122. Either alert call will randomly cause Firefox to actually usually happens in bunches, where it'll freeze for a few times continuously (obviously restarting Firefox each time)..and then stop for a few hours and be alright.It has yet to crash IE9 or Chrome, though I haven't tested it as extensively with Chrome. Using the Firefox console doesn't help since Firefox just crashes all together. If anyone could shed some light on that, that'd be great!

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Javascript :: Call A Function Using The ExternalInterface.addCallback API ?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to call a function in an action script using the ExternalInterface.addCallback API, but I can't seem to get it to work. Here's what I have:


package {
import flash.display.Sprite;[code]....

The Error I'm getting is: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'getStringJS'

I also tried adding in a timeout in case the swf file wasn't loading, but I didn't have any success with that method either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remote/outside Javascript?

Jul 11, 2008

I'm trying to use to access a function from an outside domain that I have linked in my html page. Is there anyway to do this?

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};


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Sep 15, 2011

using ExternalInterface to call JavaSript function on other html site. (because most of the examples show only how to use it within the same domain).

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Sep 14, 2011

I've written an html page that is using some javascript to hide and display a flash movie object. It all works fine until I try to exit from the tab, and when that happens the entire browser will crash with not so much as an error text box.

Flash Code


Javascript code

function showTimelineFirstPlay()
var timeline = document.createElement('span');


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Javascript :: Returning A Variable From An Back Into Flash

Feb 17, 2010

I'm calling a JS function with and trying to get a return value inside Flash. When I trace out the op variable I get 0 instead of 500. Is there something wrong with my embed code?[code]

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Javascript :: Pass A Reference To A Function As An Argument To An ExternalInterface Call?

Mar 26, 2010

I want to be able to call a JavaScript function from a Flex app using ExternalInterface and pass a reference to a different JavaScript function as an argument.


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Javascript :: Returning A Byte String To Throws An Error?

Jan 21, 2010

I am working on my open source project Downloadify, and up until now it simply handles returning Strings in response to commands.

I am trying to put together a test case using JSZip and Downloadify together, the end result being that a Zip file is created dynamically in the browser, then saved to the disk using However, this is my problem:

The JSZip library can return either a base64 encoded string of the Zip, or the raw byte string. The problem is, if I return that byte string in response to the command, I get this error:

Error #1085: The element type "string" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</string>"

ActionScript 3:

var theData:* ='Downloadify.getTextForSave',queue_name);

Where queue_name is just a string used to identify the correct instance in JS.


var zip = new JSZip();
zip.add("test.txt", "Hello world!
var content = zip.generate(true);
return content;

If I instead return a normal string instead of the byte string, the call works correctly.I would like to avoid using base64 as I would have to include a base64 decoder in my swf which will increase its size.

Finally: I am not looking for a AS3 Zip generator. It is imperative to my project to have that part run in JavaScript

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Javascript :: AS3 ExternalInterface: Control A Movie From Another Window?

Dec 10, 2010

How can I control a flash movie in a window from a child (pop-up) window invoked via ExternalInterface's call method?

The name of the movie is myMovie. Using javascript in the popup, I try to access a function in the movie using document['myMovie'].flashFunction(). However, since the javascript is in the popup window and the flash is in another, the browser complains that the function is undefined.

This would have worked if the javascript and the movie were in the same window.

I use Firefox.

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Javascript :: Allowing Flash Movie To Communicate To Containing Window Without Exposing Full ExternalInterface?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm working on a site that allows administrators to upload arbitrary SWFs and embed them on the page. Administrators are in theory trusted, but I still want to protect against potentially malicious administrators or misguided administrators from harming the site.

A part of the functionality of the site is that the SWFs can communicate to the containing browser page when it's finished and for the page to react.

Now, I can think of two ways to do this:

Use ExternalInterface.addCallback to create a global callback named something like isComplete that does logic and returns true or false depending on whether the Flash app is in a completed state. Then, just do something like setTimeout to just call that function repeatedly. I don't think this would require me to open up allowscriptaccess to the movie. Embed the movie with allowscriptaccess and have the movie call something like'done') when it's finished. This option seems like it requires me to open up allowscriptaccess, which is a potential threat since I can't control the SWFs that would be embedded with this directive.

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Flash :: Call Anonymous Function From Method?

Nov 4, 2010

I need to get a javascript var in my Flash application. I like to be able to just set a variable in the javascript (client constraints) rather than define a function.

Can this be done? I am trying to use the

AS:"function(){return window.someVar}", null);


var someVar = "Test";

This does not work and I suspect it is because the does not like the anonymous function.

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Flash :: Replace A URLLoader Call With ExternalInterface Call?

Feb 10, 2011

We have been given some code that does a URLRequest call which is really slow to respond, so I was looking to make it pull the data from the page, as it is already on the page.[code]I have tried to replace it with this (actionscript is definitely not my forte):[code]I am using addCallBack as that is what the editor suggested via autocomplete, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. Unfortunately I cannot go back to the developer at this time.The error message is:Call to a possibly undefined method addCallback through a reference with static type flash.external:ExternalInterface

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Javascript :: Call A Function At End Of Movie?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to display a Flash video in a popup window, and when the video has finished playing, close the window using a javascript function "closeIt":

function closeIt() {
alert("About to close...");


How can I achieve this? I have imported a video into Flash (choosing "load external video with playback component"). This is in frame1. I thought that in the second frame I could make a call to"closeIt") in the Actions window. I have tried this, but when I publish and view the flash movie in a web brower, I never see the javascript alert.

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Flash In IE

Feb 21, 2010

I am having an issues with to return a value in IE. It is working fine in Firefox. Eventhough I changed the "allowscript access" to "always", still it is not working. Is there any thing that I need to change in Flex or the HTML to make this work? or this is a security setting in IE?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Log Every ExternalInterface Call?

Nov 20, 2011

I'm wondering if you guys know a way to log every data coming to a flash 8 swf from its container?

I know that it is a bit weird, but I'm trying to figure this one out. Maybe one of you already faced a similar situation?

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Javascript :: Flash - Get A VAR With ExternalInterface?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to use the function in my ActionScript(2.0) to get a javascript var value set in the wrapping document. The following seems to work in FireFox and in Chrome but, naturally, it does not work in IE(8). getting the value stored at this variable?

var linkPath ="function(){return window.customLinkLocation;}", null);


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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Not Working In Ie9

Feb 6, 2012

I am having problems with External interface and IE9. The swf objects play fine but none of the information input is transferred to the cookies that should be set. I have seen that there are other questions similar to this but have not been able to solve my problem using them. THis is the html we are using

<div id="flashcentre">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"data="http://workingflashlink" width="600" height="450">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call C++ Functions Using ExternalInterface?

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying to call a C++ function from actionScript3. using Programming ActionScript 3.0 > Using the external API > Using the ExternalInterface class > Calling external code from ActionScript,  I could call function from JavaScript .
it will be good if i could call C++ functions directly from Action Script.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Working?

Apr 22, 2010

I am having a problem using to a javascript  function. I have used this method many times in many places and at some  point during this project, it was working, but now it stalls my Flash  file when executed. I have the function: var initialize=function(){"SCOInitialize");statusTxt.text="initializing"; } On my html page, there is a SCOInitialize function that works perfectly  if I call it via the html page: <body onLoad="SCOInitialize()"> ... </body> When I make the call using flash... initialize(); ...the Flash file just gets hung up and it actually wont execute the  second line of code in the function: statusTxt.text="initializing"; What is the deal? I can't for the life of me figure out why it won't

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Call ExternalInterface Fail

Jan 11, 2011

I want to ActionScript3 set HomePage to Google ",so I use following stagement:[code]Then I call this swf in html page,like follows:[code]When I use mouse click,IE8 raise javascript error.'null' is null or not object

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface Call From Child Swf

Apr 8, 2011

I am trying to make a JS function call from a child swf, but I am running into issues when the child swf is loaded on a different domain than the parent.

Here's what my scenario looks like:

my HTML test page is on and loads the parent swf, which is located in [URL].

The parent swf loads a child swd located in

After the child swf is loaded I want to make a JS function call, but when I call"myJSFunction", "params"), the JS code never gets executed.

When I placed all of the files under the same domain, everything works fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: : Get The Variable From JS?

Dec 28, 2011

I am simply trying to get the variable from JS but can't get it

var APIfound = true


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Actionscript 2.0 ::; Still Supported?

Aug 22, 2009

This does not work:

Within the HTML Head tags:
Code: Select all<script type="text/javascript">
function show_alert()
alert("I am an alert box!");


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