Php :: Flash - Calling Script With UTF-8 POST Variables?
Jun 8, 2010
AS3 documentation says that Strings in AS3 are in UTF-16 format.There is a textbox on a Flash Clip where user can type some data.When a button is clicked, I want this data to be sent to a php script.I have everything set up, but it seems that the PHP script gets the data in UTF-16 format. The data in the database (which is utf-8) shows some unrecognizable characters (where special characters are used), meaning that the data has not been sent in a correct encoding.
var variables:URLVariables=new URLVariables;
var varSend:URLRequest=new URLRequest("");
Im building a reservation form, using actionscript and php. I use sendAndLoad to send variables to php via POST, which returns a different HTTP POST response in case of sucess or not.
Is there anyway to "read" HTTP POST responses with actionscript?
I am using rails for my backend to a Flash app. I need to send a bunch of params to rails from flash using post. I have a rails action in my users_controller called register.[code]The error I am getting in Flash is an IO_ERROR Streaming Event bla bla bla witch usually indicates that the URL you are calling does not exist. If I change the request.method to GET then the call works but not all the data gets sent to rails because GET can't handle the length of the data being sent.
I am trying to send variables from my Flash App to an ASPX page which receives the variables and outputs them on the screen. But he aspx script is not able to receive the variables. I am putting the variable into an object and sending that object using POST method through the URLVaiable class.
Sometimes, multiple times a day in fact, users of my web application are submitting a certain form which has about a dozen form fields, half of which are hidden fields, and half of the $_POST data is simply not present in the processing script. Note that the fields that are not present are at the very bottom of the form. I know this because this raises a fatal error, and an email is dispatched to me which includes the post data. And of course, neither I nor any of the developers on my team can reproduce the problem. Flash is involved in the process, as I'm using a library called Uploadify to display a progress meter. Here is the flow...why some of the post data would be getting wiped out?
-User visits edit screen for a page in the CMS I am using. -Record id for the page is put into a form as a hidden value. -User clicks the Uploadify browse button and selects a file (only single file selection is allowed). -User clicks Submit button for my form. -jQuery intercepts the form submit action, triggers Uploadify to start uploading, and returns false for the submit action (manually cancelling the form submit event so that Uploadify can take over). -Uploadify uploads to a custom process script. -Uploadify finishes uploading and triggers the Javascript completion callback. -The Javascript callback calls $('#myForm').submit() to submit the form.
This happens on multiple browsers (Firefox 3.5, 3.6, Safari, Internet Explorer 7, 8) and multiple platforms (Mac OS 10.5, 10.6 and Windows XP, 7).
I have a Flash .swf that is attempting to POST some variables to a .php file in the same location as my .swf. My facebook app is in FBML Canvas. Here is the function I am calling. The .php file is never receiving anything. HELP!
public function sendData():void{ var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
At the moment, I am posting information from my flash to a PHP page within the same server. This causes no problems, as I am posting to a PHP file within the same directory. form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST"); However, I am wanting to place my 'WIDGET' on other sites but still post the information back to my server to the PHP file (email.php).
I am using the following code to try and post variables to a URL, but the SEND command is still posting the variables via GET. // ls_print is the URL I am attempting to POST to lv_request.send(ls_print, "_blank", "POST"); This is what the documentation says, so I'm lost.
I am trying to send some variables from my actionscript 3.0 to PHP file.. but if i am using POST method I am getting an error instead if I use GET method it is working fine but then there comes the security issue. All my variables are displayed in URL which I dont want to happen. This is my code:
Im building a reservation form, using actionscript and php. I use sendAndLoad to send variables to php via POST, which returns a different HTTP POST response in case of success or not. Is there anyway to "read" HTTP POST responses with actionscript?
I am trying to send variables to php script via POST with AS2. This is the code I use: Code: on(press){ var sendvars:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = 'abv'; sendvars.wpc = 'abv'; sendvars.AlbumName = an.text; sendvars.send('[URL]', "_blank", "POST"); } The variables are sent, but POST is converted to GET and flash open this [URL].
I've got a flex app that is basically completed it uses Zend AMF to connect/supply data.My app does have a login screen which seems to work fine. Now I'd like to add another login form on my site that would allows users to enter in username/password. When submitted form should pass the data to the flex app and bypass the application's login.
I am trying to figure out why this is not working. I have a Flash .swf that is attempting to POST some variables to a .php file in the same location as my .swf. My facebook app is in FBML Canvas. Here is the function I am calling. The .php file is never receiving anything
public function sendData():void{ var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
I know nothing about server-side anything, but I'd like to be able to put some simple data into a text file on my own hard drive with flash. I'm guessing its impossible, but is there anything I can install that will do something with the post method of loadVars to receive some text from flash?
dynamic text box and what is loaded into it. the function for my buttons defines a new variable "newChoice" and sets its value to the "this.varTitle". It then tells the movie clip containing the text box gotoAndPlay (2). At that point the text box should update to the value of "newChoice" but it doesnt work.if i tell it to update something absolute, like a string, it works, but i think there is a problem with the layers of variables i'm using.
main function: playDots = function () {[code]......
I am trying to create dynamic variables to post to a form based on the content of some xml.I have loaded 15 objects which act as buttons into my movie and each button will trace the exact title as wanted. What i want to know is that when i click the button the title is stored in a dynamically created variable to be used later for posted to a php form.
PHP Code: // sprinkles function function GenerateSprinkles(sprinkles_xml) {
I have a Flash Form, which sends Variables to a PHP page through getURL - Post method.
My requirement is that : i need to redisplay the Form variables (name, email and so on) back in Flash as a confirmation after the data has been entered into the database in the PHP page.
I need to send a variable (zipcode) to a coldfusion script and also load the cf page that displays the results (same script) in the browser window (_self) is getURL the appropriate choice for this? (never done it this way before). if so, does using POST in a getURL just grab any variables on the _root? where does it get its variables?
I am trying to create dynamic variables to post to a form based on the content of some xml. I have loaded 15 objects which act as buttons into my movie and each button will trace the exact title as wanted. What i want to know is that when i click the button the title is stored in a dynamically created variable to be used later for posted to a php form.[code]
I am writing a type of mail form in AS2 of Flash CS4. I collect two variables (nameCli and messageCli) I setup a "sending button" to appear only when there is a minimum of characters (2) under nameCli AND a minimum of 10 characters in messageCli. When that button is pressed I POST these two vars tru email_lv to email2.php. I do this check to be absolutely sure that these vars have contents.
It works and tests well on several computers (PCs) under XP, Vista and 7. I haven't tested on a Mac Under IE and Firefox 3.0.xx I get the email with the correct values.
The problem: somehow, now and then I get (and worse, my client, to whom I wrote this app, gets) an "empty" email. That is, the subject of these emails are: "Request from" and blank. No name. The message is also blank. Since I know, with no doubt that these vars have content, otherwise the send button wouldn't come up, I am puzzled. I have no idea of what OS or Browsers these users have. Would be possible that some browsers would "block" the vars sent via POST?
I'm building an AIR application. Basically, what I'm looking to do is using navigateToUrl() to open a browser window, assign it a "name" and then, send variables to that newly opened window using the POST method.
EDIT : I need the window to be visible, this is why I absolutely need to use the navigateToUrl() function
I already know that I CAN'T DO something like this, that the AIR application will send the variables using the GET method...
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); vars.myVar = "Hello my friend"; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); req.method = "POST":
How to post variables to another domain. The other domain is a free cgi-bin service. So I cannot upload a shim movie there. That is, I need to post variables directly to a cgi script on the domain. Is it possible to do so?