Regex :: Check If First 2 Characters In A String Are Alphabets

Jun 10, 2011

I'm new to actionscript and i cant seem to get the regex syntax right in actionscript3. The task is straight forward, i want to make sure that the first two characters in a given string are alphabets and nothing else.[code]

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For exemple, this is a string: Hello2all821abc13 This string contain 3 numbers: 2, 821 and 13 (note that the numbers contained into 821 and 13 are considered like an unique entity, not signle). I want to add near each of it the "-" symbol. Is it possible?

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Regex :: Regular Expression To Check If A String Has HTML Code?

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Is there a way to check if a string contains different characters in just one line?

//this would be for just a:
if (stringAnalyzed.indexOf("a")!=-1){
//whatever actions;


I know this doesn't work. What is the right syntax?

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Actionscript 3 :: Validating Alphabets Only Stored In A String In Flex

Nov 11, 2011

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<mx:StringValidator id="loginValidator" source="{loginTextField}" property="text" required="true" minLength="2" />

validatorErrorArray = Validator.validateAll([loginValidator, ...])

Now the problem is, it also validates characters like */- and ;',./ etc i want to validate only numbers and or alphabets. If anyone can point out mistake and changes that should be made

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Actionscript 3 :: RegEx - Get All Characters Before?

Jul 15, 2010

I have this regular expression to get urls:


And I want to modify it so that when I call to make an array of the matched strings it will get everything before it as well.

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Regex :: Use The String.match Method To Find Multiple Occurrences Of The Same Word In A String?

May 25, 2010

In Actionscript and Adobe Flex, I'm using a pattern and regexp (with the global flag) with the string.match method and it works how I'd like except when the match returns multiple occurrences of the same word in the text. In that case, all the matches for that word point only to the index for the first occurrence of that word. For example, if the text is "cat dog cat cat cow" and the pattern is a search for cat*, the match method returns an array of three occurrences of "cat", however, they all point to only the index of the first occurrence of cat when i use indexOf on a loop through the array. I'm assuming this is just how the string.match method is. I want to find the specific indices of every occurrence of a match, even if it is of a word that was already previously matched.

how the string.match method is and if so

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using AIR Regex With Matching Dot Characters?

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I'm having a problem with using regexp to validate form fields, everything is working fine as long as I don't explicitly try to match a dot(.) character. This fails on both email and the voorletters regex. I've tested both these regexes in RegExr and they are doing what they're supposed to there.

var regex_voorletters:RegExp = /^([A-Z.])+$/i;
var regex_email:RegExp= /^([w-.]+)@((?:[w]+.)+)([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$/i


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Regex :: Replace Portion Of String With A Variable String?

Feb 10, 2012

Trying to replace a portion of a string with a "-" if it matches a string variable in AS3.

var re:RegExp = new RegExp(imageArray[j][1],"gi"); trace(imageArray[jTemp][2].replace(re,"-"));

imageArray[jTemp][2] is a string imageArray[j][1] is a string as well I'm not getting the result I expect. I would like trace above to return 'permanentContainer-' Here are the traces for the above variables

permanentContainer-temporaryContainer- temporaryContainer

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Regex :: Unicode Ranges For Hindi Accented Characters?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm trying to gather a Unicode list of all the 'o' like shapes in the Hindi character-set. In fact, a list of any characters (in any language) that makes uses of separate characters to indicate an accent would be better.I intend to use this unicode-list in a RegExp.I been trying to edit a list of character-ranges by outputting them in an Input TextField, but editing this text causes weird issues (the keyboard-cursor isn't place on the correct character, selections suddenly dissappear / incorrectly warps... in other words... HINDI HELL!)

I've tried this with Notepad++ too, but although it was more responsive, it eventually crapped out on me like it did in the Flash Player textfield. This seems to occur especially while removing the [] block (nulls?) characters. Some of them trigger odd behaviors.

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Regex :: Replace All Instances Of Sub String In String

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to work with RegEx to split a large string into smaller sections, and as part of this I'm trying to replace all instances of a substring in this larger string. I've been trying to use the replace function but this only replaces the first instance of the substring. How can I replace al instances of the substring within the larger string?

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Flex :: Check Extension With RegEx?

Mar 22, 2011

For example I've got string /wiki/File:test.JPG I should check if it has one of extention "jpeg","jpg","png","gif"

Currently I've written that[j,p,g][p,i,n][e,g,f][g]?/gi) and it is works, but I'd like better regular expression.

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Flash :: AIR, Flex - Check If Regex Is Valid?

Aug 23, 2011

i want to check in Adobe AIR if given regex is valid. I'm looking for somtehing similar like here: How to check if a given Regex is valid?

I dont want to compare regex and text-value - i jus want to check if this regex is valid. If someone type invalid regex - for example: "x{5,-3}" or "(((^^$$$)//)" or something like this i just need to communicate to him that this regular expression is not valid - its not proper regular expression.

In Java it can be done by:

try {
} catch (PatternSyntaxException exception) {


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Regex :: Replacing Segments Of A String?

Jun 6, 2011

I have absolutely no knowledge in Regex whatsoever. Basically what I'm trying to do is have an error class that I can use to call errors (obviously) which looks like this:

package avian.framework.errors
public class AvError extends Object


The idea is to replace {0} with the first parameter parsed in ...params, {1} with the second, etc.

I've done a bit of research and I think I've worked out that I need to search using this pattern:

var pattern:RegExp = /{d}/;

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Regex :: AS3 - Getting X And Y Value Of Matched String In TextField

Jul 13, 2011

I have a text field within Flash that contains a block of (obviously) text. What I want to do is perform a search on the content of the text field that returns the x & y coordinate and the width & height of the found text. The result will be used to place a visual element over that portion of the text box.

For example:
var pattern:RegExp = /d+/g;
var found:Array = box.text.match(pattern);
var i:String;
for each(i in found) {
* Find the x, y, width, height of the matched text in the text field
* Use result to place transparent yellow box around text
Which visually should result in something like:

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Regex :: Regular Expression To Check Comma Separated Number Values In Flex

Mar 10, 2011

find the suitable regular expression to validate a string that has comma separated numbers, for e.g. '1,2,3' or '111,234234,-09', etc. Anything else should be considered invalid. for e.g. '121as23' or '123-123' is invalid. I suppose this must be possible in Flex using regular expression but I can not find the correct regular expression.


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Regex :: Flash - Detect Links In A String?

Nov 16, 2009

I am trying to find the generic links in strings. I've found a very handy regex on RegExr, in the community expressions:


I tried to use it and it returns null, although the same string tested on RegExr works fine:

var linkRegEx:RegExp = new RegExp("(https?://)?(www.)?([a-zA-Z0-9_%]*).[a-z]{2,4}(.[a-z]{2})?((/[a-zA-Z0-9_%]*)+)?(.[a-z]*)?(:d{1,5})?","g");
var link:String = 'generic links:';


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Regex :: How To Parse String (Similar To Path)

Mar 4, 2010

I have a string that is similar to a path, but I have tried some regex patterns that are supposed to parse paths and they don't quite work.

Here's the string
I need the "name parts" between the slashes.
I tried (w+) but the array came back [0] = "f" and [1] = "f".
I tested the pattern on [URL] and it seems to work correctly.

Here's the AS code:
var pattern : RegExp = /(w+)/g;
var hierarchy : Array = pattern.exec(params.category_id); = hierarchy.pop() as String;

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Actionscript :: Case Statement String With Regex?

Nov 2, 2010

I see Switch statement in:

switch() {
case 'string': ...;

but would hope if I could do this?

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C# :: Using Regex To Alter A String (based On Function)?

Nov 2, 2010

I have some ActionScript code that splits a string using Regular Expression and lets me add content at the split location.

// AS3 Code
function formatTweetText(tweet:String ):String


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Actionscript 3 :: Capturing Two Groups Out Of A String With A Regex?

Dec 9, 2011

I don't know anything about regular expressions and I don't really have the time to study them at the moment.I have a string like this:test (22/22/22)I need to capture the test and the date 22/22/22 in an array. the test string could also be a multiple words string:test test(1) tes-t (22/22/22)should capture test test(1) tes-t and 22/22/22I have no idea how to get started on this. I managed to capture the date string with the parentheses by doing:(.*)but that really doesn't get me anywhere.

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Regex :: Flex Add An Avaliable String In Regexp?

Dec 30, 2011

In the below code if i replace st2 into the pattern of regexp without quotes, it works fine.Now since i get the regular expression from some other file, as it is shown in st2. I want to add that into the regexp pattern. But as in the below code it doesnt work.

import mx.controls.Alert
public function onClicking(){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: String.split() Using Regex Not Working

May 12, 2011

I rarely use regular expressions and still have a hard time reading/writing them sometimes (getting better, though), but I came across a situation where I needed to split up sentences in a text file and store each sentence as a separate item in an array.

To do this, I have tried to use the split() function by passing it a regex to detect ends of sentences... for most cases, anyway, which includes ., !, or ?, optionally followed by " or )

Here's what I've created:

sentencesArray = textOriginal_txta.text.split(/(?<=(w[.!?]"?)?))s(?=((?"?[A-Z]))/);

(What this code does is split on condition of a blank space but only where it finds a preceding/prefix that includes end punctuation, plus a lookahead/suffix that contains the beginning of a sentence, such as a capital letter)

The problem is that this doesn't seem to work. It works like a charm when I test it in Expresso free regex writing and testing software), but then when I try to send it to the split, it doesn't split the items. Do I need to do escapes for special characters when sending regex input to a split?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Array From String (Maybe RegEx?)

Sep 14, 2011

How to create an array from a string. The string will look something like this:

Main Idea
-Idea 1
--Idea 1 sub point 1
-Idea 2
--Idea 2 sub point 1
---Idea 2 sub point 1 subsub 1
---Idea 2 sub point 1 subsub 2
--Idea 2 sub point 2
-Idea 3

Each "-" indicates a child relationship or 'Sub'. Each child can have any number of children which can have any number of children.

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Regex :: Replace Contiguous Line Feeds Or New Line Characters With A Single Newline In Flex

Dec 26, 2011

I need to replace multiple contiguous new line/line feed characters in flex with a single new line character.


The string

"My name is blah blah

My name is blah

Should be converted to

"My name is blah blah
My name is blah

Hope the example makes it easier to understand.

I am using a component to render it.

I guess using regex would be the easiest way to do this, but still it would be great if people can point me out to references/examples to get this done with ease.

I am using flex 4.5.

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Regex - Regular Expression To Count How Many Newlines () There Are In A String?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to find the number of newlines in a string using the Actionscript 3.0 RegExp engine. Using the string.match function and RegExp(" ","g") does not find the newlines in a string which contains newlines. Is there something I need to add to the pattern or something else that I am missing?

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Regex :: Exclude A String Anyhwere In Pattern From Matches?

Apr 4, 2011

I need to write a regex which will match URLs that do not have a specific query string name/value pair anywhere in its URL. All other query string names, and all other query string values with the same name should be matched. Other pages in the same directory (or sub-directories) should not be matched.URL...The query string name and value that I need to exclude from matches is:[code]How can I prevent matches when the string exists anywhere in the pattern?

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Regex - Replace Section Of String With A Dash Using RegExp?

Feb 13, 2012

I would like to be able to replace a section of a string with a dash. The section being replaced will be variable.

var str:String = "permanentContainer-temporaryContainer-"
var test:String = "temp";
var pattern:RegExp = /-[(+test+)]+-/i;
trace( str.replace(pattern,"-"));

I would like the result to trace:


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Regex :: URLEncode Variable Parsing From String To Array?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a flashVar variable that is coming into Flash, its URL encoded but I have already decoded it. My problem is I want the set of variables to be pushed into an array.

Let's say the variables are


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