Saving HTML Form Data When Running JavaScript Submit In Flash

Apr 16, 2010

I have the following form code in my HTML, basically including a couple of hidden input fields and the Flash object (disregard the missing <object> and <embed> values):


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Php ::HTML Form -> Flash Submit Button -> Set A PHP Variable In Flash Button -> Submit Form?

May 8, 2010

I have an HTML form that I want to upload to MySQL with PHP. That part's easy, but the thing is I want the submit button to be a Flash object. Somehow I need the Flash button to submit the form, but I think I can figure that out. The tricky part is that I need it to set another PHP variable before submitting the form. The variable will be determined by a bunch of stuff, but I can code that in actionscript later. I just need to figure out how to pass the variable back to the webpage. A $_POST variable would probably be fine.

edit: What if the flash object returned some javascript and set a variable that way? making it submit the form as well while still catching a variable?

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I have a flash form that need to submit values to a PHP file.I am using in flash: varsToSend.send("subsrcibe.php","process","POST"); The "subsrcibe.php" contains a form that is connected directly to a database.What i want to do is, to load the variables from Flash to this PHP file, and then submit them automatically to the database (The PHP page should not open to the users).

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If I want to pass form data from html to flash, do I have to use a server side script from php, asp, cgi, etc?If so, what would go in the FORM action? (FORM action="??" id=form method=post name=form>)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Form Submit Button?

Apr 17, 2009

I might as well put it out while I'm writing. I'm having problems linking my Submit button on my form. Here is my code:
stop();var getPHP:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, formClick);
function formClick(event:MouseEvent):void{    navigateToURL(getPHP);}
 I put this code on the timeline of the form. Correct me if I'm wrong the submit button just needs to link to your PHP file on your server. I'm getting back a #1009 error Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.I tried referencing the movie file that the button is in ie: form.submit_btn, still get and error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Contact Form - Email Never Sent On Submit

Feb 21, 2010

When submit is clicked. It just says waiting for server connection. The email is never sent. I think the problem is with the php.

Here is my ACS3 code
PHP Code:
// Set text formatting colors for errors, waiting..., and success mechanisms
var errorsFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
errorsFormat.color = 0xffffff;
var waitingFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
waitingFormat.color = 0xffffff;
[Code] ......

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Dec 3, 2010

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...within an on(release) and it does submit the form, but it won't run the javascript validation. Here is my form tag:

<form name="formenter" method="post" action="enter_step2.php"
onsubmit="javascript:return validateForm(this)">

With a graphic button, it worked perfect. But with this flash button, it submits, but won't run the validation.

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Data Integration :: Load/send XML Data Via HTML Form?

Jul 26, 2006

I currently have a Flash app that gets populated by parsing data from an external XML file. However, I need to get the XML data into a (JSP) session and can't neccesarily have an external XML file--any suggestions? Can I put the XML string into a hidden input field in a form on the HTML? Can Flash communicate with that HTML? Or are one of the below methods recommended:

* FlashVars

* Flash Remoting

* Web services

* JavaScript - call JS function

* fscommand

* ExternalInterface

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Simple Flash Form Variable - Collect Data From A Form, Then Pass That Data To An Asp File?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to create a simple form using Actionscript 3 that will collect data from a form, then pass that data to an asp file. I have attached the following code to the submit button,but this is not working.I'm not sure if I have to add anything else and I don't understand why this is not working. I'm trying to load all the variable info into one variable called email form.

submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Form Submit To MySQL Database?

Apr 20, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Form Submit To Email Address?

Apr 20, 2009

Anyone know how to make a flash form submit data to an email address using AS2 and php.

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Javascript :: Form With Xml Or Excel Data Dropdowns?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to create a form (flash or java/ajax) that allows selection data to be pulled from an xml file.


A ring builder application - the user selects the ring setting in one dropdown and then they select a diamond in another drop down. But the prices of the diamonds changes every day based upon the market, so we would need to easily update that data - hence an xml or excel file.

It would be even better if the data could be linked - such as selecting a princess cut diamond, then the settings that are only compatible with princess cut show up, and then after selecting a setting, only diamonds that are the right size for the setting show.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Information From A Flash Form To A Php Script Using Radio Buttons Without A Submit Button

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending HTML Form Data?

Jun 2, 2009

I've been tasked with replicating the following HTML in actionscript for the integration of a flash frontend onto an existing cart system: HTML Code:

<form name="campaign" method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="campaignSnippet" id="campaignSnippet" value="<campaign


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing String Data Out Into HTML Form?

Dec 10, 2010

The app is basically a small product catalog, depending on the choices made within the app I need to feed that data as a string into a text field in a html form that the app will redirect to when a submit button is pressedMy knowledge of AS3 is pretty limited and I'm learning it on the fly and I've really no idea how to accomplish this.Somebody said I should use the ExternalInterface function but I've really no idea how to do it and on reading the flash help file it seems that ExternalInterface communicates with the html page in which the .swf is located, whereas I need it to pass data to another html page and then load that page.

For instance say I have a html page called forms.html and that page has a textfield with the ID: FlashOutput and Label: Your Order, I have a string of data and a submit button that redirects to the URL form.html how do I pass my data string to the textfield within that html page?

Actionscript Code:
//---My Data---\var flashOut:String = new String();flashOut = "Product Code: ABC1234  Typeface: 3 FontColour: Silver YourInscription: Hello."//---My Submit Button---


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Professional :: How To Create A Submit Form?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm trying to create a submit form in flash that will post the form data to my php script. How do I make a button post

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Submit Button On Form

May 23, 2010

I'm trying to submit a form using a AS3.I have a button on my .swf which calls a javascript function in the header of the .html document.I've tested this with javascript alert, and it is working.But I can't seem to make it submit the form.The javascript call I wrote is: [code]

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Email Form - Add A Coupon After You Submit Your Info?

Oct 19, 2009

I created a email form and what I want to do is add a coupon after you submit your info.What I'm thinking is people fill out the form they hit the submit button info gets sent and then a page opens up with the coupon to download.

Attachments: (361.4 K)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Form Submit Button - How To Get ID From XML File

Mar 25, 2009

I have added following code on form submit button:
on (release) {
// send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
// to email PHP page which will send the mail

Another this is that I have to pass the id along with this url. But I am not getting how to get id from my XML file.
Structure of XML is as follows:
<ratings><video file="video1.flv">
<author>Bharati 1</author>
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clear Form Fields On Submit To PHP?

Jan 26, 2012

I've worked with as3 a little but this is my first time creating a form with as3. What I would like to happen with this form is the user enters all the proper info into all the fields. When the user presses the submit button. I want the user to recieve the sent message and I would also like the form feilds to clear(so the know that the data has been sent). The problem I've been having with this is I initially I had them clear on the submit button click... which was clearing all the data before it was posted to the php. So I'm trying it out with this if statement to see when the varSend.method == true; to perform the clearing of the fields. What I would like to know is, will this work as is? and if not what can i do to make it perform the way I want it too?

Here is the code:



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Submit Form - Sending Images To Server PHP

Aug 14, 2009

In my submit form I've got 5 images in UI components LOADERS. How to write the AS code to send the images to the server PHP.

This is my current AS code.
var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
sender.onRelease = function () {
senderLoad.thename = thename.text;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3 Pages Form Values To One Submit Button?

Apr 24, 2006

I have 3 pages of questions and comments. I want to be able to submit all these values on the last page to some php file then to my email.

When I try to do this, I only receive the 3rd page questions and comments to my email but the first 2 pages nothing

How can I carry these values so on the third page I can submit all values thru one php and then to my email.

This is what on my php


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Email Form - Connecting The Submit Button?

Jan 25, 2007

I am comfortable with PHP, so have done the server side code in PHP. but I can't seem to get the button on my form to trigger my code. I've studied many tutorials about this, but none of them are close enough to my own situation for me to make this work.Here is the PHP code from my file called, 'contact_process.php':

PHP Code:
<?php// Send the message$mailfrom="<$_POST[email]>";$email="";$subject="RJEN website -


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ActionScript 3.0 :: OnRelease Functions (Contact Form) Submit And Go To Next Frame

Jun 21, 2011

I have a problem with a contactform in flash. I have a working contact form made in flash , which I want to add a function to. When pressing the "submit button" it sends me an email. And the text "message sent appears. I would like to add a onreleaseandgotoandplay function which takes me to the frame 2. I have tried to place this function into the button, it works fine taking me to frame 2, but then it does not send me an email....

bSubmit.onRelease = function() {
} function email() {
var sMessage = "Name: " + tName.text + "
E-mail: " + tEmail.text + "
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Onrelease Functions (Contact Form) Submit And Then Go To Next Frame?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a problem with a contactform in flash. I have a working contact fom made in flash , which i want to add a function to.When pressing the "submit button" it sends me an email.And the text "message sent apears. I would like to add a onreleaseandgotoandplay function which takes me to the frame 2. i have tried to place this function into the button, it works fine taking me to frame 2, but then it does not send me an email.I guess the second function should be placed in the code below to work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put On A 'submit ' Button To Send The Page's Form To An Email Address?

Jan 15, 2003

what code do i need to put on a 'submit ' button to send the page's form to an email address??(if the page has got an input text box with the information in.)

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