Accessing Webservice Over Https?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a Flash movie written in Flash 8 with AS2 that is attempting to access a webservice on a server that is https.

I can't get the webserviceconnector to even load the WSDL file.
I have a crossdomain.xml file at the root of my http/https server that allows the domain the swf is being served from to get in and it has the secure attribute for that domain set to false, but it still can't get through.
Not sure what I am missing at this point.
I have a quick update. I figured that since my webserver is serving the secure site up under a different Website in IIS that I needed a crossdomain policy file at the home directory of the site. I have placed it there and when the movie loads I am using loadPolicyFile to get the crossdomain file which still loads into flash without issue but I still get a WebServiceFault when I try to load up the WSDL.

Can anyone point out a crossdomain example where a flash movie on an http domain is accessing a webservice on an https domain?

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When deployed to production (All HTTPS) an issue occurs when trying to access the WebService from the Flash movie.

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myWS = new WebService("https://mydomain/path/to/webservice")

As I watch the HTTP traffic in FireBug I can see the Flash movie making a POST request (passing along the SOAP data) as HTTP (not HTTPS as I would expect). This HTTP requests hits the firewall which forces a 302 Redirect to HTTPS. After this redirect occurs, Flash/Firefox re-sends the request to the HTTPS version of the URL, but as a GET request (thus losing all the SOAP data and making the call to the WebService invalid).

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Aug 2, 2011

I am developing a flex application with flex 4.1 sdk and java backend (runs on Glassfish 3.1 via http). For security reasons I decided to move my authentication process to https until a session id is obtained. Therefore I changed the filter settings to use ssl for login and logout pages(just two pages due to performance reasons. The data-size sent to client is large and I do not want to slow down the system). Glassfish forwarded these pages to 8181 port (which is HTTPS port). Everything is ok for the java part. However flex defines the 8181 port as a different domain and then problems arise. Due to flash's same-origin policy it cannot load the secured content. Normally a crossdomain.xml is the solution but I am accessing content of the same domain through a different port. What will be the solution ?

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var authHeader:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic " + credentials);
//add the header to request


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Flash - SWF Not Playing In IE Over Https?

Jan 18, 2012

I export a swf/html direct from flash, very simple. I upload it and it works fine in all browsers. If I change http to https in all browsers, no problems.

All browsers except IE - when I change http to https, I just get nothing - if I right click I get "Movie not loaded..." (greyed out) and the usual about flash player.

I've reinstalled my flash player, read loads of tips and tried loads of other hacks but nothing seems to work.

I am using IE 9 (for testing only)

<div id="flashContent">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="562" height="300" id="banner" align="middle">
<param name="movie" value="banner.swf" />


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"[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]"

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EDIT:Error message as provided from SWFUpload when in debug mode:

*SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadProgress (OPEN): File ID: SWFUpload_0_0 SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadError : IO Error : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0. IO Error: Error #2038
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadComplete : Upload cycle complete.*

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"Error #2048: Security sandbox violation:[URL] cannot load data from [URL]. I know that I'm missing the "www" subdomain on the gateway secure address but this is has another purpose for domain configuration. What's most weird is that even the Service Browser went completely wrong since it tries to open the gateway through the HTTP version of the address instead of the HTTPS one. Upon opening the browser I get a "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed" error. It also tells me that it's trying to connect to [URL] instead of [URL].

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What is curious is that it works properly for HTTP, so at a basic level all the things that are necessary to make anything work seem to be in place. I don't believe now that crossdomain.xml is an issue because 1) it worked fine without one with HTTP and 2) from tailing policyfiles.txt, calls are never made to the xml file in either scenario. The wrapper html file allows networking.

The error received is SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context.

Given that it works in HTTP, should this be as simple as adding the following:


where receiverLC is the localConnection object in the swf, to make this work for HTTPS?

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Data Integration :: LoadVars - SendAndLoad() Over Https?

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I am having problems with loadVars over https. What I am trying to do is sending credit card information from a flash store to a PHP-script on a server over https, and the PHP-script should return a reply. (So I am using the LoadVars sendAndLoad command). The problem is that the reply I get from the script is empty. If I try the same over http, it works fine.

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isn't that I can't get the XML data (the Pragma and Chach-Control header, when you get a "Error in loading data") because I can load a Excel file with html data. I get a Movie not loaded error instead, like if that IE can't load the swf file.I tested the application on another computer with https on IE and that didn't work, but it do work on regular http in IE.

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Weeks back I faced a wierd issue in the behaviour of flashplayer running on IE7 which is invoking parallel https calls. I have two SSL enabled servers one is listening on port 443 and the other is listening on port 8443 but both running in the same domain. I developed a flex client (using httpservice class) which sends parallel https requests to these two servers. When the number of parallel requests increases say more than 5 requests to each server, the fault handler was encountered with the error message:[code]After breaking my head for a long days, I got one solution which would work. This issue is happening only if we are sending https requests to different ports in the same domain. So rather than moving one among the two servers to a new domain, I got a new DNS name for the same destination. So presently I got two DNS names pointing to the same machine in which both the servers are mounted.Now that I am using a separate DNS name for the server listening on port 8443 and the old DNS name is used to hit the server listening on 443.

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Flash :: Why An Embedded Swf Won't Play On A Page Under Https

Dec 3, 2009

I have one swf banner which I want it into .aspx page. The website runs ok under http and the banner plays correctly. After we set the website to run under https, the banner stopped to load. I've tried to load this banner via http link from inside https running page. Nothing happened as well.

Example: Page: [URL]

Script inside:

<script src="" language="javascript"></script>


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Flex :: Switch From HTTP To HTTPS In Application?

Dec 21, 2009

I am building a FLEX web application that also has a payment module where the user needs to enter his credit card details.

The whole Flex application runs on HTTP. However, whenever the user lands on a page where we ask for credit card details, we want these details to be sent over HTTPS.In this page we need information from the model of the application, because it holds certain selection the user did, the state the application is in, etc.

Do I need to make this page a Module that runs on HTTPS?

Or can I just configure the specific 'credit card' services (we have a JAVA back end) so that these run on HTTPS?

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Flex :: Inspect HTTPS Traffic From SWF Files?

Feb 8, 2010

Is there a way to inspect HTTPS traffic from Flex applications compiled to SWF files?I'm trying to use Fiddler for this, have added DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot to my Trusted RootCertification Authorities so my IE now can access other HTML sites that would normally complain about untrusted certificate. However, the HTTPS traffic from the SWF file still doesn't appear in Fiddler and, in fact, the Flex app wouldn't work (HTTPS with a self-signed certificate is not supported by Flex apps I believe). Is there a way around it?Update: To be clear, I am interested in the traffic between the SWF file running under Flash Player and the server (typically, Flex components like HTTPService will be used for this). The SWF file itself can be served via HTTP or HTTPS, it doesn't really matter.Clarification 2: Don't assume that the source code is available for the SWF file. If it was, Flash Builder 4's Network Monitor could be used.

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Https Link In Flash Banner Not Working?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a flash banner and i am using AS 2.0. The code embedded in the flash banner works with any url other that the one i am trying to embed.Here is the code i am using:

on (press)

Somehow flash does not like https links. It works fine with other links.

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Flash - SWFUpload Using Https Does Not Work In Firefox

Mar 10, 2011

SWFUpload I am using SWFUpload to upload files to a database (Windows XP) over https. Everything works as expected in IE (7 and 8), but using my Firefox 3.3.15 it fails without error message. Using the upload mechanism using http works fine!I found this thread using google. They describe that installing the CAs certificate as trusted issuer would help. Unfortunatly it did not (it was a certificate issued by a CaCert authority).

It works on the machine of my colleague who uses Firefox 3.3.15, but he cannot recall that he did anything special to make it work. I had a look at other machines using Firefox and none of them were able to upload a file to the database.I red that SWFUpload uses flash and that flash might use other certificates than Firefox itself. Does anyone know anything about it?

EDIT: This is the javascript code for the object creation:

// Create the SWFUpload Object
var swfupload_object = new SWFUpload({
upload_url: "[% cgi_path %]/",
file_post_name: 'upload_file',


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Flex :: How To Configure BlazeDS To Work Over HTTPS

Oct 5, 2011

I'm trying to configure BlazeDS to work over HTTPS. We've got Apache in the front that is set to redirect all http traffic to https. Apache then communicates with the application (a JBoss AS 5.1) via http. I've tried a lot of configurations for BlazeDS, and finally the following solution worked for me:

<service-include file-path="remoting-config.xml" />
<service-include file-path="messaging-config.xml" />
[Code] .....

The thing here is that in my-secure-amf channel, I use mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel in the channel-definition, and flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint (not flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureAMFEndpoint). This has probably something with the Apache-Jboss setup to do, but I haven't found anything that explains what the different tags actually define. To get some sense in all of this, what happens when defining channels and endpoint, using different urls and classes?

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Actionscript 3 :: HTTPS Vs HTTP Requests From Flash

Oct 16, 2011

I am finding that if I load Flash from a HTTPS page [URL] and try to make a request within ActionScript 3 to [URL] the request does not go through. Same goes for the opposite (accessing https from a http-loaded flash script).

The request is failing, the requested data (passed from a PHP script) is not loading.

Now at first I assumed the trouble was with cross-domain policy files, but I have fixed that issue (I think).

Is there any security policy in Flash (CS5 btw) on HTTP vs HTTPS requests based on where the script is loaded from?

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Flash :: Https For Secure Data Transfer Between Php?

Dec 13, 2011

I need to transfer data from a flash application running in a browser to a server running php. If I use an https connection will that be enough to ensure that the data sent from flash to the server is encrypted and sensitive data can't be sniffed, or do I need to do encryption in my flash application itself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send And Receive Variables With HTTPS?

Feb 13, 2009

I am using as3 for some time now, but i have never tried to communicate with a server. I have to send some values to a server and also receive some values using HTTPS.I found some stuff about HTTP, i havn't tried them yet. I hope this is not too difficult because it has to be figured out by Monday.

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