ActionScript 1/2 :: Controlling Appearance Of Dynamic Text

Feb 11, 2010

Is it possible to stretch the font of dynamic text or make it more bold using actionscript2?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication - Controlling The Appearance Of A Radio Button After It's Selected

Feb 13, 2012

I've got a relatively simple problem with controlling the appearance of a radio button after it's selected. I'm using Flash CS5.5 and AS2. I've got a radio button set up as a two-frame mc, the first frame labeled "on", the second "off". When put on the stage with this code on it, it functions properly:

onClipEvent (load) {
answer = false;

Whenever I add additional code to the radio button mc (in this instance, telling an invisible mc in the same frame to gotoAndStop (2)), the radio button stops changing appearance. I've been using the syntax

on (press) {
tellTarget ("_root.OtherMC.OtherMC_2") {
gotoAndStop (2);

View 7 Replies

Dynamic Text Loaded From .txt Controlling Movie Clip?

Aug 26, 2009

Basically when loading dynamic text... the .txt will have a simple yes or no inside of it... nothing more nothing less.I've been trying all morning to get a movie clip to begin playing if the value is "yes", and to NOT play if the value is "no"

Basically i have a movie clip on the main time line named WHM. and im loading a dynamic text file into a dynamic text field named player1whm.

I want to be able to change the text file to yes or no on a whim, and if the value is equal to yes... i want the movie clip to begin playing as soon as it loads that value into the box. If it says no then i want that movie clip to continue doing nothing.I have already been successful at getting yes or no to load into the dynamic text box... i just cant seem to get it to control the movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Movieclip With Value In Dynamic Text Field

Jan 29, 2009

I have a movieclip called and this movieclip has only two frames, on the first one the arrow points up and I have a stop(); action on this so it does not jump to the next frame which has the arrow pointing down and this frame also has a stop(); action on it.Then I have a dynamic text field with an instance name of tiderise which is calling a variable from a seperate .txt file called tiderise.txt and the variable is &rise= . Now I have programmed the .txt file to only supply two variables either "up" or "down" and these change periodically during the day. (I am actually making an animated tide chart if you haven't guessed already)

What I want is to get some coding that will control the movieclip between frame 1 and frame 2 depending on the value in the dynamic text field with an instance name of "tiderise" that can only return the value's of "up" or "down".I have spent already about 2 hours trying to figure this out with no luck, I only seem to be able to control other dynamic text fields with values from another dynamic text field, but cannot seem to get this to work on a movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling PAN - Passing The Value Of The Dynamic Text Field With A VARIABLE Name

Oct 23, 2004

The following code, when attached to the MC panTracker_mc works as desired, passing the value of the dynamic text field with a VARIABLE name of s1Pan to s1 sound object, thus controlling the pan.


View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling A Movie From Hyperlinks In A Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 19, 2004

If I have a dynamic text box with hyperlinks in it, how do I control movie objects through them? I mean is it some kinda code that I'll have to add in the <a></a> tags or some other cool s h i t?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Organized Text Blocks - Text Appearance On Screen

Aug 12, 2011

I have a problem regarding text appearence on screen. I have few TFL dynamic text fields in CS5.5 that update each time according to users choises (a dictionary, in hebrew if it matters). As a text field I can't break lines or organize the text in paragraphs or any other way, the corrent situation is a text block that is not pleasent to read, it's need to be organized (it's for children so it has to be as clear as possible).


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Editing Text Appearance In A TextArea Component?

Nov 30, 2009

I am just starting to use the TextArea component in Flash CS3. How do I change the font size, style, and color of the text within the textarea? Can I also change the textarea background color from white to something else?

View 3 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Keyboard Controlling A Dynamic Mc?

Jun 17, 2010

dynamically loading in a swf into another flash file, and I'm wanting the user to be able to either advance to the next frame(of the dynamic swf) with the right arrow key, or go to the previous frame with the left arrow key.  If I have to I can create a couple of arrows as a generic interface but I am not sure now to code those either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Dynamic MCs With XML Data?

May 16, 2010

I'm pretty new to AS3 but have a project with a very tight turnaround here, having been lumbered with it after a guy from work got taken ill. The basic idea is a visualisation of an XML feed, using the data pulled in to control the behaviour of movieclips. So far I have this;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Dynamic Created MC's

Aug 27, 2006

The menu items are created dynamic out of empty movieclips and have the name movie + x. Now I'm trying to create a method that resets al the other movieclips to their original size and colour when one is pressed. The first problem is to adress the other ones. Even if I try to put the following in the script: movie[x]._alpha = 0; nothing happens..

for (x=1; x<=11; x++) {
eval("movie" + x).onRelease = function() {
var my_strNr:String = this._name


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Dynamic Creations?

May 15, 2007

I have this code:

for (i =0; i < txB_NumberOf; i++){
var TextNames:Array = new Array;
TextNames[i] = "text_txt" + i
_root.createTextField(TextNames[i], i, 0, 0, 300, 100);
text_txt1.text = "test text;

The code creates a number of text fields based on the number in the variable "txB_NumberOf" each text box gets named text_txt0, text_txt1, text_txt2, text_txt3 etc by storing the names in an array called TextNames and using it as the name field in the createTextField part.

The bit in bold I want to be the name of the newly created Textfield each time through the loop. So instead of just one text box having "test text" in it each textbox gets it.I read somewhere that ... this[TextNames[i]].text = "test text" would work but it doesn't. I've tried everything else I could think of without any luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Multiple Dynamic Movieclips

Sep 25, 2009

I need to dynamically attach a movieclip from a library and then make it move across the screen.This is quite easy for one movieclip instance, but what I need is to have movieclips spawn at regular intervals then move accross the screen.[code]My question is, how do I continuously attach movieclips without making so many variables? Is my method of attaching even alright for this purpose?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Main Timeline From Dynamic .swf?

Aug 12, 2008

I have a main.swf which plays, then stops, loads a dynamic .swf... And what I want is, from either the dynamic .swf or the main one, when the dynamic .swf is finished, the main .swf will continue/play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Controlling Dynamic MCs With XML Data

May 15, 2010

I'm pretty new to AS3 but have a project with a very tight turnaround here, having been lumbered with it after a guy from work got taken ill. The basic idea is a visualisation of an XML feed, using the data pulled in to control the behaviour of movieclips. So far I have this;


it isnt too hard to see what I'm trying to do. The above code plops 5 movieclips on the stage, their size dictated by the 'tlength' value, and the next step is to get them moving. Ultimately I'd like these MCs to shift out from the centre of the screen and vary in size and distance depending on the data that is applied to them, but running the current code throws this error; TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter listener must be non-null.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paragraphs Spacing - Line Space Flash Creates When A Dynamic Text Is Loaded In A Dynamic Text Field

Jun 8, 2009

i have a problem with the line space flash creates when a dynamic text is loaded in a dynamic text field on the stage i put a dynamic textFild with istance name "profile_text". then im loadin in it a text. my text is written in the Notepad like this


i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Oriented Programming - Add Text From String To Dynamic Text Field When Click Dynamic Buttons

Oct 14, 2011

All I want to do is add text from my string to dynamic text field when I click dynamic buttons. What should the as code be for this? Here is my code. Right now I just have the click returning another shape.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Depth And Scale In Dynamic Constructs

Jan 26, 2009

I'm just starting to program in AS3 and use it in frames on the main timeline vs OOP. Can you point me at some reference that would cover:-

1) If it is possible to scale a dynamically constructed object over a few frames in the time-line. I draw an object/shape on frame 10 and scale it up from frame 10 to frame 20, for example.

2) If I can control the depth of the dynamically constructed object. I draw an object on frame 10 and on frames 11 through 20 I have some line already drawn on another layer that I want to appear above or below the dynamically drawn shape. I can easily do both of these in AS1 but don't seem to see similar constructs in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling A Component Within A Dynamic Movie Clip?

Jul 26, 2010

i have an flvplayback component within a dynamically-created accordion pane. when the user hovers over a new accordion tab and opens a new pane in the accordion, i want to stop the video in the first pane. how can i reference the video player?

here's the code on the root timeline:
function _open(ev:AccordingEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Letter Spacing Dynamic TextField?

Dec 31, 2009

I can't seem to control my letter spacing (kerning) in my dynamic text field. I gave the field an instance name of about_txt and I loaded the text from a text document. The text shows up fine but it is all bunched together. Here is my code:

var about_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("about_txt.txt");
var about_1dr:URLLoader = new URLLoader(about_req);
about_1dr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
about_txt.text =;
}var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
fmt.letterSpacing = 10

No matter what value I put in for letterSpacing nothing seems to happen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keep Dynamic Buttons Down When Controlling Image Gallery?

Jan 7, 2010

I have dynamically loaded buttons (thumb) and images (galImage) going to container_mc and full_mc containers respectively. I can't get the buttons to stay down when pressed using MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP. When I use CLICK instead, they all stay pressed. [code]...

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Image Gallery - Controlling Alpha Effect For Dynamic Images

Nov 4, 2006

Below is the code for dynamic image gallery from XML.

We have an alpha effect to the image animation when the image is loading. The affect is working fine (fade in).

But, when the next image is loading, we want fade out alpha affect to the current image before the next image loads.

delay = 6000;
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Font Color, Font Size And Other Characteristics Of A Text Loaded Into A Text Field From An XML File

Jul 9, 2009

While creating one photo gallery I am facing one problem in controlling the Font Color, Font Size and other characteristics of a text loaded into a text field from an XML File. The name of the text field in question is �my_txt� it loads the title from the xml file attached herewith. how I can control the behavior of the text loaded in that text field.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Text: Controlling The MC?

Mar 25, 2009

I am loading text from an XML file into dynamically created MCs. How do I target those MCs so that I can change where they are, their alpha, etc.? For example, I want them to have zero alpha until the image from the XML node they're in is loaded, then make them visible.


PHP Code:



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Xml :: Get Last Appearance Of A Node?

Apr 1, 2012


<crazyNode>Data to be overwrited</crazyNode>
<simpleNode>Normal data</simpleNode>
<crazyNode>Actual data</crazyNode>[code]......

I want to get the last crazyNode (the one which contains Actual data).I know how to access the first node, for example:


And I guess a solution would be

nodeList.crazyNode[nodeList.crazyNode.length() - 1]

But for some reason I don't like doing that, too verbose and maybe there's a method more elegant.

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Initial Appearance Of FLVPlayback?

May 29, 2009

I'm using FLVPlayback to display a flv in a swf embedded in html. Autoplay = false, wmode = transparent / windowless. I've got it working (not yet set up the way I'd like, but that's another issue), but the way the flv displays when the page loads is a problem. The controls skin is clearly visible, but the movie frame displays as a white box on a white page, barely visible except for a faint outline.
I guess the white screen simply represents the first frame of the flv. Ideally I'd like to see either a black box or the first frame with meaningful content. Is there any way (say with ActionScript) to advance and stop the flv to a particular frame? Or is there some other way to not see a white box here?
See attached screen grab detail. If it helps, here's my html.


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Professional :: Controlling Navigation Using Text Links?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm creating a project that is going to be quite text heavy. I'm putting the text into external text files (HTML formatted), so I can change to text without affecting the rest of my project.The problem is I want to have text link (i.e different colored and underlines words) in the text that takes you to other parts of the resource (similar to a hyperlink in a web site). I want the text links to move the movie to a different area of the timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Data And Controlling The Text Format?

Nov 6, 2008

I can't comprehend the following text formatting issues

- i have a .xml with the following nodes for text content

<page pageID = "page1" gotoURL="/page1/title1" subMenuNumber="1">
<pageTitle>Here our title</pageTitle>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Appearance For The Same Font Style?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a static text with Arial font style and looks on screen as normal, and  I have many dynamic text fields with their text  font is set to Arial by AS3.the code is here:

var myformat3:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 12);
The appearance of text is clearly different when I compare static text with dynamic ones. Why it is so?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [AS3] : Appearance Of Unwanted Frames?

Sep 10, 2011

I using Flash CS 5.5 and coding in as3.. The problem i'm facing is that sometimes an extra second frame appears in the timeline which disturbs the functioning of the flash application i work on.I place my movie clips and code on first frames of the layers but due to some problem an extra frame appears in all the layers which disturbs everything..On removing those unwanted frames everything reverts back to normal..

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