ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Data From Asp Page?

Jun 15, 2009

I need to get data from my asp page (example.asp) into flash. This url gets me exactly what I need:
But that works only for the childnode with number ID (NID) 396. How do I format my actionscript to get this page by using the NID which changes depending on the button selected in Flash.

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Flash :: Data Integration - Post Data (values) To Aspx Page

May 26, 2006

I have form in flash with input text fields with Var field set to t2_2 t3_2 t4_2... what i want to do when user enter values and press buton it should post data(values) to aspx page - how can i do that ? i saw what i did


then i can access t2_2 value on aspx page, so what shoul i put before getURL so it will set values from texboxes

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Data Integration :: Loading Data From Php Page Into StartLoading();

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Loading data from the test.php into the startLoading();

How do I load the data from test.php "echo $photo_out;" into the startLoading();

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infoField._visible = true;


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i'm trying to build a flash site and ran into a problem... i have a gallery page with a bunch of page numbers at the top. when you click on one, a movieclip loads of some images coming the problem i'm having is that i made a little animation for when you roll the mouse over the page number (they scale up when the mouse is over, scale back when the cursor moves away)... what it's doing is when you roll over, it goes to a certain frame in the timeline and plays that animation.that's all working cool, but i need it to not do that once it's clicked on. so basically when you actually click on a page number, the over script should stop until you go to another page... here's the code i've written,

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Flash :: Send Xml Data To Php Page?

Mar 24, 2011

I want to send xml data to php page

my xml in flash is that for examle:

<level id="1" mark="10"><page id="12">HI..</page></level>

i send it,but at the URL i see this:

../inex.php?xml=<level id=1 mark=10><page id=12>HI..</page></level>

without double qout....!!!!

so i can't read this xml with simplexml_load_file() function in php

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I am trying to carry the label of the selected radio button to a dynamic text field on another page(frame).

I have tried this

function onClick(btn) {
if (btn == submit_btn) {


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var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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ActionScript Code:
//submit button
function cartsubmit(e:Event):void {


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Nov 7, 2009

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Aug 2, 2009

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.xml.*;


and i need the C# code that is written in the Ap.Net page to extract the XML data (SQL statements) and execute the SQL statements on SQLserver2005 and return the result to the actionscript3

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Data Integration :: Reset A Variable From Flash In The Parent Php Page

Jun 5, 2006

I know how to pass vars from php to flash and from flash to a "new" php page but here is my question.

I have a php page (page1.php) with some HTML and a php variable called $number. page1.php also has an embedded test.swf movie. While working with the test.swf movie, I want to send data back to the $number var on the page1.php without reloading the page1.php because then it would reload the test.swf movie.

I have been able to use javascript to change background colors on page1.php from within the test.swf movie but cannot figure out how to set a php variable from within the test.swf movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Specific Data From HTML Page To Flash?

Jan 14, 2012

The specific webpage is this [url]... the user select a week and the app reads the "Date" colum and uses the numbers in the same line in a calc... But when i Import this webpage it displays all the text in the webpage... how can i solve this? Can i specify wich data to use?

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Web Development :: Page Through Large Amounts Of Historical Data Via A Web Application?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a web application that functions as a dashboard, allowing a user to see summaries of historical data to view trends, etc. As an extension to this, I want to allow the user to drill-down into the historical data if they so wish.What this will amount to is a table of time-value pairs, showing the time a particular data point was recorded as well as its associated value. The issue is that there could be a very large amount of data on record (millions of points is entirely possible), which means it wouldn't work to load all the data up front and display it to the user.

So far, my best idea is to implement the table of time-value pairs with "infinite scrolling" - i.e. the first x points are loaded and then as the user scrolls down the next x points are fetched and so on until the user reaches the end of the data (with a fixed-size cache of points, so that I don't run out of memory). The issue with this approach, though, is that there's no way to get to the end of the data without first fetching every point in between.

Another option would be to have a navigation interface with forward and back buttons, as well as some sort of date chooser so the user can quickly navigate to any data point they wish. This solves the problem of the first idea, but this navigation interface is far more clunky and less intuitive.My question is: is there some happy medium? A UI where it's clean and easy to navigate through the data but at the same time provide some method of jumping to a specific point in time?

Edits based on comments below:The development environment is flex and the database is SQL Anywhere, though the back-end logistics are less important to me than a clean, functional UI.

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Php :: Taking Data From Only One Print Function In A Php Page And Passing To Flash?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm trying to take a variable from a php page and send it to flash to then use in a link.I'm having problems just selecting ONE variable from the print function, the code will help explain:

PHP page


It collects all the data fine but it does not print it out correctly, it prints out all the variables in the php in one link. For example: If i click the facebook icon, i will be taken to http:[url].... This also happens with the other icons (Youtube and Twitter).

View 2 Replies :: Xcelsius XML Data Connection Using .aspx Page Error #2032

Mar 21, 2012

Because of my version of Xcelsius I'm limited to 2 web service connections so I tried using XML Data connection and aspx page to bring data from database to Xcelsius.I have an ASPX page that outputs an xml file with the format

<data><variable name=""><row><column></column>...</row></variable>...</data>

In Xcelsius I made a XML Data connection having the XML URL pointing to the .aspx page that should output an xml. Then I have the Enable Load checked and I have selected the proper # of cells and rows . If I try preview I get

"An error has occurred. For more information, contact the file creator or yoursystem administrator. Error: Error #2032 Connection Type: XML Data".

I have the crossdomain.xml file on both the application folder and IIS wwwroot folder that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM " policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" />


If I put in the XML URL in Xcelsius, the url to the xml file directly without using .aspx to write it to the output of the page it works. The xml is in the same application folder as .aspx page.My scope is to use the .aspx page to write query on the database and output back an xml with the table in the correct xml format so I can then consume the data in Xcelsius.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pull Data From Myspace Page (show Dates)

Apr 16, 2009

I am trying to find a way, if any,to pull show information from their myspace page to show in my flash app.Want to do this using php,but other than that not sure where to begin.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve Xml Data In Aspx Page After Sending It Using URLLoader.load

Jul 23, 2009

How to retrieve xml data in an aspx page after sending it using URLLoader.load

This is the flash code i am using:
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; //tried by giving VARIABLES also urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete);
urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);

I were able to accept data in above statement when i send a string in var1 say "test". But on sending xml above error is getting.I have tried to load the xml data in XMLDocument also.
In AS20 i used sendAndLoad method to send and reterive xml data. 

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Data Integration :: Handling Image Events In Main HTML Page

Apr 24, 2007

I have just established a menu based-image in flash in the main html page. Also I do have a second page has details on each option of the menu of the main page. I am trying to whenever I click on any option of the menu in the main page; this should take me to the specific section in the second page describing this option.

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Flex :: Mobile - Move To The Next Data In List.selectedItem When Moving To Next Page?

Sep 14, 2011

When I move page01 to page02, I pass the same data along with it using the following code:navigator.pushView(Page02, data);How do I move to page02 with passing the next row of data (instead of the same data)? In other word, how to increment to the next row of data with pushView?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Save Data To Server When User Navigates New Page?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a Flash AS 3.0 swf-based browser game. It's hosted on my site and communicates with a MySQL database via PHP using Flash's URLVariables. Everything works fine. The problem is, I want to be able to save the player's game after he leaves the webpage or closes his browser. How is this usually handled?

Is there a reliable event that fires when a swf is terminated? Is so, what is it? If not, what's the solution? Should I simply save the player's data every x seconds? That seems like it will bog down my server. I could have 10,000 people playing and I don't want to save each of their games every x seconds.

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