ActionScript 1/2 :: Setting Multiple Depths Correctly On Movie Clips?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a splash page for a site I have built and it is 7 hexagons in a group like part of a bee hive.When I mouse over on it grows (tweens)and will ultimatley show some content when finally completed.on mouse out it shrinks back to normal size.what I want to achieve is that when mouse over the depth of that mc instance is on top and all the others a in the for that part I can't seem to get right...

if I have mouse out from another of the 7 clips to mouse over another I want the mouse over tween of the new hex square to be on top and the mouse out tween of the prevous hex square to be below the new mc Instance that I have just mouse over and all the rest of the hex squares to be at a depth below the the hex square I have just mouse out from...This is the code I have on the buttons

on (press, rollOver, dragOver) {
this.swapDepths(100); // set this instance to top depth_root.x.swapDepths(50); // set mouse out instance below top[code]............

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Swap Depths For Multiple Movie Clips At The Same Time?

Aug 18, 2005

is it possible to swap depths for multiple movie clips at the same time? how about swapping for negative depths? or will that kind of thing lead me into probs later?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Depths Of Movie Clips

Jun 9, 2011

I'm having trouble managing the depths of my movie clips.I've got a startDrag() function and a stopDrag() function. Whenever I rollover another MC, I want the depth of that object to change to 1+ the object it rolled over.(I apologize if my English is poor)This is as far as I got, but cIndex returns the depth of the object that is currently being dragged; not the object it's hovering over... Is there a way to get that depth?[code]

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I'm having trouble managing the depths of my movie clips. I've got a startDrag() function and a stopDrag() function. Whenever I rollover another MC, I want the depth of that object to change to 1+ the object it rolled over.(I apologize if my English is poor) Can anyone give me a nudge in the right direction? EDIT: This is as far as I got, but cIndex returns the depth of the object that is currently being dragged; not the object it's hovering over... Is there a way to get that depth?


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Multiple Movie Clips On Stage - Buttons Not Working In Movie Clips?

Jul 15, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up Parent Movie Clips?

Jun 25, 2009

I have my flash website set up with the following structure:

Scene 1:
- Menu buttons located in Scene 1 -> navigation_mc
- Page 1 (Company page) located in Scene 1 -> companypage_mc
- Page 2 (Portfolio) located in Scene 1 -> portfoliopage_mc
- etc... a total of 4 pages.

As you can see, I have each function of the website in its own layer and movie clip, so my question is how do I access a movie clip outside of the current movie clip?

I want my company_btn (company button) in navigation_mc to navigate back outside to scene 1 and proceed to play the contents of companypage_mc. companypage_mc is visible = false, and I would like to make its visibility true and start its tweens from frame 1.

Inside navigation_mc:

company_btn -> On Click, go to scene 1 and play frame 1 of companypage_mc, making visibility = true.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop - Flash 8 Duplicating Movie Clips And Setting 3 Nodes From XML

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I am trying to have "bMC" load into and repeater for however many XML props there are. within "bMC" are two MC's that on click would open window or grab file and One Text field which would load in caption. For some reason the "bMC" isnt even loading at all. Attached is the .Fla

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attached Clip In Between Depths Of Other Clips

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating 'reflection' Of A Movie Clip By Dragging Multiple Movie Clips

Apr 5, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Multiple Movie Clips Inside Another Movie Clip?

Mar 11, 2010

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i shot from the hip and tried this code, but didnt have any luck:
mc_LCD_loader.attachMovie("hilight", "g", 1), ("header", "X", 1); mc_LCD_loader.g._x = 0; mc_LCD_loader.g._y = 1000;
mc_LCD_loader.X._x = 0; mc_LCD_loader.X._y = 1000;


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Flash :: Created Multiple Movie Clips And Then A Single Big Movie?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm having some trouble following this (link) tutorial. I'm new to flash, so please bear with me.

In step 1 of this tutorial, we have created multiple movie clips and then a single big movie clip(including all the movie clips).

In step 4, I'm not able to access the properties of the clips we created earlier by using the following code, like in the tutorial.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Switching Depths Between Multiple MC?

Dec 12, 2009

I'm making a website for my business. I want this site to run similar to an OS UI. The first issue I've run into is swapping between "window" MC depths. I'm not quite sure if its just that I need to add a mathematical variable to each one every time it is clicked or how to getDepth of the highest "window" MC in order to put the desired "window" MC above it.

You can download the .fla file <a href="">here</a>.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Hiding Multiple Movie Clips

Feb 16, 2009

Is there a better way hiding mutiple mc's than this?

button1.onPress = function(){
first_mc._visible = false;
second_mc._visible = false;
third_mc._visible = false;

What I think I want to do is make an array of the movie clips and apply the function to that array?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Multiple Movie Clips?

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while (i<7) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Using Multiple Movie Clips?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm working on a project where in I've found it necessary to mask a background object with MULTIPLE Sprites. I've tried doing this two ways: making one "parent" sprite to which all of the other masks are childed; adding them as individual masks.

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Is there any way to use the composite strategy? Or is there a way I can copy over all of my sprites and draw them directly into one new sprite on every frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloder For Multiple Movie Clips?

Nov 5, 2008

I'm building a website where i have 9 thumbnails on the maintime lineWhat i want to achieve is to press on the thumbnail whichwill redirect to a movie clip each time fairly big in size and have apreloader for each thumb. Load the content before it enters thefirst frame of each movie clip since the content is fairly big insize.(3d animation)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Movie Clips?

Oct 28, 2008

how to load multiple movie clips on the stage? My ActionScript 3 are as below:

I declared a movie clip - "mcPhotoFrame" (i.e. an instance of "mcPhoto" movie clip) and would like to load all the pictures on the stage but after finished loading, only the last photo shows on the stage.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Multiple Movie Clips In Variable?

Aug 31, 2010

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Jan 24, 2011

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So, how do you reset multiple movieclips?

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Combine Multiple Movie Clips On Different Layers

Oct 2, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Multiple Movie Clips In ScrollPane?

Jan 20, 2011

I am loading multiple movie clips into a scrollpaneContainer mc and setting the source of my scrollpane to be the scrollpaneContainer.

Problem is the height of the scrollpaneContainer is larger than 2880 pixels (mc height limit).

I can split the movieclips into two scrollpaneContainer clips but I am unsure how to set the source of the scrollpane to be two different movie clips at the same time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Print Multiple Movie Clips

Feb 11, 2009

How can we print only few movie clips out of 100s at the same frame and How can we change the page orientation for printing..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Multiple Movie Clips?

Sep 30, 2010

Trying to remove three movie clips from a game screen when advancing to the next stage, but the movie clips stay. I've been using removeChild (MovieClip) but its not working for all movie clips on the screen. this is my first time using flash.Heres the code I've got so far:



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Coordinate Multiple Movie Clips?

Jan 25, 2004

I want to make it so when I release one of my menu buttons AS does the follow: on(Release) If Movieclip1 is on frame 2, the movieclip1 go to and play frame 3

If Movieclip1 is on frame 2, the movieclip1 go to and play frame 3

Really the only problem I am having with this is i don't know if i can say multiple if then statment on one trigger and I also dont know how to say "is on frame..." properly in an if then statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Multiple Movie Clips At Once?

Jun 29, 2006

how to target multiple movie clips at once so that if my tank bumps into a specific set of movie clips, it will change my move var to false without having to put a hittest on each individual movie clip and without having to list out all their names? I don't want to list fifty different instance names for all the hittests.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Multiple Movie Clips?

Jul 11, 2003

I am going to use the removeMovieClip("SomeMovie"); command. Is it possible to close multiple movie clips using only one of "removeMovieClip"? For example, i want to close movie1, movie2, and movie3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering Multiple Movie Clips?

Jan 16, 2008

I'm working on a dynamicly resizable photo gallery...I've got all the pics loaded into thumb MCs, and everything is working...except I don't know what the best way to center the objects is.The closest I got was putting one MC in the center and putting one MC on one side, then the other and so on. However, this doesn't work for odd numbers of clips...what do I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Coordinate Multiple Movie Clips

Jan 25, 2004

I want to make it so when I release one of my menu buttons AS does the follow:on(Release) If Movieclip1 is on frame 2, the movieclip1 go to and play frame 3If Movieclip1 is on frame 2, the movieclip1 go to and play frame 3Really the only problem I am having with this is i don't know if i can say multiple if then statment on one trigger and I also dont know how to say "is on frame..." properly in an if then statement

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Created Multiple Movie Clips?

Feb 6, 2009

Trying to add a set of movie clips to the stage in a loop. I need to be able to reference them on a mouseDown function - but the projHolder var in the mouse event is coming up undefined. Any ideas how to accomplish something like this?

for (var i=0; i <intWorkCount; i++) {
var projHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); = 'projHolder' + (i);


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