I have created a working flash file virtual_cube.swf in which I use Stage.align for panning. When virtual_cube is loaded from another swf (whhich I have no control over) the use of Stage uses the loader swf.I know _lockroot is nice for when using _root, is there something similar for Stage? like _lockStage?
I have a stage bigger than the size of a browser, and I have a camera to navigate around the area.Now when I click on a button, I will have something pop up blocking the whole browser, like a lightbox effect with another box on top of the blocker.The problem now is, when the blocker pops up, its position is not on the TOP LEFT corner of the browser. I've tried stage.align, but it would makes the camera or other object on stage position run.So is there any other way I could get the blocker to position according to the browser, not the stage?[code]
I have a full screen movieclip, in which there are 5/6 buttons that can be draggable around the stage.Now, when i click on a button, a series of images appear at the side of it.What i want to do is to zoom in and center the stage on the photo if i click on it (something that you can see here: ml under the "projets" button, try and click one photo).It may seem tricky since you can actually drag and move the buttons, but logically it is not since i can retrieve the button position (and i place the photos inside it, so the distance between the button._x and the photo._x is in some way retrievable).
Anyway what i'm finding really tricky is the method to zoom and move the stage camera in order to center the photo.i thought of using the transition tweens on the _root in order to change the _xscale and _yscale to zoom, and the _x and _y to move itBut from here i have two problems: how can i determine the right amount of zoom if the stage is in full screen (so with all resolutions possible), and how much the _x and _y properties change after the zoom is done (because it seems to me that after changing the _xscale and _yscale of the _root, it changes the _x and _y values in it, in a way in which i have to add even 2000 pixels in order to center it)
I will be having probably hundreds of objects on the stage, which would be very big, at least 4000x4000px. I wanted a way of panning around, either with the mouse or with buttons. I basically want it to work like Googlemaps does. It can't be a single image as everything on the stage is moving and dynamic, coming from an SQL database. Flash was the only way I could think of to bring a graphical map alive from SQL data.
I have a full screen movieclip, in which there are 5/6 buttons that can be draggable around the stage.Now, when i click on a button, a series of images appear at the side of it.What i want to do is to zoom in and center the stage on the photo if i click on it (something that you can see here: http:[url]....... under the "projets" button, try and click one photo).
It may seem tricky since you can actually drag and move the buttons, but logically it is not since i can retrieve the button position (and i place the photos inside it, so the distance between the button._x and the photo._x is in some way retrievable).Anyway what i'm finding really tricky is the method to zoom and move the stage camera in order to center the photo.i thought of using the transition tweens on the _root in order to change the _xscale and _yscale to zoom, and the _x and _y to move it.
But from here i have two problems: how can i determine the right amount of zoom if the stage is in full screen (so with all resolutions possible), and how much the _x and _y properties change after the zoom is done (because it seems to me that after changing the _xscale and _yscale of the _root, it changes the _x and _y values in it, in a way in which i have to add even 2000 pixels in order to center it
Got movieClip with images(jpgs) inside (dozen of imgs) -about even 3000-4000px width and panning it seems to be little choppy. Is there any way to make it smoother? I encountered the problem far far ago, yet in as2, now on as3 I try to figure out how to avoid that 'jumping style' behaviour. Tried with (stage.framerate = someHigherVal than 30) but no effect. I saw many smooth panning galleries around the web, so it definitely is my wrong approach to the issue.
About functionality: it's a simple stuff of course - pressing nextBtn or prevBtn shifts movieClip left or right for some x value. I can see about 5-8 pictures on the stage at once. Rest of them are outside of stage, but order is set before, so they are not rendered(are outside the stage) but have their proper x value. So they are ordered in this movieClip.
I have a pure code Actionscript 3 project in flash builder 4 and I want to align the stage. For now I have a sprite that I have set the x property to 10, but the sprites are in the middle of the screen. How to set these kind of properties in code? I suppose it's the stage object that needs to be set in some way.
Ive got my flash movie set to 100% width & height, while the stage is set to no scale. Is it possible for me to align an mc to the bottom regardless their window size?
Just to clarify if firefox is larger than the stage, can i align this mc ( like a footer ) to the bottom of the ussers screen.
when my flash movie in full screen status i want to align stage center. (Vertically and horizontally) from this code i able to align stage horizontally center.
ActionScript Code: Stage.align = "T";
but its not vertically align middle. its only aligned to top (Vertically) what is code/ property i should use to make it vertically middle.?
I want to align objects to the stage, so that after the browser window is resized, the objects/MC's are still in the same places (top middle, right middle and so on...).[code]But this has to be loaded from an external .as file as far as i'm aware.I need the above code to work on frame one of the flash file. How can this be done? i'm sure it's something easy like replacing the "public" parts of the code... Also does the obj part of the code refer to the MC name?
i want to show more than One image On stage Using Loader class and withOut Xml ..for these purpose i written code below but i suffer with Align these image .......in my stage i can view only single Image.
Code----------- public class mydoc extends MovieClip {
if i have some mc objects on stage and they align lets say to the top side and bottom of the screen then if resized smaller than stageWidth 800 and stageHeight 550 they stay where there are and if the stage is resized bigger then they lock to the top side and bottom. Ive got so far with it and it works ok but if i try and resize the window randomly with the mouse ( like clicking the bottom right hand corner and squiggle the mouse around it acts weirdly.
Ok, not sure if this is just me, or if it is everyone - and i have looked for information on this a lot but cannot find anything on it.... I do a lot of 'aligning' in actionscript, and to align objects say to the bottom of your page you could do something simple like; my_mc._y = Stage.height - my_mc.height Which worked fine in Flash Mx2k4, but now in Flash 8 objects seem to align directly to the Stage and not the Page so to speak. Was wondering if anyone knew if this functionality had been changed in the new version of flash or if there was a new 'ammended' way of aligning objects on your page regardless of the 'Stage'.
I want flash banner to span acros the screen so I put width="100%" and Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; ok. But, this way all its content is centered. I want it to stick on the left, and so I put this code in it:
Code: onEnterFrame = function () { _root._x = 0.5 * (750 /* original document width */ - Stage.width); }
This works. But the way this thing works when I resize browser window is far, very far from smooth. I tried to change it to
Code: onEnterFrame = function () { var rx = 0.5 * (750 - Stage.width); _root._x = rx + 0.1 /* or another number */ * (_root._x - rx); }
I am wondering if there is some straightforward way to do this, like some hidden FLA setting, or some Stage/_root property, and if there is no, how the hell to script it?
I'm creationg a full screen projector presentation and i'm havin issues with the stage align on full screen. it opens in the middle of the stage and is chopping off the top of the large stage. does anyone know the as2 for Stage.align="T"; ?
I've used the following code to create a textField and style it with a little CSS my problem is the textFeild is as wide as the stage and I want to center the text so its in the middle of the stage but when i use the css attribute textAlign the text is almost all the way to the right instead of centered
PHP Code:
var msg19:TextField = new TextField(); msg19.width = stage.stageWidth; msg19.height = stage.stageHeight;
The following code blocks create a movie clip 20px high and align it to the bottom of the stage (I add 100px to stageHeight because by default it traces 300 instead of 400). Regardless, both code blocks work when tested in Flash.In HTML however, only the first code block works.The second code block produces a blank HTML page. The second block is so that I can change the footer's height and still have it sit at the bottom of the stage...Considering "footerY" traces 380px, I have no idea how the two code blocks are so different that one HTML page makes the clip visible and the other doesn't.
Code: var footerHeight:uint = 20; // var footerY:uint = (stage.stageHeight + 100) - footerHeight; // trace(footerY);
I've been putting off asking this question and have tried to resolve it myself since it would seem to be so basic; however after much frustration , here goes:Can a display object (ie an instance of a class loaded from the library such as a filled rectangle {trying to keep this simple} be positioned on the main stage by using the following syntax:myrecTangle.stage.align = StageAlign.BOTTOM;I have created a fairly simple class to load objects to the stage by class type (recTangle) and name (myrecTangle) and all works fine up to the positioning. The objects are created and named properly and are placed on stage; however, they are all placed on stage at 0,0 stage coordinates. I can postion them anywhere using x. and .y values but when I use syntax similar to that above they are still positioned at 0,0. There are no errors thrown. I have also tried to create a sprite for each, load them into the sprite and addChild the sprite to the stage. They are still positioned on stage at 0,0. Is the stage.align/StageAlign syntax peculiar to absolute main stage positioning or am I allowed to use it also for object positioning.
How do you set stage.align to center (vertical and horizontal)? StageAlign only defines corners and edges, but I know that centered is possible because that's the default behavior?
Is there a way to say "only use the coords of the viewable area" when aligning a mc that is masking a really wide object? (I'm looping through XML and duplicating MC's inside a centered mc and under a mask.)
I'm doing some tests and I'm trying to create a simple presentation. It's not something I'll be using online. I just want it to present some things at school. Since I don't know the resolution of the monitor at school, I wanted something I could max the window and rest with the content (stage) centered. At start, everything was working fine but sudenly the stage started to be aligned to top left when exported and windows maximized. Here's my code:
The bkg.swf is an external background I'm using... it ajusts it's size to fill all the window automaticaly. When I first wrote this code, it was working fine. Than I added some objects and MC's to the stage and now whenever I export the file it's aligned to the top left of my window.