ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Variables From Input Text Fields?
May 15, 2008
I have a form that will require the user to type in some figures (into the input text fields) which will need to be totaled up at the end.
Would it be recommended to execute this function by sending it to php and then back to flash or is there a better way to do it within flash?
Again all I want to do is get the sum of all input text variables (all having number values).
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When I test the movie, it looks like it showing the style sheet (font size, font, etc...) inside the dynamic text box. If I change the variable of the box to "_root.winnings_mc.myMoney" it seems to track initially, but now my updateMoney function in my main script does not work.
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Oct 14, 2003
I was wondering if anyone could please send me info user input text fields. I was wanting to set up a section in my flash site where the user
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b) second field they type in their email address
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Nov 24, 2004
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_root.b_add.onRelease = function () {_root.createTextField("myLabel", 10, -38, -15, 76, 29.7);
_root.myLabel.type = "input";
_root.myLabel.text = "insert label";
_root.myLabel.wordWrap = true;
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Oct 14, 2003
send me info user input text fields. I was wanting to set up a section in my flash site where the user a) types in their name in first field
b) second field they type in their email address
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Mar 6, 2012
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Jul 21, 2010
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getURL("http://www,zimbio,com&username=" + userName + "&password=" + passWord)
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Anyways, some fields (like email and username) worked, but some (like password and 're-enter email', did not work.
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getURL("[URL]" + userName + "&password=" + passWord)
Anyways, some fields (like email and username) worked, but some (like password and 're-enter email', did not work.
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Dec 5, 2010
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Mar 6, 2011
I have some input text boxes on a form. The text within those boxes is appearing in the top left, so looks kind of stupid. I thought this would be easy to correct by moving the text away from the edges with some coordinates something like in the following:[code]Unfortunately myTextBox.text is a string so won't allow x and y values to be applied to it. Can anyone tell me how I can use actionscript to move the text around within the Input text box?
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Mar 6, 2012
I'm creating a simple quiz which has 3 questions. Each question has an input text field next to it for the user to type their answer. There is also one submit button underneath the 3 questions.
What I'm needing is some actionscript so they can only progress to the next frame by clicking the submit button once ALL 3 text fields have text in it. It doesn't have to detect any specific text, just that there is something put into each one. If there hasn't been, then it'll pop up with text asking them to complete all the questions first.
ActionScript Code:
submit.onRelease = function() {
if ((theanswer.text == "" || theanswer.text == undefined) && (theanswer2.text == "" || theanswer2.text == undefined) && (theanswer3.text == "" || theanswer3.text
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Oct 28, 2003
I am encountering this problem where I need a user to enter data in a text field but I can't invalidate their input if they just enter spaces. What I mean is that right now I can alert the user to enter the data in the text field (required field in form type of situation) if they don't enter any characters but the glitch of my system is that it goes through if they just enter spaces with the space bar. QUESTION: Can I find out that the characters in my text field entered by the user are not SPACES??
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Oct 28, 2003
I am encountering this problem where I need a user to enter data in a text field but I can't invalidate their input if they just enter spaces. What I mean is that right now I can alert the user to enter the data in the text field (required field in form type of situation) if they don't enter any characters but the glitch of my system is that it goes through if they just enter spaces with the space bar.
Can I find out that the characters in my text field entered by the user are not SPACES?
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Mar 13, 2011
Adding button with dynamic text fields
I haven't used flash for a while so I'm a bit rusty.
I'm simple trying to add a Button with a dynamic text field and a over state to the button that changes the color of the text.
I want to create a list of nav links and then have an over state on the links.
I have a button in the library with an over state and a text field. The button is exported for Actionscript.
import flash.display.*;
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Mar 21, 2007
If it's possible to restrict hard returns in text input fields? I've tried something like this:
my_txt.restrict="^u0013", and a bunch of variations thereof, but nothing seems to keep the Enter key from doing it's thing. Second best would be to traverse through a string a user has entered and replace hard returns with a space or dash, but again I've had no luck looking for
I've tried entering text and hard returns into a dynamic textfield set to input, but when I try this:
var n:Number = my_txt.indexOf("
trace("n: "+n) //traces "n: -1"
View 4 Replies
Aug 23, 2009
it's possible to restrict hard returns in text input fields? I've tried something like this:my_txt.restrict="^u0013", and a bunch of variations thereof, but nothing seems to keep the Enter key from doing it's thing. Second best would be to traverse through a string a user has entered and replace hard returns with a space or dash, but again I've had no luck looking for or . I've tried entering text and hard returns into a dynamic textfield set to input, but when I try this:
var n:Number = my_txt.indexOf("
trace("n: "+n) //traces "n: -1"
View 7 Replies
Jun 18, 2011
I am just trying to check the contents of text field that the user can enter text into.
Here's the code:
btn_check.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAnswer);
function checkAnswer(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (answer.text=="48%") {
} else {
messageBox.text="INCORRECT. TRY AGAIN.";
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Jan 26, 2012
I'm pretty new to AS 3. I've been tasked with converting an online calculator from AS2 to AS3 and am having trouble figuring out how to get one of the functions to work. There are several input fields, restricted to numbers, which are ordered by tabIndex. When you enter a value and hit the 'Enter' key, it deletes the numbers the user just typed and focuses in on the now blank text field. What I need it to do is focus on the text field, and instead of deleting the text, select it.
txt1.tabIndex = 1;
txt2.tabIndex = 2;
txt3.tabIndex = 3;
txt4.tabIndex = 4;
txt5.tabIndex = 5;
[Code] .....
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