ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling A JS Function To Change IFrame URL?
Mar 1, 2008
For over a week now, I've bee struggling with this problem for my current project, which involves many more challenges besides this one, and is soon to reach the deadline. Needless to sayHere, is a simple HTML page with an iFrame and a button that changes the source URL of that iFrame. The following is the page source, which can also be viewed from browser - simple as that.
I have a .swf that has to load in a iFrame and needs to call a browser cookie javascript function that lives on the parent page that loads the iFrame.I'm using this:
I have a SWF that's embedded in a page with an IFrame. (well, it's actually another webpage with a SWF embeded in THAT that's in the IFrame).I'm trying to use ExternalInterface to call a Javascript function that resides on the uppermost parent page (the one that's actually loaded into the browswer). Not surprisingly, this isn't working.Is there any way to direct an ExternalInterface call to a parent web page? Or is there any other better way of doing this?
I have created a function on the root timeline, to be called at a certain point (when the character is on a certain frame and so is the certain item, he loses a life)the lives_mc advances frame by frame to show lives being lost.heres the function
Code: function loseLife(){ if(_root.lives_mc._currentframe=1){ _root.lives_mc._currentframe=1[code].....
I have been using Flash for years by the skin of my teeth. I like the asthetics so I can seem to stop using it. Anyway. I just threw this website together using a flash menu at the top and an iframe in the center to change the content. I know I could just re-do the whole site and make it work but I think that I am probably missing a really simple code fix in Flash to make Firefox load the pages in the iFrame. The website is and I am on a mac so I did it checking Safari and it worked perfect. Than my husband checked it in Firefox and it kept opening a new window instead of loading into the frame. [code]...
Is there a simple code addition I can use to tell Firefox to target the frame?
What I am trying to do is to link my Flash buttons using as3 to make an iframe change the html page its showing every time I click on a different button. The web page is as follow: An html page containing a Flash menu and one iframe
I was using this code with no result: Code inside Flash SWF File var bt1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("[URL]"); function Fbt1(e:MouseEvent) : void{navigateToURL(bt1,"body");} bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Fbt1);
Code Inside HTML Page <iframe src="[URL]" name="body" align="center" width="1010" height="500" margenwidth="1010" margenheigth="260" frameborder="0">Browser dont suport iframes</iframe></TD>
I am doing a site with a top flash nav, and Iframe with some flash and html in it.Is there a way to have the flash in the Iframe give actions to the flash nav??when you hit the porperties button, i want the nav to change to FOR SALE.something like:
I have an AS3 function that loads and audio file and then plays it. I have the pre-loader for the first audio file working - now I need to run the pre-load function before the 2nd audio file starts.
i'm trying to modify some code and can't figure out what the issue i'm having it. this is the(shortened) code:
public static function Lose():void { trace("OVER!"); Clock.stop();[code]...
this is the error i get: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method OverIt.i just want to call a function from inside of the public static funtion.both function are inside this class:
Okay so I am reading through sens tutorial on OOP and updating my game that I am making. It is much easier to code this way (IMO) but still hitting snags.I am trying to get through this code:
Okay so I am reading through sens tutorial on OOP and updating my game that I am making. It is much easier to code this way (IMO) but still hitting snags. I am trying to get through this code:
I'm trying to get this one function to be able to call many functions (not at once, but call many possible ones)In other words, I'm trying to get this variable to be named as a function. That way, this one variable can create multiple functions.example:
actionscript Code: class Thing extends MovieClip{ var funcvar; var othervar; function onLoad() funcvar = "YYY"; othervar = "ZZZ"; function onEnterFrame()
Update: Not sure if this code would work, but couldn't get the name of the sprite where c.getChildByName(spName) is null, spName is the string name of the sprite.[code]...
I hope that this is possible. I can't seem to find any info on it on the web. I need to call a function from within a function. I'm not sure if there is a name for doing this that I don't know of?This is some example code of what I'm trying to achieve:
Actionscript Code: someTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, functionWithin);function mainFunction():void{ function functionWithin():void }}
I read online, and I understand kinda what the error is stating. Though, I can't find out why.So basically what I understand is that I am calling a function that is not a function?ere is the error and code portions that are required.TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a VideoPlayer_fla::MainTimeline/startVideoPlayer()at VideoPlayer_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
I am refactoring some code. I have a PHP page that contains a MySQL query and stores the result in a PHP variable $my_result. This result is then echoed to a Flash SWF during embedding with SWFObject. I now want to call this PHP page that makes the query from a javascript function like so - one change I have made to the PHP is that instead of storing the result in a variable $my_result I am echoing the result. Javascript function to call the PHP page and make the database query
I am making a character walk. This code will make him wobble to the right and when thats done it will trigger him to wobble to the left and then call the function again to continue the loop.I can get the loop to work fine by calling the function but how do I STOP the function? Also I want to call it later on. Is there a way to start and stop a function?
i have a movie clip of a square in the library exported as Square1, i place 2 instances of it on stage and push them to an array called ar i add event listeners to both ar[0] and ar[1] to do a certain function. i need flash to tell me wheter ar[0] or ar[1] called the function.
I'm writing a class that utilizes the whole screen resolution and need a movieClip to adjust itself in accordance to that. That "almost work". The problem is that I cannot call functions when the resize listener kicks (onResize = function()) in, and I don't understand why I want to call the function centreMe() from within the onResize function.
Code: import mx.transitions.Tween; import mx.transitions.easing.*; import mx.utils.Delegate; class centre { public function centre() { [Code] .....
In Flex 4.5 is there please a way to control how blurred is background when displaying an Alert or PopupManager.addPopUp()?I have playing cards displayed on the background of my game, when displaying a modal popup window with possible bids to the user and can't blur the cards too much (because the player should see them before deciding what to bid).
I'm using FLex Builder and in my Main class I load an external swf. In the external swf there is a movieclip on the stage called house. In the library I have that movieclips Class name set to a class I defined called com.buildings.House
When I load the swf from the main class I'm trying to access a function called setup in the class called House. I have tried a bunch of different ways but I get errors for them all.
Code: private function onLoadSwf( url : String) : void { var loader : Loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoadComplete); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoadInit);
I'm at a loss right now and its driving me mad. In flash I used to use the var externalSwf : MovieClip =; example and it worked but with Flex Builder its throwing error saying setup is not a function.
With the Imap interface its saying externalSwf is null.
I have a program that is displaying a number of images from an XML file. The images are being resized and displayed through a loop function. I'm creating a new Loader each time through the loop and adding it to the stage. The problem is, I then want to create an event listener that will call a function for a mouse event for each image. The first issue I'm running into: how do I determine which image is which after loading them to the stage (say I want to display a large version of the image when the small image is clicked)? Secondly, since I'm creating the Loader within the first function, how do I pass the Loader to another function, say the one called by the mouse event listener? I'm sure I'm going about the fundamentals the wrong way.